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    There is no doubt about the achievements in badminton in Indonesia until now, even some countries have made Indonesia a threat to them because Indonesian athletes have a good track record and have extraordinary talent. However, Indonesia's achievements in this badminton sport must always survive and continue to be improved, through several track records and some existing match results data can be used as good evaluation material for the future. This certainly attracts the attention of researchers to conduct research by analyzing the development of Indonesia's achievements in international championships in the last 10 years. Therefore, the researchers made a research design, namely "Analysis of Indonesian Badminton Achievements at the International Level in the Last 10 Years (2012-2022)". The purpose of this research is as a form of researchers' efforts to find out how far the improvement of badminton achievement in Indonesia in the last 10 years. So that this research is not ambiguous and widespread, the researchers only focus on the development of the Indonesian national team's badminton achievements over the last 10 years. This type of research is descriptive qualitative research using documentary analysis techniques. Based on the results of the curve image above, it shows that the development of Indonesian badminton achievements has experienced an ups and downs in the last 10 years even in the Uber Cup tournament, Indonesia has not set a record in the last 10 years, but Indonesia is starting to experience progress in 2020. It can be predicted that in 2020. 2022 Indonesia will experience an increase in international achievements. Keywords: Achievement, Badminton, Indonesi