60 research outputs found

    Impact of Transceiver Impairments on the Capacity of Dual-Hop Relay Massive MIMO Systems

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    Despite the deleterious effect of hardware impairments on communication systems, most prior works have not investigated their impact on widely used relay systems. Most importantly, the application of inexpensive transceivers, being prone to hardware impairments, is the most cost-efficient way for the implementation of massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems. Consequently, the direction of this paper is towards the investigation of the impact of hardware impairments on MIMO relay networks with large number of antennas. Specifically, we obtain the general expression for the ergodic capacity of dual-hop (DH) amplify-and-forward (AF) relay systems. Next, given the advantages of the free probability (FP) theory with comparison to other known techniques in the area of large random matrix theory, we pursue a large limit analysis in terms of number of antennas and users by shedding light to the behavior of relay systems inflicted by hardware impairments.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, accepted in IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM 2015) - Workshop on Massive MIMO: From theory to practice, 201

    Sensing-Throughput Tradeoff for Interweave Cognitive Radio System: A Deployment-Centric Viewpoint

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    Secondary access to the licensed spectrum is viable only if interference is avoided at the primary system. In this regard, different paradigms have been conceptualized in the existing literature. Of these, Interweave Systems (ISs) that employ spectrum sensing have been widely investigated. Baseline models investigated in the literature characterize the performance of IS in terms of a sensing-throughput tradeoff, however, this characterization assumes the knowledge of the involved channels at the secondary transmitter, which is unavailable in practice. Motivated by this fact, we establish a novel approach that incorporates channel estimation in the system model, and consequently investigate the impact of imperfect channel estimation on the performance of the IS. More particularly, the variation induced in the detection probability affects the detector's performance at the secondary transmitter, which may result in severe interference at the primary users. In this view, we propose to employ average and outage constraints on the detection probability, in order to capture the performance of the IS. Our analysis reveals that with an appropriate choice of the estimation time determined by the proposed model, the degradation in performance of the IS can be effectively controlled, and subsequently the achievable secondary throughput can be significantly enhanced.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures, Accepted to be published in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication

    Ergodic Capacity Analysis of AF DH MIMO Relay Systems with Residual Transceiver Hardware Impairments : Conventional and Large System Limits

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    © 2017 IEEE Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Despite the inevitable presence of transceiver impairments, most prior work on multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) wireless systems assumes perfect transceiver hardware, which is unrealistic in practice. In this direction, motivated by the increasing interest in MIMO relay systems due to their improved spectral efficiency and coverage, this paper investigates the impact of residual hardware impairments on the ergodic capacity of dual-hop (DH) amplify-and-forward (AF) MIMO relay systems. Specifically, a thorough characterization of the ergodic channel capacity of DH AF relay systems in the presence of hardware impairments is presented herein for both the finite and large antenna regimes by employing results from finite-dimensional and large random matrix theory, respectively. Regarding the former setting, we derive the exact ergodic capacity as well as closed-form expressions for tight upper and lower bounds. Furthermore, we provide an insightful study for the low signal-to-noise ratio regimes. Next, the application of the free probability theory allows us to study the effects of the hardware impairments in future 5G deployments including a large number of antennas. While these results are obtained for the large system limit, simulations show that the asymptotic results are quite precise even for conventional system dimensions.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio


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    The fracture behaviour of particle composites made of polymers under impact loading is predicted in this research using a hybrid machine learning approach dubbed Hybrid Artificial Neural Networks and Random Forest (HANN-RF), with a focus on mode-I fracture. The goal of the study is to create a model for prediction that accurately links input variables to histories of crack initiation, fracture toughness, and the intensity of the stress factor (SIF). A full dataset is created, with inputs for the composites' compositional properties and impact loading scenarios. The HANN-RF model combines a Random Forest (RF) method and an ANN (Artificial Neural Network) in order to improve robustness and accuracy in forecasting. Metrics like MAE, MAPE for short, and accuracy are used in model evaluation. The outcomes show that the HANN-RF technique successfully predicts and forecasts mode-I fracture behaviour, offering insightful information for evaluating the effect on resilience and longevity of particle polymer composites in a variety of applications

