199 research outputs found

    Evidence that the Occurrence Rate of Hot Jupiters around Sun-like Stars Decreases with Stellar Age

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    We investigate how the occurrence rate of giant planets (minimum mass >0.3MJup> 0.3\, M_\mathrm{Jup}) around Sun-like stars depends on the age, mass, and metallicity of their host stars. We develop a hierarchical Bayesian framework to infer the number of planets per star (NPPS) as a function of both planetary and stellar parameters. The framework fully takes into account the uncertainties in the latter by utilizing the posterior samples for the stellar parameters obtained by fitting stellar isochrone models to the spectroscopic parameters, Gaia DR3 parallaxes, and 2MASS KsK_{\rm s}-band magnitudes adopting a certain bookkeeping prior. We apply the framework to 46 Doppler giants found around a sample of 382 Sun-like stars from the California Legacy Survey catalog that publishes spectroscopic parameters and search completeness for all the surveyed stars. We find evidence that the NPPS of hot Jupiters (orbital period P=1P=1-10days10\,\mathrm{days}) decreases roughly in the latter half of the main sequence over the timescale of O(Gyr)\mathcal{O}(\mathrm{Gyr}), while that of cold Jupiters (P=1P=1-10yr10\,\mathrm{yr}) does not. Assuming that this decrease is real and caused by tidal orbital decay, the modified stellar tidal quality factor QQ^\prime_\star is implied to be O(106)\mathcal{O}(10^6) for a Sun-like main-sequence star orbited by a Jupiter-mass planet with P3daysP\approx 3\,\mathrm{days}.Comment: Accepted by the Astronomical Journal, 19 pages, 11 figure

    OGLE-2013-BLG-0911Lb: A Secondary on the Brown-dwarf Planet Boundary around an M Dwarf

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    We present the analysis of the binary-lens microlensing event OGLE-2013-BLG-0911. The best-fit solutions indicate the binary mass ratio of q 0.03, which differs from that reported in Shvartzvald et al. The event suffers from the well-known close/wide degeneracy, resulting in two groups of solutions for the projected separation normalized by the Einstein radius of s ~ 0.15 or s ~ 7. The finite source and the parallax observations allow us to measure the lens physical parameters. The lens system is an M dwarf orbited by a massive Jupiter companion at very close (M_(host) = 0.30^(+0.08)_(-0.06)M⊙, M_(comp) = 10.1^(+2.9)_(-2.2)M_(Jup), a_(exp) = 0.40^(+0.05)_(-0.04) au) or wide (M_(host) = 0.28^(+0.10)_(-0.08) M⊙, M_(comp) = 9.9^(+3.8)_(-3.5)M_(Jup), a(exp) = 18.0^(+3.8)_(3.5) au) separation. Although the mass ratio is slightly above the planet-brown dwarf (BD) mass-ratio boundary of q = 0.03, which is generally used, the median physical mass of the companion is slightly below the planet-BD mass boundary of 13M_(Jup). It is likely that the formation mechanisms for BDs and planets are different and the objects near the boundaries could have been formed by either mechanism. It is important to probe the distribution of such companions with masses of ~13M_(Jup) in order to statistically constrain the formation theories for both BDs and massive planets. In particular, the microlensing method is able to probe the distribution around low-mass M dwarfs and even BDs, which is challenging for other exoplanet detection methods

    OGLE-2013-BLG-0911Lb: A Secondary on the Brown-dwarf Planet Boundary around an M Dwarf

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    We present the analysis of the binary-lens microlensing event OGLE-2013-BLG-0911. The best-fit solutions indicate the binary mass ratio of q 0.03, which differs from that reported in Shvartzvald et al. The event suffers from the well-known close/wide degeneracy, resulting in two groups of solutions for the projected separation normalized by the Einstein radius of s ~ 0.15 or s ~ 7. The finite source and the parallax observations allow us to measure the lens physical parameters. The lens system is an M dwarf orbited by a massive Jupiter companion at very close (M_(host) = 0.30^(+0.08)_(-0.06)M⊙, M_(comp) = 10.1^(+2.9)_(-2.2)M_(Jup), a_(exp) = 0.40^(+0.05)_(-0.04) au) or wide (M_(host) = 0.28^(+0.10)_(-0.08) M⊙, M_(comp) = 9.9^(+3.8)_(-3.5)M_(Jup), a(exp) = 18.0^(+3.8)_(3.5) au) separation. Although the mass ratio is slightly above the planet-brown dwarf (BD) mass-ratio boundary of q = 0.03, which is generally used, the median physical mass of the companion is slightly below the planet-BD mass boundary of 13M_(Jup). It is likely that the formation mechanisms for BDs and planets are different and the objects near the boundaries could have been formed by either mechanism. It is important to probe the distribution of such companions with masses of ~13M_(Jup) in order to statistically constrain the formation theories for both BDs and massive planets. In particular, the microlensing method is able to probe the distribution around low-mass M dwarfs and even BDs, which is challenging for other exoplanet detection methods

