381 research outputs found

    Histone chaperone Nap1 dismantles an H2A/H2B dimer from a partially unwrapped nucleosome

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    DNA translocases, such as RNA polymerases, inevitably collide with nucleosomes on eukaryotic chromatin. Upon these collisions, histone chaperones are suggested to facilitate nucleosome disassembly and re-assembly. In this study, by performing in vitro transcription assays and molecular simulations, we found that partial unwrapping of a nucleosome by an RNA polymerase dramatically facilitates an H2A/H2B dimer dismantling from the nucleosome by Nucleosome Assembly Protein 1 (Nap1). Furthermore, the results uncovered molecular mechanisms of Nap1 functions in which the highly acidic C-terminal flexible tails of Nap1 contribute to the H2A/H2B binding by associating with the binding interface buried and not accessible to Nap1 globular domains, supporting the penetrating fuzzy binding mechanism seemingly shared across various histone chaperones. These findings have broad implications for the mechanisms by which histone chaperones process nucleosomes upon collisions with translocases in transcription, histone recycling and nucleosomal DNA repair

    The lane-switch mechanism for nucleosome repositioning by DNA translocase

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    Translocases such as DNA/RNA polymerases, replicative helicases, and exonucleases are involved in eukaryotic DNA transcription, replication, and repair. Since eukaryotic genomic DNA wraps around histone octamers and forms nucleosomes, translocases inevitably encounter nucleosomes. A previous study has shown that a nucleosome repositions downstream when a translocase collides with the nucleosome. However, the molecular mechanism of the downstream repositioning remains unclear. In this study, we identified the lane-switch mechanism for downstream repositioning with molecular dynamics simulations and validated it with restriction enzyme digestion assays and deep sequencing assays. In this mechanism, after a translocase unwraps nucleosomal DNA up to the site proximal to the dyad, the remaining wrapped DNA switches its binding lane to that vacated by the unwrapping, and the downstream DNA rewraps, completing downstream repositioning. This mechanism may have broad implications for transcription through nucleosomes, histone recycling, and nucleosome remodeling

    Modeling of DNA binding to the condensin hinge domain using molecular dynamics simulations guided by atomic force microscopy

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    The condensin protein complex compacts chromatin during mitosis using its DNA-loop extrusion activity. Previous studies proposed scrunching and loop-capture models as molecular mechanisms for the loop extrusion process, both of which assume the binding of double-strand (ds) DNA to the hinge domain formed at the interface of the condensin subunits Smc2 and Smc4. However, how the hinge domain contacts dsDNA has remained unknown. Here, we conducted atomic force microscopy imaging of the budding yeast condensin holo-complex and used this data as basis for coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulations to model the hinge structure in a transient open conformation. We then simulated the dsDNA binding to open and closed hinge conformations, predicting that dsDNA binds to the outside surface when closed and to the outside and inside surfaces when open. Our simulations also suggested that the hinge can close around dsDNA bound to the inside surface. Based on these simulation results, we speculate that the conformational change of the hinge domain might be essential for the dsDNA binding regulation and play roles in condensin-mediated DNA-loop extrusion

    Comprehensive behavioral phenotyping of a new Semaphorin 3 F mutant mouse

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    Background: Semaphorin 3 F (Sema3F) is a secreted type of the Semaphorin family of axon guidance molecules. Sema3F and its receptor neuropilin-2 (Npn-2) are expressed in a mutually exclusive manner in the embryonic mouse brain regions including olfactory bulb, hippocampus, and cerebral cortex. Sema3F is thought to have physiological functions in the formation of neuronal circuitry and its refinement. However, functional roles of Sema3F in the brain remain to be clarified. Here, we examined behavioral effects of Sema3F deficiency through a comprehensive behavioral test battery in Sema3F knockout (KO) male mice to understand the possible functions of Sema3F in the brain. Results: Male Sema3F KO and wild-type (WT) control mice were subjected to a battery of behavioral tests, including neurological screen, rotarod, hot plate, prepulse inhibition, light/dark transition, open field, elevated plus maze, social interaction, Porsolt forced swim, tail suspension, Barnes maze, and fear conditioning tests. In the open field test, Sema3F KO mice traveled shorter distance and spent less time in the center of the field than WT controls during the early testing period. In the light/dark transition test, Sema3F KO mice also exhibited decreased distance traveled, fewer number of transitions, and longer latency to enter the light chamber compared with WT mice. In addition, Sema3F KO mice traveled shorter distance than WT mice in the elevated plus maze test, although there were no differences between genotypes in open arm entries and time spent in open arms. Similarly, Sema3F KO mice showed decreased distance traveled in the social interaction test. Sema3F KO mice displayed reduced immobility in the Porsolt forced swim test whereas there was no difference in immobility between genotypes in the tail suspension test. In the fear conditioning test, Sema3F KO mice exhibited increased freezing behavior when exposed to a conditioning context and an altered context in absence of a conditioned stimulus. In the tests for assessing motor function, pain sensitivity, startle response to an acoustic stimulus, sensorimotor gating, or spatial reference memory, there were no significant behavioral differences between Sema3F KO and WT mice. Conclusions: These results suggest that Sema3F deficiency induces decreased locomotor activity and possibly abnormal anxiety-related behaviors and also enhances contextual memory and generalized fear in mice. Thus, our findings suggest that Sema3F plays important roles in the development of neuronal circuitry underlying the regulation of some aspects of anxiety and fear responses

    Efficient generation of highly squeezed light and second harmonic wave with periodically poled MgO:LiNbO_3

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    We report on effective generation of continuous-wave squeezed light and second harmonics with a periodically poled MgO:LiNbO3_{\mathrm{3}} (PPMgLN) crystal which enables us to utilize the large nonlinear optical coefficient d33d_{\mathrm{33}}. We achieved the squeezing level of 7.60±0.15-7.60 \pm 0.15dB at 860 nm by utilizing a subthreshol optical parametric oscillator with a PPMgLN crystal. We also generated 400 mW of second harmonics at 430 nm from 570 mW of fundamental waves with 70% of conversion efficiency by using a PPMgLN crystal inside an external cavity.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Circadian Gene Circuitry Predicts Hyperactive Behavior in a Mood Disorder Mouse Model

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    SummaryBipolar disorder, also known as manic-depressive illness, causes swings in mood and activity levels at irregular intervals. Such changes are difficult to predict, and their molecular basis remains unknown. Here, we use infradian (longer than a day) cyclic activity levels in αCaMKII (Camk2a) mutant mice as a proxy for such mood-associated changes. We report that gene-expression patterns in the hippocampal dentate gyrus could retrospectively predict whether the mice were in a state of high or low locomotor activity (LA). Expression of a subset of circadian genes, as well as levels of cAMP and pCREB, possible upstream regulators of circadian genes, were correlated with LA states, suggesting that the intrinsic molecular circuitry changes concomitant with infradian oscillatory LA. Taken together, these findings shed light onto the molecular basis of how irregular biological rhythms and behavior are controlled by the brain