1,371 research outputs found

    Implementation of technology for rapid field detection of sulfate content in soils

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    In roadway construction, chemical stabilization with calcium-based stabilizing materials (CBSMs) such as lime and cement can enhance many of the engineering properties of soil (subgrade) such as compressive strength, resilient modulus, shear strength, plasticity, and long term durability. However, soluble sulfate phase contained in some soils can react with CBSMs, resulting in volume expansion stability problems due to the growth of ettringite crystals on the clay particle surfaces through the chemical reaction between calcium components in stabilizer and sulfates and aluminates in the soil. The current Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) testing protocol in the field uses a spot test that measures sulfate content every 500-ft interval on a project (Tex-145-E). If a high sulfate zone lies between 500-ft intervals, the current testing protocol will miss this sulfate zone. The protocol using a device called Veris 3150 system (Figure 1) was developed and used as a continuous measurement of sulfate content as a function of electrical conductivity of soils

    Influence of the process parameters on hollow fiber-forward osmosis membrane performances

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    © 2014 Balaban Desalination Publications. All rights reserved. Continued efforts are made in improving the performance of the low-cost forward osmosis (FO) membrane process which utilizes naturally available osmotic pressure of the draw solution (DS) as the driving force. Selection of a suitable DS and development of a better performing membrane remained the main research focus. In this study, the performance of a hollow fiber forward osmosis (HFFO) membrane was evaluated with respect to various operating conditions such as different cross-flow directions, membrane orientation, solution properties, and solution flow rates (Reynolds number). The study observed that operating parameters significantly affect the performance of the FO process. FO comparatively showed better performance at counter-current orientation. NaCl, KCl, and NH4Cl were evaluated as DS carrying common anion. Properties of the anionic part of the DS were found important for flux outcome, whereas reverse solute flux (RSF) was largely influenced by the properties of DS cationic part. FO was operated at different DS and feed solution (FS) flow rates and FO outcome was assessed for varying DS and FS Reynolds number ratio. FO showed better flux outcome as Re ratio for DS and FS decreases and vice versa. Results indicated that by adjusting FO processes conditions, HFFO membrane could achieve significantly lower specific RSF and higher water flux outcome. It was observed that using 2 M NaCl as DS and deionized water as FS, HFFO successfully delivered flux of 62.9 LMH which is significantly high compared to many FO membranes reported in the literature under the active layer-DS membrane orientation mode

    Role of various physical and chemical techniques for hollow fibre forward osmosis membrane cleaning

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    © 2015 Balaban Desalination Publications. All rights reserved. Fouling is an inevitable phenomenon with most of the water treatment systems. Similar to RO, NF and other membrane-based systems, fouling also seriously affects the performance of low-cost forward-osmosis (FO) systems and disturbs the overall efficiency of these systems, and various cleaning practices have been evaluated to restore their designed performances. This study evaluates the performance of various physical and chemical cleaning techniques for hollow fibre forward-osmosis (HFFO) membrane. HFFO membrane was subjected to various fouling conditions using different brackish groundwater qualities and model organic foulants such as alginate, humic acid and bovine serum albumin. Results indicated that physical cleaning affects differently the flux restoration according to the type of foulants (i.e. inorganic or organic) and the crossflow rates play an important role in membrane cleaning in both membrane orientation. The higher cross flow Re values at any particular area seem important for the cleaning. With hydraulic flushing, the flux performances of HFFO were recovered fully when operated in AL-FS orientation, as high shear force helps to detach all scaling layers from the surface; however, the lower shear force did not fully restore the flux for the FS membrane in AL-DS orientation. Chemical cleaning was planned for the fouled HFFO membrane, and HCl and NaOH were used in various combination sequences. It was found that HCl did not clean the membrane used for AL-DS orientation for combined fouling. HCl cleaning (at pH 2) was found to be more effective for removing inorganic scale, whereas NaOH cleaning (at pH 11) for a similar period successfully restored the flux for all the membranes used for FS with inorganic and/or organic foulants. ethylenediamine tetra acetic acid (EDTA) was also evaluated for its cleaning performances and it was found that compared to NaOH, EDTA cleaning (1 mM concentration at pH 11) showed superior results in terms of membrane cleaning, as it helped to successfully restore the membrane flux in a very short time

