137 research outputs found

    Impact of Balance Scorecard Dimensions on Bank Performance: Evidence from Nepal

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    The purpose of this study is to examine the status of BSC dimensions and their impact on bank performance. A formal questionnaire was used for collecting data. For evaluating responses, a five-point Likert-type scale has been used. A total of 1,080 questioners were distributed to the managers (including corporate and senior managers, officers, and junior managers) of the 27 banks with an average of 40 questionnaires per bank and a total of 562 (52.04 percent) available responses were obtained and evaluated in this research. Empirical tests and observations were used for descriptive statistics and the regression model. The findings show that the use of the BSC method is satisfactory in the Nepalese banking sector. Nepalese banks have improved relative performance on four of the BSC dimensions from the financial perspective. Also, the findings show a strong and significant impact of all four of the BSC dimensions considered in this study on the performance of the banks. This study indicates that a wider examination of corporate success is offered through the BSC approach. The Nepalese banking sector can use BSC to more comprehensively assess their organizational performance. Keywords: Balanced scorecard, Commercial banks, Dimensions, Impact, Organizational performance, Status DOI: 10.7176/RJFA/11-17-02 Publication date:October 31st 2020

    Comparative Functional HRM Practices in Nepalese Banking and Insurance Companies

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    The main objective of this research is to examine the core aspects of the practices of functional human resource management (HRM) in Nepalese commercial banks and insurance companies. This research is focused on primary sources of data. Data was gathered from 10 commercial banks and 10 insurance companies of Nepal by creating a set of questionnaires and distributing these questionnaires to the officer-level employees of each of the commercial banks and insurance companies. The findings point out that there are significant differences between commercial banks and insurance companies in functional HRM practices in terms of employee selection and placement and in the management of pay & bonus schemes. Commercial banks are often found to typically have a higher level of HRM practices, while insurance companies have a lower level of HRM practices. There is a possibility of the mobility of human resources from insurance companies to commercial banks. Therefore, both commercial banks and insurance companies in Nepal must ensure that investment in their human resources and HRM practices definitely attract and retain competent people from the job market. Keywords: Human resource management, Employees, Practices, Commercial banks, Insurance companies DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/12-30-01 Publication date:October 31st 202

    The Relationship between Balanced Scorecard Evaluation Approach and Organizational Performance of Commercial Banks of Nepal

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    The main underlying aim of this study is to examine the relationship between the four perspectives of the BSC evaluation approach and organizational performance. This is descriptive and analytical research. The questionnaire survey is used for collecting information. A total of 945 questionnaires were distributed among the managers of 27 commercial banks. A response rate of 56.40 percent was obtained from these banks including state-owned banks, private banks, and joint-venture banks. The empirical results show that the overall performance of the commercial banks is adequate and satisfactory in all four BSC perspectives. The results of correlation analysis have also revealed positive and significant relationships among all the four dimensions of BSC and organizational performance. Therefore, the application of the BSC evaluation approach is the most important for increasing the organizational performance of companies and businesses. Keywords: Approach, Balanced scorecard, Evaluation, Organizational performance, Perspective DOI: 10.7176/RJFA/11-18-01 Publication date:September 30th 202

    Legal Provisions and Union Leader Expectations for Enforcement of Quality of Work-Life Initiatives in Nepal

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    The purpose of this paper is to analyze the emerging views and approaches to work-life quality (QWL), legal provisions, and expectations of the union leader for the enforcement of QWL initiatives in Nepal. It reviews and describes three major labor laws such as the Labor Act, 2017, ChildĀ Labor (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 2000, and Trade Union Act, 1992. To understand the expectations of union leaders, a questionnaire survey is administered by approaching 55 members of trade unions associated with All Nepal Federations of Trade Unions (ANTUF), General Federation of Nepalese Trade Unions (GEFONT), and Nepal Trade Union Congress (NTUC). The variables of QWL are adapted from Walton (1975). The evidence shows three approaches to QWL such as the scientific management approach, the human relations approach, and orientation to work are in practice. The results also reveal that Nepalese union leaders primarily expect adequate and fair compensation, safe and healthy working conditions, and opportunity for continuous growth and security to maintain an effective QWL situation in Nepal. Effective implementation of the QWL-related legal provisions favors a better QWL situation in Nepal. The ignorance of QWL initiatives would undoubtedly have negative consequences for Nepalese companies. The provisions in the labor laws are seemed to be enough if they are honestly implemented. Hence, effective implementation of the QWL-related legal provisions, thus, favors a better QWL situation in Nepal. Keywords: Acts, Enforcement, Government, Legal provisions, Quality of work-life, Union leader DOI: 10.7176/JLPG/102-01 Publication date:October 31st 2020

    Diversity of Demographic Characteristics and Work Performance in Nepalese Banking Industry

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    Nepal is ethnically heterogeneous and is characterized by several workplace-reflective diversities. This paper established the relationship between the diversity of demographic characteristics and the performance of employees in the Nepalese banking industry. A structured questionnaire was used as a tool of the survey among the employees of three commercial banks of Nepal and 61.11 percent of responses were received and use for data analysis purposes. The results indicate that diversity of demographic characteristics in terms of ethnic diversity, education diversity, age diversity, and gender diversity have a strong and positive relationship with work performance. The results of this study can be used to build strategies for optimizing the implementation of the diversity of demographic characteristics of employees in their work performance. Keywords: Demographic characteristics, Diversity, Ethnicity, Education, Age, Gender, Performance DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/12-36-01 Publication date: December 31st 202

    Competitive Situations and Significance of Management Accounting System in Business Firms of Nepal

