3 research outputs found

    Оценка влияния рыбхоза «Красная Слобода» на сток реки Морочь

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    Волчек А. А., Парфомук С. И., Шешко Н. Н., Шпендик Н. Н., Дашкевич Д. Н., Сидак С. В., Кухаревич М. Ф. Оценка влияния рыбхоза «Красная Слобода» на сток реки МорочьA comprehensive assessment of the impact of the Krasnaya Sloboda fish farm on the hydrological regime of the Moroch River in the calculated areas was carried out. The following methods were used in the work: field research, desk data processing, geographical analysis, statistical analysis, regression analysis, water balance calculations. The analysis of the hydrological regime of the calculated sections of the river used for the needs of the fish farm made it possible to determine the minimum average monthly water consumption of 95% probability of excess and ecological runoff, taking into account the intra-annual distribution of runoff. For the central section of the Krasnaya Sloboda fish farm, the permissible volume of withdrawal of water resources from the Moroch River has been determined

    Environmental problems caused by the extraction of non-metallic building materials from riverbeds

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    А. А. Волчек, С. И. Парфомук, Н. Н. Шешко, Н. Н. Шпендик, Д. Н. Дашкевич, С. В. Сидак, М. Ф. Кухаревич, И.Н. Розумец. ЭКОЛОГИЧЕСКИЕ ПРОБЛЕМЫ, ВЫЗВАННЫЕ ДОБЫЧЕЙ НЕРУДНЫХ СТРОИТЕЛЬНЫХ МАТЕРИАЛОВ ИЗ РУСЕЛ РЕКExtraction of non-metallic building materials from rivers can lead to negative consequences, such as disruption of the structure of the river bed, change in the balance of sediment intake. It can also lead to the undermining of the fish food supply, destroy spawning grounds, and reduce the ability of the river to self-purification. Data for the section of the Pripyat River at the Lubansky Bridge for the period from 1978 to 2018 were used. To study the impact on the river ecosystem of the planned work on the extraction of non-metallic building materials, an approach was used to determine the ecological runoff when a natural speed regime is formed, which ensures the natural functioning of the ecosystem. Digital models of the bottom relief in 2021 and 2022 showed a positive trend in the formation of sediments in the studied area. The volume of possible material intake was established, which amounted to 33122.5 m3. At the same time, the estimated volume of sediment formation within this site is 11034 m3 per year, then it is possible to carry out work on the intake of non-metallic building materials on the studied section of the river no more than once every three years

    Гидрологические характеристики рек Национального парка «Беловежская пуща»

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    Волчек А. А., Савич-Шемет О. Г., Шешко Н. Н., Парфомук С. И., Шпендик Н. Н., Дашкевич Д. Н., Сидак С. В., Кухаревич М. Ф. Гидрологические характеристики рек Национального парка «Беловежская пуща»The article presents analysis of modern hydrological characteristics of the of Bialowieza Forest rivers’ during the period of instrumental observations and provides a water regime’s forecast assessment of the research territory. The database of Bialowieza Forest rivers’ hydrological characteristics was updated with the help of GIS