    Fertilizer-drawn forward osmosis for irrigation of tomatoes

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    Fertilizer-drawn forward osmosis is a low-energy desalination concept particularly developed for the irrigation use of desalinated water. It has an advantage of not requiring regeneration of the draw solution (DS), thus, it can be used directly for the purpose of irrigation without any additional treatment. The current study was aimed to evaluate the real application of forward osmosis (FO) targeting irrigation of tomato crops based from their fertilizer requirements. Fertilizer-DSs were prepared to drive seawater desalination using commercially available fertilizers such as NH4NO3, NH4Cl, KNO3, KCl, NH4H2PO4, and urea. DSs were prepared to represent varying nitrogen:phosphorous:potassium (N:P:K) ratios used in assorted tomato growth stages. The FO performance evaluated in terms of the flux and reverse solute flux (RSF) showed significant variations in outcome. The resultant flux for different DSs was influenced by the particular fertilizer present in DS mixture and its concentration. This flux varied from 2.50 to 12.49 LMH. Comparatively, DS carrying high osmotic pressure components showed high-flux outcome. The fraction Jw/∆π of these fertilizer-DSs varied from 0.062 to 0.19 LMH/bar, which indicates a changing flux outcome against the same osmotic pressure. To select the best performing fertilizer-DS, nitrogen source fertilizers like urea, NH4NO3, and NH4Cl were further evaluated for 10-0-10 NPK value. It was found that NH4Cl-based DS mixtures performed better than urea- and NH4NO3-based DS. The RSF results indicated that all nitrogen- and potassium-based DS exhibited higher N- and K-RSF. However, the DS using NH4H2PO4 delivered extremely low P-RSF of 12.35 g/m2/h. Long-term run tests with seawater quality feed solution resulted in FO producing a final DS enriched in nutrients greater than the tomato plant’s requirement. This implies that the use of dilution or any other technique to reduce excessive nutrients is essential before using the final DS for tomato irrigation

    Performances of PA hollow fiber membrane with the CTA flat sheet membrane for forward osmosis process

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    © 2013, © 2013 Balaban Desalination Publications. All rights reserved. Abstract: Fertilizer drawn forward osmosis desalination has been earlier explored using flat sheet forward osmosis (FSFO) membrane, which highlighted flux and reverse solute flux (RSF) performance. This study evaluated and compared the performances of a newly developed polyamide (PA)-based hollow fiber forward osmosis (HFFO) membrane and cellulose triacetate FSFO membrane. Both membranes were evaluated for pure water permeability, salt rejection rate (1,000 mg/L NaCl) in RO mode. Physical structure and morphology were further examined using scanning electron micrograph (SEM). SEM images revealed that the overall thickness of the HFFO and FSFO membranes was 152 and 91 μm, respectively. Flux and RSF performances of these two membranes were evaluated using nine fertilizer DS as NH4Cl, KNO3, KCl, (NH4)2SO4, Ca(NO3)2, NH4H2PO4, (NH4)2HPO4, NaNO3, and CO(NH2)2 in active layer–feed solution membrane orientation. HFFO membrane clearly showed better performance for water flux with five DS ((NH4)2SO4, NH4H2PO4, KNO3, CO(NH2)2, and NaNO3) as they showed up to 66% increase in flux. Beside thick PA active layer of HFFO membrane, higher water flux outcome for forward osmosis (FO) process further highlighted the significance of the nature of support layer structure, the thickness and surface chemistry of the active layer of the membrane in the FO process. On the other hand, most DS showed lower RSF with HFFO membrane with the exception of Ca(NO3)2. Most of DS having monovalent cation and anions showed significantly lower RSF with HFFO membrane

    Blended fertilizers as draw solutions for fertilizer-drawn forward osmosis desalination

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    In fertilizer-drawn forward osmosis (FDFO) desalination, the final nutrient concentration (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium (NPK)) in the product water is essential for direct fertigation and to avoid over fertilization. Our study with 11 selected fertilizers indicate that blending of two or more single fertilizers as draw solution (DS) can achieve significantly lower nutrient concentration in the FDFO product water rather than using single fertilizer alone. For example, blending KCl and NH 4H 2PO 4 as DS can result in 0.61/1.35/1.70 g/L of N/P/K, which is comparatively lower than using them individually as DS. The nutrient composition and concentration in the final FDFO product water can also be adjusted by selecting low nutrient fertilizers containing complementary nutrients and in different ratios to produce prescription mixtures. However, blending fertilizers generally resulted in slightly reduced bulk osmotic pressure and water flux in comparison to the sum of the osmotic pressures and water fluxes of the two individual DSs as used alone. The performance ratio or PR (ratio of actual water flux to theoretical water flux) of blended fertilizer DS was observed to be between the PR of the two fertilizer solutions tested individually. In some cases, such as urea, blending also resulted in significant reduction in N nutrient loss by reverse diffusion in presence of other fertilizer species. © 2012 American Chemical Society