    Ab initio calculation for electronic structure and optical property of tungsten carbide in a TiCN-based cermet for solar thermal applications

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    We present an ab initio calculation to understand electronic structures and optical properties of a tungsten carbide WC being a major component of a TiCN-based cermet. We found that the WC has a fairly low-energy plasma excitation \sim0.6 eV (2 μ\mum) and therefore can be a good constituent of a solar selective absorber. The evaluated figure of merit for photothermal conversion is prominently high compared to those of the other materials included in the TiCN-based cermet. The imaginary part of the dielectric function is considerably small around the zero point of the real part of the dielectric function, corresponding to the plasma excitation energy. Therefore, a clear plasma edge appeared, ensuring the high performance of the WC as the solar absorber.Comment: 13pages, 8 figures, 2table

    Revealing Short-period Exoplanets and Brown Dwarfs in the Galactic Bulge using the Microlensing Xallarap Effect with the \textit{Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope}

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    The \textit{Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope} (\textit{ Roman}) will provide an enormous number of microlensing light curves with much better photometric precisions than ongoing ground-based observations. Such light curves will enable us to observe high-order microlensing effects which have been previously difficult to detect. In this paper, we investigate \textit{Roman}'s potential to detect and characterize short-period planets and brown dwarfs (BDs) in source systems using the orbital motion of source stars, the so-called xallarap effect. We analytically estimate the measurement uncertainties of xallarap parameters using the Fisher matrix analysis. We show that the \textit{Roman} Galactic Exoplanet Survey (RGES) can detect warm Jupiters with masses down to 0.5 MJupM_{\rm Jup} and orbital period of 30 days via the xallarap effect. Assuming a planetary frequency function from \citet{Cumming+2008}, we find \textit{Roman} will detect 10\sim10 hot and warm Jupiters and 30\sim30 close-in BDs around microlensed source stars during the microlensing survey. These detections are likely to be accompanied by the measurements of the companion's masses and orbital elements, which will aid in the study of the physical properties for close-in planet and BD populations in the Galactic bulge.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astronomical Journa

    Distinction of synthetic dl-α-tocopherol from natural vitamin E (d-α-tocopherol) by reversed-phase liquid chromatography. Enhanced selectivity of a polymeric C18 stationary phase at low temperature and/or at high pressure

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    © 2016 Elsevier B.V. Separation of diastereomers of DL-α-tocopherol was studied by reversed-phase liquid chromatography using three types of stationary phases, polymeric ODS, polymeric C30, and monomeric ODS. Polymeric ODS stationary phase (Inertsil ODS-P, 3 mmID, 20 cm) was effective for the separation of the isomers created by the presence of three chiral centers on the alkyl chain of synthetic DL-α-tocopherol. Considerable improvement of the separation of isomers was observed on ODS-P phase at high pressure and at low temperature. Complete separation of four pairs of diastereomers was achieved at 12.0 °C, 536 bar, while three peaks were observed when the separation was carried out either at 12.0 °C at low pressure or at 20 °C at 488 bar. Higher temperature (30.0 °C) with the ODS-P phase resulted in only partial separation of the diastereomers even at high pressure. Only slight resolution was observed for the mixture of diastereomers with the C30 stationary phase (Inertsil C30) at 12.0 °C and 441 bar, although the stationary phase afforded greater resolution for β- and γ-tocopherol than ODS-P. A monomeric C18 stationary phase did not show any separation at 12.0 °C and 463 bar. The results suggest that the binding site of the polymeric ODS-P phase is selective for flexible alkyl chains that provided the longest retention for the natural form, (R,R,R) form, and the enantiomer, (S,S,S) form, of DL-α-tocopherol

    A comparative profile of urinary scent signals of two endangered Japanese populations of leopard cat

