282 research outputs found

    The g-mode Excitation in the Proto Neutron Star by the Standing Accretion Shock Instability

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    The so-called "acoustic revival mechanism" of core-collapse supernova proposed recently by the Arizona group is an interesting new possibility. Aiming to understand the elementary processes involved in the mechanism, we have calculated the eigen frequencies and eigen functions for the g-mode oscillations of a non-rotating proto neutron star. The possible excitation of these modes by the standing accretion shock instability, or SASI, is discussed based on these eigen functions. We have formulated the forced oscillations of gg-modes by the external pressure perturbations exerted on the proto neutron star surface. The driving pressure fluctuations have been adopted from our previous computations of the axisymmetric SASI in the non-linear regime. We have paid particular attention to low l modes, since these are the modes that are dominant in SASI and that the Arizona group claimed played an important role in their acoustic revival scenario. Here l is the index of the spherical harmonic functions, YlmY_l^m. Although the frequency spectrum of the non-linear SASI is broadened substantially by non-linear couplings, the typical frequency is still much smaller than those of g-modes, the fact leading to a severe impedance mismatch. As a result, the excitations of various gg-modes are rather inefficient and the energy of the saturated g-modes is ∼1050\sim 10^{50}erg or smaller, with the g_2-mode being the largest in our model. Here the g_2-mode has two radial nodes and is confined to the interior of the convection region. The energy transfer rate from the g-modes to out-going sound waves is estimated from the growth of the g-modes and found to be ∼1051\sim 10^{51}erg/s in the model studied in this paper.Comment: 24 pages, 6 figure

    Effect of propranolol on regional myocardial function in anesthetized open-chest dogs with myocardial ischemia

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    Effects of propranolol on ischemic segmental function were studied in anesthetized open-chest dogs. Two segment-length gauges were used for measuring the regional myocardial function: one was sutured on to the left ventricular surface perfused by the anterior descending coronary artery (ischemic zone) and the other was on to that perfused by the circumflex coronary artery (normal zone). A bolus of propranolol (0.5 mg/kg) was injected into the right femoral vein. Five min later, the left anterior descending coronary artery (LAD) was completely occluded for one mine and thereafter released. Then a second coronary occlusion for 20 min was performed; an interval of 20 min was allowed between two occlusions. Propranolol, in the ischemic segment, apparently decreased the extent of paradoxical lengthening in the late systole following one min LAD occlusion, and facilitated improvement of segmental function after release of the occlusion. Moreover, the extent of abnormal stretching induced by 20 min occlusion during early systole, was also reduced by propranolol pretreatment. In contrast, compensatory increase in shortening by the normal segment was disturbed by propranolol. These results suggest that propranolol might exert a favourable influence on the segmental myocardial function during either transient or maintained myocardial ischemia.</p

    Neutrino emissions in all flavors up to the pre-bounce of massive stars and the possibility of their detections

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    This paper is a sequel to our previous one (Kato et al.2015), which calculated the luminosities and spectra of electron-type anti-neutrinos (νˉe\bar{\nu}_e's) from the progenitors of core-collapse supernovae. Expecting that a capability to detect electron-type neutrinos (νe\nu_e's) will increase dramatically with the emergence of liquid-argon detectors such as DUNE, we broaden the scope in this study to include all-flavors of neutrinos emitted from the pre-bounce phase. We pick up three progenitor models of an electron capture supernova (ECSN) and iron-core collapse supernovae (FeCCSNe). We find that the number luminosities reach ∼1057s−1\sim10^{57} \mathrm{s^{-1}} and ∼1053s−1\sim10^{53} \mathrm{s^{-1}} at maximum for νe\nu_e and νˉe\bar{\nu}_e, respectively. We also estimate the numbers of detection events at terrestrial neutrino detectors including DUNE, taking flavor oscillations into account and assuming the distance to the progenitors to be 200 pc. It is demonstrated that νˉe\bar{\nu}_e's from the ECSN-progenitor will be undetected at almost all detectors, whereas we will be able to observe ≳\gtrsim15900 νe\nu_e's at DUNE for the inverted mass hierarchy. From the FeCCSN-progenitors, the number of νˉe\bar{\nu}_e events will be largest for JUNO, 200-900 νˉe\bar{\nu}_e's, depending on the mass hierarchy whereas the number of νe\nu_e events at DUNE is ≳\gtrsim2100 for the inverted mass hierarchy. These results imply that the detection of νˉe\bar{\nu}_e's is useful to distinguish FeCCSN- from ECSN-progenitors, while νe\nu_e's will provide us with detailed information on the collapse phase regardless of the type and mass of progenitor.Comment: 22 pages, 14 figures, 4 tables, accepted to Ap

    Complexity of the Collision and Near-Collision Attack on SHA-0 with Different Message Schedules

