70 research outputs found

    An aryl hydrocarbon receptor induces VEGF expression through ATF4 under glucose deprivation in HepG2

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    BACKGROUND: Aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) not only regulates drug-metabolizing enzyme expression but also regulates cancer malignancy. The steps to the development of malignancy include angiogenesis that is induced by tumor microenvironments, hypoxia, and nutrient deprivation. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) plays a central role in the angiogenesis of cancer cells, and it is induced by activating transcription factor 4 (ATF4). RESULTS: Recently, we identified that glucose deprivation induces AhR translocation into the nucleus and increases CYP1A1 and 1A2 expression in HepG2 cells. Here, we report that the AhR pathway induces VEGF expression in human hepatoblastoma HepG2 cells under glucose deprivation, which involves ATF4. ATF4 knockdown suppressed VEGF expression under glucose deprivation. Moreover, AhR knockdown suppressed VEGF and ATF4 expression under glucose deprivation at genetic and protein levels. CONCLUSIONS: The AhR-VEGF pathway through ATF4 is a novel pathway in glucose-deprived liver cancer cells that is related to the microenvironment within a cancer tissue affecting liver cancer malignancy

    Directional cell expansion requires NIMA-related kinase 6 (NEK6)-mediated cortical microtubule destabilization;

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     Plant cortical microtubules align perpendicular to the growth axis to determine the direction of cell growth. However, it remains unclear how plant cells form well-organized cortical microtubule arrays in the absence of a centrosome. In this study, we investigated the functions of Arabidopsis NIMA-related kinase 6 (NEK6), which regulates microtubule organization during anisotropic cell expansion. Quantitative analysis of hypocotyl cell growth in the nek6-1 mutant demonstrated that NEK6 suppresses ectopic outgrowth and promotes cell elongation in different regions of the hypocotyl. Loss of NEK6 function led to excessive microtubule waving and distortion, implying that NEK6 suppresses the aberrant cortical microtubules. Live cell imaging showed that NEK6 localizes to the microtubule lattice and to the shrinking plus and minus ends of microtubules. In agreement with this observation, the induced overexpression of NEK6 reduced and disorganized cortical microtubules and suppressed cell elongation. Furthermore, we identified five phosphorylation sites in β-tubulin that serve as substrates for NEK6 in vitro. Alanine substitution of the phosphorylation site Thr166 promoted incorporation of mutant β-tubulin into microtubules. Taken together, these results suggest that NEK6 promotes directional cell growth through phosphorylation of β-tubulin and the resulting destabilization of cortical microtubules

    Involvement of promoter methylation in the regulation of Pregnane X receptor in colon cancer cells

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Pregnane X receptor (PXR) is a key transcription factor that regulates drug metabolizing enzymes such as cytochrome P450 (CYP) 3A4, and plays important roles in intestinal first-pass metabolism. Although there is a large inter-individual heterogeneity with intestinal CYP3A4 expression and activity, the mechanism driving these differences is not sufficiently explained by genetic variability of PXR or CYP3A4. We examined whether epigenetic mechanisms are involved in the regulation of PXR/CYP3A4 pathways in colon cancer cells.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>mRNA levels of PXR, CYP3A4 and vitamin D receptor (VDR) were evaluated by quantitative real-time PCR on 6 colon cancer cell lines (Caco-2, HT29, HCT116, SW48, LS180, and LoVo). DNA methylation status was also examined by bisulfite sequencing of the 6 cell lines and 18 colorectal cancer tissue samples. DNA methylation was reversed by the treatment of these cell lines with 5-aza-2'-deoxycytidine (5-aza-dC).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The 6 colon cancer cell lines were classified into two groups (high or low expression cells) based on the basal level of PXR/CYP3A4 mRNA. DNA methylation of the CpG-rich sequence of the <it>PXR </it>promoter was more densely detected in the low expression cells (Caco-2, HT29, HCT116, and SW48) than in the high expression cells (LS180 and LoVo). This methylation was reversed by treatment with 5-aza-dC, in association with re-expression of PXR and CYP3A4 mRNA, but not VDR mRNA. Therefore, PXR transcription was silenced by promoter methylation in the low expression cells, which most likely led to downregulation of CYP3A4 transactivation. Moreover, a lower level of <it>PXR </it>promoter methylation was observed in colorectal cancer tissues compared with adjacent normal mucosa, suggesting upregulation of the PXR/CYP3A4 mRNAs during carcinogenesis.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p><it>PXR </it>promoter methylation is involved in the regulation of intestinal PXR and CYP3A4 mRNA expression and might be associated with the inter-individual variability of the drug responses of colon cancer cells.</p