    Dark Matter and Experiments for its Identification

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    After Fritz Zwicky, through various theoretical models, several dark matter events have been proposed. but none of them is yet discovered. Recent experiment shows that only around 5% of the total matters present in the whole universe are visual. Rest matter is still unknown to us by any present experimental tools. this leads that detection of dark matter is one of the very challenging & curios goal for experimental physicists. For the search of suitable dark matter candidates and for rear physics events, high Purity germanium detectors, Spherical gaseous chamber detector and few more hybrid-detectors are suitable for these purposes. We proposed that any suitable detector hosted under deep sea water will be more effective than the under ground or mountain caverns

    IoV-based Deployment and Scheduling of Charging Infrastructure in Intelligent Transportation Systems

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    Internet of vehicles (IoV) is an emerging paradigm to exchange and analyze information collected from sensors using wireless technologies between vehicles and people, vehicles and infrastructure, and vehicles-to-vehicles. With the recent increase in the number of electric vehicles (EVs), the seamless integration of IoV in EVs and charging infrastructure can offer environmentally sustainable and budget-friendly transportation. In this paper, we propose an IoV-based framework that consists of deployment and scheduling of a mobile charging infrastructure. For the deployment, we formulate an optimization problem to minimize the total cost of mobile charging infrastructure placement while considering constraints on the number of EVs that can be charged simultaneously. The formulated problem is mixedinteger programming and solved by using the branch and bound algorithm. We then propose an IoV-based scheduling scheme for EVs charging to minimize travel distance and charging costs while satisfying the constraints of charging time requirement of EVs and resources of a charging station.We consider passive road sensors and traffic sensors in the proposed IoV-based scheduling scheme to enable EV users for finding a charging station that can fulfill their requirements, as well as to enable service providers to know about the demand in the area. Simulation results illustrate the significant impact of the optimal deployment of charging infrastructure and scheduling optimization on the efficiency of EVs charging

    A combinatorial approach of comprehensive QTL-based comparative genome mapping and transcript profiling identified a seed weight-regulating candidate gene in chickpea

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    High experimental validation/genotyping success rate (94–96%) and intra-specific polymorphic potential (82–96%) of 1536 SNP and 472 SSR markers showing in silico polymorphism between desi ICC 4958 and kabuli ICC 12968 chickpea was obtained in a 190 mapping population (ICC 4958 × ICC 12968) and 92 diverse desi and kabuli genotypes. A high-density 2001 marker-based intra-specific genetic linkage map comprising of eight LGs constructed is comparatively much saturated (mean map-density: 0.94 cM) in contrast to existing intra-specific genetic maps in chickpea. Fifteen robust QTLs (PVE: 8.8–25.8% with LOD: 7.0–13.8) associated with pod and seed number/plant (PN and SN) and 100 seed weight (SW) were identified and mapped on 10 major genomic regions of eight LGs. One of 126.8 kb major genomic region harbouring a strong SW-associated robust QTL (Caq'SW1.1: 169.1–171.3 cM) has been delineated by integrating high-resolution QTL mapping with comprehensive marker-based comparative genome mapping and differential expression profiling. This identified one potential regulatory SNP (G/A) in the cis-acting element of candidate ERF (ethylene responsive factor) TF (transcription factor) gene governing seed weight in chickpea. The functionally relevant molecular tags identified have potential to be utilized for marker-assisted genetic improvement of chickpea

    A combinatorial approach of comprehensive QTL-based comparative genome mapping and transcript profiling identified a seed weight-regulating candidate gene in chickpea