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    SHA-0 employs a primitive polynomnial of degree 16 over GF(2) in its message schedule. There are 2048 primitive polynomials of degree 16 over GF(2). For each primitive polynomial, a SHA-0 variant can be constructed. In this paper, the security of 2048 variants is analyzed against the Chabaud-Joux attack proposed in CRYPTO\u2798. The analysis shows that all the variants could be collision-attacked by using near-collisions as a tool and thus the replacement of the primitive polynomial is not a proper way to make SHA-0 secure. However, it is shown that the selection of the variants highly affects the complexity of the attack. Furthermore, a collision in the most vulnerable variant is presented. It is obtained by the original Chabaud-Joux attack without any improvements

    Neutrino oscillation and expected event rate of supernova neutrinos in adiabatic explosion model

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    We study how the influence of the shock wave appears in neutrino oscillations and the neutrino spectrum using density profile of adiabatic explosion model of a core-collapse supernova which is calculated in an implicit Lagrangian code for general relativistic spherical hydrodynamics. We calculate expected event rates of neutrino detection at SK and SNO for various theta_{13} values and both normal and inverted hierarchies. The predicted event rates of bar{nu}_e and nu_e depend on the mixing angle theta_{13} for the inverted and normal hierarchies, respectively, and the influence of the shock appears for about 2 - 8 s when sin^2 2 theta_{13} is larger than 10^{-3}. These neutrino signals for the shock propagation is decreased by < 30 % for bar{nu}_e in inverted (SK) or by < 15 % for nu_e in normal hierarchy (SNO) compared with the case without shock. The obtained ratio of the total event for high-energy neutrinos (20 MeV < E_{nu} < 60 MeV) to low-energy neutrinos (5 MeV < E_{nu} < 20 MeV) is consistent with the previous studies in schematic semi-analytic or other hydrodynamic models of the shock propagation. The time dependence of the calculated ratio of the event rates of high-energy to low-energy neutrinos is a very useful observable which is sensitive to theta_{13} and hierarchies. Namely, time-dependent ratio shows clearer signal of the shock propagation that exhibits remarkable decrease by at most factor \sim 2 for bar{nu}_e in inverted (SK), whereas it exhibits smaller change by \sim 10 % for nu_e in normal hierarchy (SNO). Observing time-dependent high-energy to low-energy ratio of the neutrino events thus would provide a piece of very useful information to constrain theta_{13} and mass hierarchy, and eventually help understanding the propagation how the shock wave propagates inside the star.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Increase in the calculated resistance of anatomically fixed stenosis in vitro in association with decrease in distal resistance.

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    The effects of changes in distal resistance on stenotic resistance were studied in vitro. Physiological saline was passed through the left carotid artery obtained from the dog, flexible rubber tubing, or through solid polyethylene tubing with a constant perfusion pressure or with a constant flow rate. Various stenotic resistances were established using a screw type constrictor and the distal resistance was varied by allowing physiological saline to pass through either a 23 gauge hypodermic needle (high peripheral resistance) or 23 and 20 gauge needles (low peripheral resistance ). For arteries with anatomically fixed stenosis, the calculated resistance was increased in association with reduction of the distal resistance. The stenotic resistance in the flexible rubber tubing changed in the same manner as that of the carotid artery, while the solid polyethylene tubing showed no significant stenotic resistance changes due to altering the distal resistance. These findings suggest that the stenotic resistance change of the artery correlates with the elasticity of the vessel wall and also indicate that resistance values were of little usefulness for evaluating the effects of vasodilating stimuli on the vessel segment with a significant stenosis.</p

    Measurement of AGN dust extinction based on the near-infrared flux variability of WISE data

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    We present the measurement of the line-of-sight extinction of the dusty torus for a large number of obscured active galactic nuclei (AGNs) based on the reddening of the colour of the variable flux component in near-infrared (NIR) wavelengths. We collected long-term monitoring data by Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE)\textit{Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE)} for 513 local AGNs catalogued by the Swift/\mathit{Swift/}BAT AGN Spectroscopic Survey (BASS) and found that the multi-epoch NIR flux data in two different bands (WISE W1W1 and W2W2) are tightly correlated for more than 90% of the targets. The flux variation gradient (FVG) in the W1W1 and W2W2 bands was derived by applying linear regression analysis, and we reported that those for unobscured AGNs fall in a relatively narrow range, whereas those for obscured AGNs are distributed in a redder and broader range. The AGN's line-of-sight dust extinction (AVA_V) is calculated using the amount of the reddening in the FVG and is compared with the neutral hydrogen column density (NHN_{\rm{}H}) of the BASS catalogue. We found that the NH/AVN_{\rm{}H}/A_V ratios of obscured AGNs are greater than those of the Galactic diffuse interstellar medium (ISM) and are distributed with a large scatter by at most two orders of magnitude. Furthermore, we found that the lower envelope of the NH/AVN_{\rm{}H}/A_V of obscured AGNs is comparable to the Galactic diffuse ISM. These properties of the NH/AVN_{\rm{}H}/A_V can be explained by increase in the NHN_{\rm{}H} attributed to the dust-free gas clouds covering the line of sight in the broad-line region.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, published in MNRA
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