313 research outputs found

    Shear Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Inverted-T Deep Beam

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    Contrary to top-loaded deep beams, Inverted-T (IT) deep beams are loaded on ledges at the beam’s bottom chord. The presence of the load near the bottom of the beams creates a tension field in the web at the loading points. An experimental investigation was carried out in which 8 specimens of reinforced concrete IT deep beams were tested and the effect of the following variables was studied: changing the hanger diameter, hanger arrangement in terms of spacing and distribution distance, hanger reinforcement ratio, vertical and horizontal web shear reinforcement diameter, and spacing. In addition, all the tested beams had long ledges extending to the end of the beam. It was concluded that hanger reinforcement diameter and horizontal web shear reinforcement have an insignificant effect on the IT deep beam capacity. While the change in hanger arrangement, vertical web reinforcement, and ledge length has a significant effect on IT deep beam capacity. The maximum spacing of the hanger reinforcement and the minimum hanger reinforcement ratio passing through the load plate length will be studied in the following publication. A finite element model (FEM) was presented to predict the behavior of IT deep beams. The simulation was carried out using the ABAQUS 2017 software program. The results of the numerical model showed good agreement with the experimental program. Analysis using design codes was checked against the experimental data, where the computed beam capacities were compared to those obtained from the test results. The comparison showed a remarkable difference between the predictions using the design codes and the test results. Computation using design codes significantly underestimated the capacities of the beams. Doi: 10.28991/CEJ-2023-09-05-04 Full Text: PD

    Digistain: a novel biomarker imaging platform for grading breast carcinoma using routinely processed paraffin sections

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    Objective: Digistain is a new technology platform that enables imaging and quantification of a newly conceived biomarker for grading breast carcinoma in routinely processed, unstained paraffin sections without the use of traditional stains or contrasting agents. By recording a unique optical signature to analyze the chemical make-up of a biopsy quantitatively, the technique is unaffected by the subjectivity of traditional grading. Within minutes of loading a slide it yields a highly reproducible and user independent numerical score reflecting the cellularity of the tumour and its nuclear: cytoplasmic ratio. We report here our findings using an objective technique to grade breast tumours using quantitative criteria. Method: H&E stained sections from excision biopsies of 105 cases of invasive breast carcinoma were reviewed and graded using the ElstonEllis grading system. Unstained sections from each case were loaded into the Digistain platform to yield a numerical score - the Digistain Index (DI). Results: The cases were grouped according to histological grading. Mean DIs was calculated for each grade (1,2 and 3) to be 0.56, 0.61, and 0.68 respectively with a maximum standard error of 0.02. The DI spread within each grade was less than that across the three grades, thus validating this index as a viable grading indicator within the context of this study. Conclusion: We believe the new Digistain approach provides for the first time a cost effective and quantitative measure of tumour grade. This can be developed to deliver an effective assessment of prognosis and recurrence risk beyond traditional qualitative measures based on H&E staining protocols

    Expression of Cancer/Testis genes in ductal carcinoma in situ and benign lesions of the breast.

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    Cancer/testis (CT) genes represent a unique class of genes, which are expressed by germ cells, normally silenced in somatic cells, but activated in various cancers. CT proteins can elicit spontaneous immune responses in cancer patients and this feature makes them attractive targets for immunotherapy-based approaches. We have previously reported that CTs are relatively commonly expressed in estrogen receptor (ER) negative, high risk carcinomas. In this study, we examined the expression of selected CT genes in ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS), lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS) and benign proliferative lesions of the breast. ER negative DCIS were found to be associated with significant CT gene expression together with HER2 positivity and a marked stromal immune response

    Correction to: Tumour suppressor EP300, a modulator of paclitaxel resistance and stemness, is downregulated in metaplastic breast cancer

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    In the original publication, Fig. 1 depicting the blot for EP300 in CAL51 cells (Fig. 1c) was unintentionally duplicated with that from MDA-MB-231 cells (Fig. 1d). The new figure given in this erratum depicts the correct EP300 blot in Fig. 1c
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