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    High experimental validation/genotyping success rate (94–96%) and intra-specific polymorphic potential (82–96%) of 1536 SNP and 472 SSR markers showing in silico polymorphism between desi ICC 4958 and kabuli ICC 12968 chickpea was obtained in a 190 mapping population (ICC 4958 × ICC 12968) and 92 diverse desi and kabuli genotypes. A high-density 2001 marker-based intra-specific genetic linkage map comprising of eight LGs constructed is comparatively much saturated (mean map-density: 0.94 cM) in contrast to existing intra-specific genetic maps in chickpea. Fifteen robust QTLs (PVE: 8.8–25.8% with LOD: 7.0–13.8) associated with pod and seed number/plant (PN and SN) and 100 seed weight (SW) were identified and mapped on 10 major genomic regions of eight LGs. One of 126.8 kb major genomic region harbouring a strong SW-associated robust QTL (Caq'SW1.1: 169.1–171.3 cM) has been delineated by integrating high-resolution QTL mapping with comprehensive marker-based comparative genome mapping and differential expression profiling. This identified one potential regulatory SNP (G/A) in the cis-acting element of candidate ERF (ethylene responsive factor) TF (transcription factor) gene governing seed weight in chickpea. The functionally relevant molecular tags identified have potential to be utilized for marker-assisted genetic improvement of chickpea

    Ultra-high density intra-specific genetic linkage maps accelerate identification of functionally relevant molecular tags governing important agronomic traits in chickpea

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    We discovered 26785 and 16573 high-quality SNPs differentiating two parental genotypes of a RIL mapping population using reference desi and kabuli genome-based GBS assay. Of these, 3625 and 2177 SNPs have been integrated into eight desi and kabuli chromosomes, respectively in order to construct ultra-high density (0.20–0.37 cM) intra-specific chickpea genetic linkage maps. One of these constructed high-resolution genetic map has potential to identify 33 major genomic regions harbouring 35 robust QTLs (PVE: 17.9–39.7%) associated with three agronomic traits, which were mapped within <1 cM mean marker intervals on desi chromosomes. The extended LD (linkage disequilibrium) decay (~15 cM) in chromosomes of genetic maps have encouraged us to use a rapid integrated approach (comparative QTL mapping, QTL-region specific haplotype/LD-based trait association analysis, expression profiling and gene haplotype-based association mapping) rather than a traditional QTL map-based cloning method to narrow-down one major seed weight (SW) robust QTL region. It delineated favourable natural allelic variants and superior haplotype-containing one seed-specific candidate embryo defective gene regulating SW in chickpea. The ultra-high-resolution genetic maps, QTLs/genes and alleles/haplotypes-related genomic information generated and integrated strategy for rapid QTL/gene identification developed have potential to expedite genomics-assisted breeding applications in crop plants, including chickpea for their genetic enhancement

    A genome-wide SNP scan accelerates trait-regulatory genomic loci identification in chickpea

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    We identified 44844 high-quality SNPs by sequencing 92 diverse chickpea accessions belonging to a seed and pod trait-specific association panel using reference genome- and de novo-based GBS (genotyping-by-sequencing) assays. A GWAS (genome-wide association study) in an association panel of 211, including the 92 sequenced accessions, identified 22 major genomic loci showing significant association (explaining 23–47% phenotypic variation) with pod and seed number/plant and 100-seed weight. Eighteen trait-regulatory major genomic loci underlying 13 robust QTLs were validated and mapped on an intra-specific genetic linkage map by QTL mapping. A combinatorial approach of GWAS, QTL mapping and gene haplotype-specific LD mapping and transcript profiling uncovered one superior haplotype and favourable natural allelic variants in the upstream regulatory region of a CesA-type cellulose synthase (Ca_Kabuli_CesA3) gene regulating high pod and seed number/plant (explaining 47% phenotypic variation) in chickpea. The up-regulation of this superior gene haplotype correlated with increased transcript expression of Ca_Kabuli_CesA3 gene in the pollen and pod of high pod/seed number accession, resulting in higher cellulose accumulation for normal pollen and pollen tube growth. A rapid combinatorial genome-wide SNP genotyping-based approach has potential to dissect complex quantitative agronomic traits and delineate trait-regulatory genomic loci (candidate genes) for genetic enhancement in crop plants, including chickpea
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