    Thin film composite hollow fibre forward osmosis membrane module for the desalination of brackish groundwater for fertigation

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    © 2015 Elsevier B.V. The performance of recently developed polyamide thin film composite hollow fibre forward osmosis (HFFO) membrane module was assessed for the desalination of brackish groundwater for fertigation. Four different fertilisers were used as draw solution (DS) with real BGW from the Murray-Darling Basin in Australia. Membrane charge and its electrostatic interactions with ions played a significant role in the performance of the HFFO module using fertiliser as DS. Negatively charged polyamide layer promotes sorption of multivalent cations such as Ca2+ enhancing ion flux and membrane scaling. Inorganic scaling occurred both on active layer and inside the support layer depending on the types of fertiliser DS used resulting in severe flux decline and this study therefore underscores the importance of selecting suitable fertilisers for the fertiliser drawn forward osmosis (FDFO) process. Water flux under active layer DS membrane orientation was about twice as high as the other orientation indicating the need to further optimise the membrane support structure formation. Water flux slightly improved at higher crossflow rates due to enhanced mass transfer on the fibre lumen side. At 45% packing density, HFFO could have three times more membrane area and four times more volumetric flux output for an equivalent 8040 cellulose triacetate flat-sheet FO membrane module

    Possible Verification of Tilted Anisotropic Dirac Cone in \alpha-(BEDT-TTF)_2 I_3 Using Interlayer Magnetoresistance

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    It is proposed that the presence of a tilted and anisotropic Dirac cone can be verified using the interlayer magnetoresistance in the layered Dirac fermion system, which is realized in quasi-two-dimensional organic compound \alpha-(BEDT-TTF)_2 I_3. Theoretical formula is derived using the analytic Landau level wave functions and assuming local tunneling of electrons. It is shown that the resistivity takes the maximum in the direction of the tilt if anisotropy of the Fermi velocity of the Dirac cone is small. The procedure is described to determine the parameters of the tilt and anisotropy.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, corrected Fig.

    Concentrating underground brine by FO process: Influence of membrane types and spacer on membrane scaling

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    © 2015 Elsevier B.V. Forward osmosis (FO) is a low energy process when recovery of the draw solutes is not necessary. This study focused on the performance of the FO process for concentrating underground brine (UGB) with saturated sodium chloride as draw solution (DS) using two membranes: commercialized flat sheet cellulose triacetate (CTA) membrane and tailor-made thin film composite (TFC) FO membrane. Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and powder X-ray diffractometry (XRD) analysis indicate that, majority of the scaling components were calcium sulfate and sodium chloride crystals formed both through surface and bulk crystallization. The spacer in the FO test cell also promoted scaling. Without spacer, a sharp flux decline of TFC membrane occurred at a higher concentration factor while no sharp flux drop was observed for CTA membrane. It was hypothesized that the rough TFC membrane surface may initiate nucleation and aggregation of the crystals in the active surface, and eventually resulting in scaling

    Graphene oxide incorporated polysulfone substrate for the fabrication of flat-sheet thin-film composite forward osmosis membranes

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    © 2015 Elsevier B.V. The preparation and performances of the newly synthesized thin film composite (TFC) forward osmosis (FO) membranes with graphene oxide (GO)-modified support layer are presented in this study. GO nanosheets were incorporated in the polysulfone (PSf) to obtain PSf/GO composite membrane support layer. Polyamide (PA) active layer was subsequently formed on the PSf/GO by interfacial polymerization to obtain the TFC-FO membranes. Results reveal that at an optimal amount of GO addition (0.25wt%), a PSf/GO composite support layer with favorable structural property measured in terms of thickness, porosity and pore size can be achieved. The optimum incorporation of GO in the PSF support layer not only significantly improved water permeability but also allowed effective PA layer formation, in comparison to that of pure PSf support layer which had much lower water permeability. Thus, a TFC-FO membrane with high water flux (19.77Lm-2h-1 against 6.08Lm-2h-1 for pure PSf) and reverse flux selectivity (5.75Lg-1 against 3.36Lg-1 for pure PSf) was obtained under the active layer facing the feed solution or AL-FS membrane orientation. Besides the improved structural properties (reduced structural parameter, S) of the support layer, enhanced support hydrophilicity also contributed to the improved water permeability of the membrane. Beyond a certain point of GO addition (≥0.5wt%), the poor dispersion of GO in dope solution and significant structure change resulted in lower water permeation and weaker mechanical properties in support as well as FO flux/selectivity of consequent TFC membrane. Overall, this study suggests that GO modification of membrane supports could be a promising technique to improve the performances of TFC-FO membranes