    Haplotypes and a Novel Defective Allele of CES2 Found in a Japanese Population

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    ABSTRACT: Human carboxylesterase 2 (hCE-2) is a member of the serine esterase superfamily and is responsible for hydrolysis of a wide variety of xenobiotic and endogenous esters. hCE-2 also activates an anticancer drug, irinotecan (7-ethyl-10-[4-(1-piperidino)-1-piperidino]-carbonyloxycamptothecin, CPT-11), into its active metabolite, 7-ethyl-10-hydroxycamptothecin (SN-38). In this study, a comprehensive haplotype analysis of the CES2 gene, which encodes hCE-2, in a Japanese population was conducted. Human carboxylesterases are members of the serine esterase superfamily and are responsible for hydrolysis of a wide variety of xenobiotic and endogenous esters. They metabolize esters, thioesters, carbamates, and amides to yield soluble acids and alcohols or amines Although both hCE-1 and hCE-2 show broad substrate specificities, hCE-2 is relatively specific for heroin, cocaine (benzoyl ester), 6-acetylmorphine, procaine, and oxybutynin 1865 camptothecin (SN-38), a topoisomerase inhibitor, by carboxylesterases Previously, 12 exons and their flanking regions of CES2 were sequenced from 153 Japanese subjects, who received irinotecan or steroidal drugs, and 12 novel SNPs, including the nonsynonymous SNP, 100CϾT (Arg 34 Trp), and the SNP at the splice acceptor site of intron 8 (IVS8-2AϾG) were found Materials and Methods Chemicals. Irinotecan, SN-38, and SN-38G were kindly supplied by Yakult Honsha Co. Ltd. (Tokyo, Japan). Patients. A total of 262 Japanese subjects analyzed in this study consisted of 85 patients with allergies who received steroidal drugs and 177 patients with cancer who received irinotecan. The ethical review boards of the National Cancer Center, National Center for Child Health and Development, and National Institute of Health Sciences approved this study. Written informed consent was obtained from all participants. DNA Sequencing. Total genomic DNA was extracted from blood leukocytes or Epstein-Barr virus-transformed lymphocytes and used as a template in the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Sequence data of the CES2 gene from 72 patients and 81 cancer patients were described previously Linkage Disequilibrium and Haplotype Analyses. LD analysis was performed by the SNPAlyze software (version 5.1; Dynacom Co., Yokohama, Japan), and a pairwise two-dimensional map between SNPs was obtained for the DЈ and rho square (r 2 ) values. All allele frequencies were in HardyWeinberg equilibrium. Some haplotypes were unambiguously assigned in the subjects with homozygous variations at all sites or a heterozygous variation at only one site. Separately, the diplotype configurations (combinations of haplotypes) were inferred by LDSUPPORT software, which determines the posterior probability distribution of the diplotype configuration for each subject on the basis of estimated haplotype frequencies Administration of Irinotecan and Pharmacokinetic Analysis. The demographic data and eligibility criteria for 177 cancer patients who received irinotecan in the National Cancer Center Hospitals (Tokyo and Chiba, Japan) were described elsewhere Each patient received a 90-min i.v. infusion at doses of 60 to 150 mg/m 2 , which varied depending on regimens/coadministered drugs: i.e., irinotecan dosages were 100 or 150 mg/m 2 for monotherapy and combination with 5-FU, 150 mg/m 2 for combination with mitomycin C (MMC), and 60 (or 70) mg/m 2 for combination with platinum anticancer drugs. Heparinized blood was collected before administration of irinotecan and at 0 min (end of infusion), 20 min, 1 h, 2 h, 4 h, 8 h, and 24 h after infusion. Plasma concentrations of irinotecan, SN-38, and SN-38G were determined as described previously Expression of Wild-Type and Variant CES2 Proteins in COS-1 Cells. Expression of wild-type and variant CES2 proteins in COS-1 cells was examined as described previously and ZERO-Dscan software (Raytest, Straubenhardt, Germany). The relative expression levels are shown as the means Ϯ S.D. of three separate transfection experiments. Determination of CES2 mRNA by Real-Time RT-PCR. Total RNA was isolated from transfected COS-1 cells using the RNeasy Mini Kit (QIAGEN, Tokyo, Japan). After RNase-free DNase treatment of samples to minimize plasmid DNA contamination, first-strand cDNA was prepared from 1 g of total RNA using the High-Capacity cDNA Archive Kit (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA) with random primers. Real-time PCR assays were performed with the ABI7500 Real Time PCR System (Applied Biosystems) using the TaqMan Gene Expression Assay for CES2 (Hs01077945_m1; Applied Biosystems) according to the manufacturer&apos;s instructions. The relative mRNA levels were determined using calibration curves obtained from serial dilutions of the pooled wild-type CES2 cDNA. Samples without reverse transcriptase were routinely included in the RT-PCR reactions to measure possible contributions of contaminating DNA, which was usually less than 1% of the mRNA-derived amplification. Transcripts of ␤-actin were quantified as internal controls using TaqMan ␤-Actin Control Reagent (Applied Biosystems), and normalization of CES2 mRNA levels were based on ␤-actin concentrations. Enzyme Assay. CPT-11 hydrolyzing activity of the postmitochondrial supernatants (microsomal fraction plus cytosol) was assayed over the substrate concentration range of 0.25 to 50 M as described previously Statistical Analysis. Statistical analysis of the differences in the AUC ratios among CES2 diplotypes, coadministered drugs. or irinotecan dosages was performed using the Kruskal-Wallis test, Mann-Whitney test, or Spearman rank correlation test (Prism 4.0, GraphPad Software, Inc., San Diego, CA). The t test (Prism 4.0) was applied to the comparison of the average values of protein expression and mRNA levels between wild-type and variant CES2. Results CES2 Variations Detected in a Japanese Population. Previously, the promoter region, all 12 exons, and their flanking introns of the CES2 gene were sequenced from 72 allergic patients and 81 cancer patients and resulted in the identification of 12 novel SNPs The nonsynonymous SNP 424GϾA (V142M) reported by our group LD and Haplotype Analysis. Using the detected SNPs, LD analysis was performed, and the pairwise values of r 2 and DЈ were obtained. A perfect linkage (r 2 ϭ 1.00) was observed between SNPs Ϫ363CϾG and IVS10-87GϾA. A close association (r 2 ϭ 0.85) was found between SNPs IVS10-108GϾA and 1749AϾG. Other associations were much lower (r 2 Ͻ 0.1). Therefore, the entire CES2 gene was analyzed as one LD block. The determined/inferred haplotypes are summarized i

    Reliability and validity of the patient disability-oriented diagnostic nomenclature system for prosthetic dentistry

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    Purpose: The Japan Prosthodontic Society (JPS) has proposed a new diagnostic nomenclature system (DNS), based on pathogenesis and etiology, to facilitate and improve prosthodontic treatment. This systemspecifies patient disability and the causative factor (i.e. ‘‘B (disability) caused by A (causative factor)’’). The purpose of this study was to examine the reliability and validity of this DNS. Study selection: The JPS Clinical Guideline Committee assessed mock patient charts and formulated disease names using the new DNS. Fifty validators, comprising prosthodontic specialists and dental residents, made diagnoses using the same patient charts. Reliability was evaluated as the consistency of the disease names among the validators, and validity was evaluated using the concordance rate of the disease names with the reference disease names. Results: Krippendorff’s α was 0.378 among all validators, 0.370 among prosthodontic specialists, and 0.401 among dental hospital residents. Krippendorff’s α for 10 validators (3 specialists and 7 residents) with higher concordance rates was 0.524. Two validators (1 specialist and 1 resident) with the highest concordance rates had a Krippendorff’s α of 0.648. Common disease names had higher concordance rates, while uncommon disease names showed lower concordance rates. These rates did not show correlation with clinical experience of the validator or time taken to devise the disease name. Conclusions: High reliability was not found among all validators; however, validators with higher concordance rates showed better reliability. Furthermore, common disease names had higher concordance rates. These findings indicate that the new DNS for prosthodontic dentistry exhibits clinically acceptable reliability and validity

    Cellular irinotecan resistance in colorectal cancer and overcoming irinotecan refractoriness through various combination trials including DNA methyltransferase inhibitors: a review

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    Treatment with pharmacological drugs for colorectal cancer (CRC) remains unsatisfactory. A major cause of failure in pharmacotherapy is the resistance of colon cancer cells to the drugs, creating an urgent issue. In this review, we summarize previous studies on the resistance of CRC cells to irinotecan and discuss possible reasons for refractoriness. Our review presents the following five major causes of irinotecan resistance in human CRC: (1) cellular irinotecan resistance is induced mainly through the increased expression of the drug efflux transporter, ABCG2; (2) cellular irinotecan resistance is also induced in association with a nuclear receptor, pregnane/steroid X receptor (PXR/SXR), which is enriched in the CYP3A4 gene enhancer region in CRC cells by exposing the cells to SN-38; (3) irinotecan-resistant cells possess either reduced DNA topoisomerase I (Top1) expression at both the mRNA and protein levels or Top1 missense mutations; (4) alterations in the tumor microenvironment lead to drug resistance through intercellular vesicle-mediated transmission of miRNAs; and (5) CRC stem cells are the most difficult targets to successfully treat CRC. In the clinical setting, CRC gradually develops resistance to initially effective irinotecan-based therapy. To solve this problem, several clinical trials, such as irinotecan plus cetuximab vs. cetuximab monotherapy, have been conducted. Another clinical trial on irinotecan plus guadecitabine, a DNA-methyltransferase inhibitor, has also been conducted