4 research outputs found

    Nation Branding: Ghana

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    Akwaaba – welcome to Ghana, also referred to as "island of peace" in one of the most chaotic regions on earth. Ghana is usually known as “Gold Coast” due to large gold deposits in the southern parts of the country. The Ghana as a relatively new nation has not developed extensive symbols. If successful the branding of Ghana would allow the country to flourish at an incredible rate. The nation branding of Ghana can be done from its Coat of arms which represents the most distinctive emblems originated from nationalist movement. The key elements considered while branding Ghana are Gold, Cocoa, Oil and Volta Lake. Ghana is rich mineral resources such as gold, diamonds, manganese, limestone, bauxite, iron ore as well as various clays and granite deposits. Despite of all the advantages of Ghana, the branding is not so successful because Ghana is deprived of any international brands, which provide a success guide framework to emerging brands. The main impediment is the fact that Ghana cannot be separated from the negative image of 'brand' Africa. Keywords: Nation Branding, Ghana, Africa, Business, Gold, Cocoa, Oil, Volta Lak

    Dairy Industry of Pakistan

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    The livestock sector alone contributes 11% of Pakistan’s GDP, with an estimated 42 billion litres of milk produced per annum. Economic Survey of Pakistan 2009 assertions that Pakistan has a herd size of around 63 million animals – the 3rd largest in the world. After witnessing all the issues regarding the dairy industry of Pakistan, it can be concluded that the dairy industry possesses potential of growth and is very important from economic perspective. The major problem with dairy farming in Pakistan is the low milk yields of Pakistani cattle and buffaloes. This low production potential of Pakistani animals is mainly attributable to a few clearly identifiable issues such as lack of a systematic national breed improvement program, lack of availability of good quality fodder and nutrients and poor farm management practices. On average a dairy animal in Pakistan yields 6-8 times less milk than a dairy animal of the developed world. So Pakistan needs to have a coordinated and integrated strategy/approach beginning from enhancing per animal productivity, going straight to milk procedures/procurement and minimize the wastage. Keywords: Dairy Industry, Pakistan, Milk, Productivity, per animal productivity, livestock, farm management practice

    PEST Analysis Of Engro Fertilizers, Pakistan

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    We can analyze various different factors in a firm's macro environment by the use of the PEST framework. The PEST analysis of current trends in marketing seems to be favouring the overall industry whereas in reality due to shortfall of basic raw material gas Government is unable to provide the necessary facilities for maintaining optimal production of fertilizer in the country. A report by the Daily Dawn indicates that the shortage of urea can cause a loss of Rs. 150 billion to the fertilizer industry and the farmers which will finally lead to enormous economic loss for the country. Engro is one of the biggest companies of Pakistan with a sizeable contribution to the GDP which is severely suffering from the political instability and economic recession which in turn poses threat to the company’s profitability and its survival depleting its capacity to compete under the existing production cost structure in given circumstances. Labour force is the major input of any industry and Engro is facing the crisis of an escalated series of labour-management conflicts. The concern must endeavour to fulfil the labour demands in order to retain them for better future prospects of the Company. Keywords: PEST Analysis, Engro Fertilizers, Pakistan, Political, Economic, Social, Technological analysi

    Problems Encountered by Women in Education Sector of Bahawalpur

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    As we all know that education is crucial in the development of any country. The main focus of this research is to identify the problems faced by working women in education sector. We discovered that most of the parents and certain relatives are supportive towards their daughter serving in the education sector. All our respondents strongly believed that the married women face greater challenges than unmarried women. Although their husbands are co-operative but there children are prominently neglected. Despite the supportive attitude of their parents unmarried women still face challenges like transportation and managing time between personal and social life. Most of the respondents, married or unmarried, believed that their salary and promotion system is not satisfactory for which they blame “Favouritism”. In spite of all the facts, our research concludes that the education sector of Bahawalpur for female teacher is fairly good. Keywords: Women, Education Sector, Bahawalpur