1 research outputs found
Acute massive gastrointestinal bleeding in the elderly
- Author
- Antithrombotic Trialist' Colla
- Cholongitas E Pipili C, Dasenaki M
- De Abajo FJ Rodriguez LAG, Montero
- Derry S Loke YK
- Gabriel SE Jaakkimainen L, Bombard
- Graham DY Malaty HM
- Griffin MR
- Guslandi M Pellegrini A, Sorghi M
- Hallas J Dall M, Andries A, Anders
- Hart RG Sherman DG, Easton JD, Cai
- Mamdani M Rochon PA, Juurlink DN,
- Messer J Reitman D, Sacko HS, Smit
- Ootani H Iwakiri R, Shimoda R, Nak
- Pilotto A Franceschi M, Leandro G,
- Pilotto A Franceschi M, Leandro G,
- Piper JM Ray WA, Daugherty JR, Gri
- Rogers SL Farlow MR, Doody RS, Moh
- Scheinman JM
- Shorr RI Ray WA, Daugherty JR, Gri
- Taggart H Bologness MA, Lindsay R,
- Van Soest EM
- Vernava AM 3rd Moore BA, Longo WE,
- 越智隆弘
- Publication venue
- 'The Japan Geriatrics Society'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2009
- Field of study