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    The purpose of this study is to examine the significant factors of the management accounting system (MAS) in Nepalese business firms and to examine whether these factors differ in three competitive situations, such as the low, moderate, and high level of competition. It presents the results based on a survey of business firms including sole trading, partnership, and private limited manufacturing firms of industrial estates of Nepal. The structured questionnaires were distributed to the financial managers, production managers, and operations managers of the sampled firms. For the purposes of the study, 83.33 percent of the questionnaire was collected and used. This study shows that the management accounting system has been used by most businesses as a compilation of information to determine from the perspective of its significance, and the management accounting system used is very effective and has led to the success of business firms. Mainly, this study has explored three major significant factors of MAS such as decision-making and performance analysis, proper allocation of resources and cost reduction, and planning and budgeting tool. The findings of this research provide a useful guideline to business firms, especially their managers, to make decisions in light of the current changing management accounting system and competitive situations. Keywords: Business firms, Competitive situation, Factors, Management accounting system, Significance DOI: 10.7176/RJFA/11-24-01 Publication date: December 31st 202

    Impact of Merger and Acquisition Practice on Job Stress: Evidence from Nepal

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    M&A has become one of the key aspects of corporate change and transition. It has also become a source of uncertainly and stress for everyone. Nepal Rastra Bank has extensively introduced the policy of M&A in the banking and financial sector of Nepal. The main aim of this study is to examine the impact of M&A practices on job stress of employees and to suggest some policies to manage such job stress. This uses both descriptive and analytical approaches to research. A set of a self-administered questionnaire used to explore the impact of M&A practice on the job stress of employees. A total of 500 questionnaires (125 in each merged bank) were distributed to all level managers, branch managers, and other staff of various departments of the commercial banks involved in big M&A practice in Nepal. Only 351 (70.20%) of total distributed questionnaires were returned as a source of data. A five-point Likert scale is used for measuring responses. This study uses analytical statistical tools such as mean, standard deviation, regression analysis, and ANOVA test for analyzing data. The results indicate that individual-related problems, policies & procedure-related problems, job-related problems, and organization-related problems are the key stressors in M&A practice. The results also reveal that all these problems have a significantly positive impact on employee job stress after M&A practice. This study also suggests several policies for managing and reducing the job stress of employees after M&A practices. Keywords: Acquisition, Employees, Job, Merger, Stress DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/12-24-01 Publication date:August 31st 202

    Influences of Work-Related Variables on Organizational Commitment of Nepalese Employees

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    The purpose of this study is to examine the influences of work-related variables (organizational climate, supervisory behavior, role conflict, and role clarity) on organizational commitment (attachment, internalization, normative, and continuance). Data was gathered from 10 Nepal Stock Exchange (NEPSE) listed companies. In total, 250 questionnaires were provided to these companies' employees and a response rate of 71.60 percent was achieved. For data analysis purposes, descriptive statistics and multiple regression analysis with stepwise methods were adopted. Organizational climate, supervisory behavior, role conflict, and role clarity were found to have major impacts on organizational commitment. Out of these, the organizational climate was found to be a common predictor of all the commitment components. Therefore, it is required to focus on creating a sound and effective organizational climate to enhance organizational commitment to companies. Keywords: Commitment, Organizational climate, role clarity, role conflict, supervisory behavior DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/12-32-01 Publication date: November 30th 202

    Strategic Profit Planning and Organizational Performance in Public Sector Commercial Banks of Nepal

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    This study aimed to examine strategic profit planning and its effect on the organizational performance of the public sector commercial banks of Nepal. Using a standardized questionnaire, primary data was obtained. Based on a judgment sampling method, 450 employees were taken for the sample. 72.70 percent of senior and middle-level employees participated in this study. In this study, budget planning, budget participation, budgetary sophistication, and budgetary control were considered as the independent variables and organizational performance was a dependent variable. The findings showed that the dimensions of strategic profit planning had a positive and important impact on the organizational performance of public commercial banks in terms of budget planning and budget participation. However, the other two dimensions of strategic profit planning like budgetary sophistication and budgetary control had a negative impact on the organizational performance of these banks. In such realities, companies need to focus on other factors that contribute to better performance apart from strategic profit planning dimensions, like employee motivation and invest more in staff development to enhance their organizational performance. Keywords: Budgeting, Commercial banks, Organizational performance, Public sector, Strategic profit planning DOI: 10.7176/RJFA/11-22-01 Publication date: November 30th 202

    Variations of Nutrient Foramen of Femur and its Clinical Implications

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    Introduction: Nutrient foramen is the largest opening on the shaft of the femur that conveys nutrient artery into the marrow cavity. Knowledge on locations of nutrient foramina is essential during surgical procedures as well as to rule out if the fracture line passes through the foramina. The purpose of the study was to determine the number and position of nutrient foramina in relation to length and topography of the femur. Methods: The study model was descriptive, cross-sectional study that included 151 femurs (71 right and 80 left side). The total number, location, and direction of nutrient foramina were investigated. Total length of femur and distance of foramen from the proximal end was measured with the 500mm 20" Digital Vernier Nib Jaw Caliper Metric/ Imperial Machine-DRO and finally Foraminal Index was calculated. Results: The analysis revealed 119(78.81%) of the femurs with single nutrient foramen, 31(20.52%) with double and 1(0.67%) with triple nutrient foramina. Foraminal Index II was found in 74(86.05%) on right side and 90(91.84%) on left side. The most common location of nutrient foramen was the medial lip of linea aspera (n= 77, 41.85%). All of the foramina were directed towards the proximal end. Conclusion: The present study has reported the majority of nutrient foramina located in the middle third of femur along the linea aspera. Thus, linea aspera should not be stripped off during surgical procedures to avoid damage to the nutrient arteries
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