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    Two subspecies of mainland leopard cats (Prionailurus bengalensis), Iriomote cats (Prionailurus bengalensis iriomotensis), and Tsushima leopard cats (Prionailurus bengalensis euptilurus), are small, endangered felids that are endemic to the Japanese islands, Iriomote-jima and Tsushima, respectively. Both subspecies have an estimated population size of only about 100 individuals each. Therefore, it is crucial to expand our understanding of these subspecies to successfully conserve them. While their morphology, anatomy, ecology, pathology, and genetics are well studied, little is known about their physiology regulated in subspecies-specific manners. This study characterized their urinary volatile and nonvolatile organic compounds, with which individuals express their physiological status and territorial ownership. We found significantly higher levels of 3-mercapto-3-methyl-1-butanol and its structural analogs, which are scent signals of domestic cats, in the urinary headspace of Iriomote cats than in that of Tsushima leopard cats. There were no differences in the urinary levels of felinine, an amino acid that acts as a precursor of 3-mercapto-3-methyl-1-butanol, suggesting the variation of catalytic activities for decomposing felinine to 3-mercapto-3-methyl-1-butanol between subspecies. Both subspecies exhibited physiological proteinuria due to the secretion of carboxylesterase 5A, also known as cauxin, for the production of felinine. In conclusion, while the two endangered Japanese subspecies of mainland leopard cats share similar genetic backgrounds, urinary contents of metabolites vary between the subspecies. We suggest that after the separation into two subspecies, the regulation of the metabolic pathway for 3-mercapto-3-methyl-1-butanol production likely evolved differently in each subspecies in response to their specific environments

    Microlensing Results Challenge the Core Accretion Runaway Growth Scenario for Gas Giants

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    We compare the planet-to-star mass-ratio distribution measured by gravitational microlensing to core accretion theory predictions from population synthesis models. The core accretion theory's runaway gas accretion process predicts a dearth of intermediate-mass giant planets that is not seen in the microlensing results. In particular, the models predict 10×\sim10\,\times fewer planets at mass ratios of 104q4×10410^{-4} \leq q \leq 4 \times 10^{-4} than inferred from microlensing observations. This tension implies that gas giant formation may involve processes that have hitherto been overlooked by existing core accretion models or that the planet-forming environment varies considerably as a function of host-star mass. Variation from the usual assumptions for the protoplanetary disk viscosity and thickness could reduce this discrepancy, but such changes might conflict with microlensing results at larger or smaller mass ratios, or with other observations. The resolution of this discrepancy may have important implications for planetary habitability because it has been suggested that the runaway gas accretion process may have triggered the delivery of water to our inner solar system. So, an understanding of giant planet formation may help us to determine the occurrence rate of habitable planets.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in ApJ

    Ultra-broadband surface-normal coherent optical receiver with nanometallic polarizers

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    A coherent receiver that can demodulate high-speed in-phase and quadrature signals of light is an essential component for optical communication, interconnects, imaging, and computing. Conventional waveguide-based coherent receivers, however, exhibit large footprints, difficulty in coupling a large number of spatial channels efficiently, and limited operating bandwidth imposed by the waveguide-based optical hybrid. Here, we present a surface-normal coherent receiver with nanometallic-grating-based polarizers integrated directly on top of photodetectors without the need for an optical hybrid circuit. Using a fabricated device with the active section occupying a 70-{\mu}m-square footprint, we demonstrate demodulation of high-speed (up to 64 Gbaud) coherent signals in various formats. Moreover, ultra-broadband operation from 1260 nm to 1630 nm is demonstrated, thanks to the wavelength-insensitive nanometallic polarizers. To our knowledge, this is the first demonstration of a surface-normal homodyne optical receiver, which can easily be scaled to a compact two-dimensional arrayed device to receive highly parallelized coherent signals.Comment: 23 pages, 4 figures (main manuscript) + 4 pages, 2 figures (supporting info

    Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam Survey for An Optical Counterpart of GW170817

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    We perform a zz-band survey for an optical counterpart of a binary neutron star coalescence GW170817 with Subaru/Hyper Suprime-Cam. Our untargeted transient search covers 23.623.6 deg2^2 corresponding to the 56.6%56.6\% credible region of GW170817 and reaches the 50%50\% completeness magnitude of 20.620.6 mag on average. As a result, we find 60 candidates of extragalactic transients, including J-GEM17btc (a.k.a. SSS17a/DLT17ck). While J-GEM17btc is associated with NGC 4993 that is firmly located inside the 3D skymap of GW170817, the other 59 candidates do not have distance information in the GLADE v2 catalog or NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database (NED). Among 59 candidates, 58 are located at the center of extended objects in the Pan-STARRS1 catalog, while one candidate has an offset. We present location, zz-band apparent magnitude, and time variability of the candidates and evaluate the probabilities that they are located inside of the 3D skymap of GW170817. The probability for J-GEM17btc is 64%64\% being much higher than those for the other 59 candidates (9.3×1032.1×101%9.3\times10^{-3}-2.1\times10^{-1}\%). Furthermore, the possibility, that at least one of the other 59 candidates is located within the 3D skymap, is only 3.2%3.2\%. Therefore, we conclude that J-GEM17btc is the most-likely and distinguished candidate as the optical counterpart of GW170817.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures. Accepted for publication in PASJ (Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan