367 research outputs found

    Circadian-period variation underlies the local adaptation of photoperiodism in the short-day plant Lemna aequinoctialis

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    Phenotypic variation is the basis for trait adaptation via evolutionary selection. However, the driving forces behind quantitative trait variations remain unclear owing to their complexity at the molecular level. This study focused on the natural variation of the free-running period (FRP) of the circadian clock because FRP is a determining factor of the phase phenotype of clock-dependent physiology. Lemna aequinoctialis in Japan is a paddy field duckweed that exhibits a latitudinal cline of critical day length (CDL) for short-day flowering. We collected 72 strains of L. aequinoctialis and found a significant correlation between FRPs and locally adaptive CDLs, confirming that variation in the FRP-dependent phase phenotype underlies photoperiodic adaptation. Diel transcriptome analysis revealed that the induction timing of an FT gene is key to connecting the clock phase to photoperiodism at the molecular level. This study highlights the importance of FRP as a variation resource for evolutionary adaptation

    iFace: Facial Expression Training System

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    Novel Iron Chelators, Super-Polyphenols, Show Antimicrobial Effects against Cariogenic Streptococcus mutans

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    Dental caries are an oral infectious disease that can affect human health both orally and systemically. It remains an urgent issue to establish a novel antibacterial method to prevent oral infection for a healthy life expectancy. The aim of this study was to evaluate the inhibitory effects of novel iron chelators, super-polyphenols (SPs), on the cariogenic bacterium Streptococcus mutans, in vitro. SPs were developed to reduce the side effects of iron chelation therapy and were either water-soluble or insoluble depending on their isoforms. We found that SP6 and SP10 inhibited bacterial growth equivalent to povidone-iodine, and viability tests indicated that their effects were bacteriostatic. These results suggest that SP6 and SP10 have the potential to control oral bacterial infections such as Streptococcus mutans

    Reconstruction of ancestral L-amino acid oxidases to broaden substrate selectivity

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    Characteristic functions of enzymes, such as high thermal stability and substrate specificity, are attained during the evolutionary process. Ancestral sequence reconstruction (ASR) is applied to infer the process by designing artificial enzymes which are located on ancestral node of phylogenetic tree; here, the inferred enzymes called ancestral enzymes. Ancestral enzymes often exhibit substrate promiscuity and high thermal stability of which functions are suitable to perform enzyme engineering. In addition, applicability of the ASR is high because the method requires only sequence data to design ancestral enzymes. Thus, we believe that artificial enzymes contributing to progress in enzyme engineering can be designed by ASR. Please click Additional Files below to see the full abstract

    Isolation and identification of the antimicrobial substance included in tempeh using Rhizopus stolonifer NBRC 30816 for fermentation

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    In this study, we focus on the antimicrobial properties of tempeh, a soybean fermented food, against oral bacteria. Tempeh showed antimicrobial activity against dental caries pathogenic bacterium Streptococcus mutans at a final concentration of 1 mg/mL. An antimicrobial substance contained in tempeh was present in the 100 kDa or greater fraction generated by ultrafiltration, but it was found not to be proteinaceous by native-PAGE, SDS-PAGE and protein degradation tests. Next, when the fraction was purified with an ODS column, the 80% and 100% methanol eluates showed antimicrobial activity against S. mutans. The 100% methanol eluate was further subjected to a 2nd column purification, and isolation of the target was confirmed by HPLC. When the isolated material was analyzed by ESI-MS, the m/z was 279.234. Further analysis by Raman spectroscopy revealed a peak similar to linoleic acid. This substance also possessed antimicrobial properties equivalent to linoleic acid

    The Berkovits Method for Conformally Invariant Non-linear Sigma-models on G/H

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    We discuss 2-dimmensional non-linear sigma-models on the Kaehler manifold G/H in the first order formalisim. Using the Berkovits method we explicitly construct the G-symmetry currents and primaries, when G/H are irreducible. It is a variant of the Wakimoto realization of the affine Lie algebra using a particular reducible Kaehler manifold G/U(1)^r with r the rank of G.Comment: 13 page

    Tensile and compressive plastic deformation behavior of medium-entropy Cr-Co-Ni single crystals from cryogenic to elevated temperatures

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    The equiatomic Cr-Co-Ni medium-entropy alloy has the face-centered cubic (FCC) structure. Bulk single crystals of this alloy were grown and tested in tension and compression between 14 K and 1373 K with the loading axis parallel to [1⁻23]. At room temperature, the critical resolved shear stress (CRSS) for {111} slip is 65 ± 5 MPa and does not exhibit a tension-compression asymmetry. It does, however, increase significantly as the test temperature decreases. A dulling of this temperature dependence occurs below 50 K, which may be due to the inertia effect. When the measured values above 50 K are extrapolated to lower temperatures, a value of 225 MPa is estimated for the CRSS at 0 K. This is larger than that (168 MPa) previously determined for the equiatomic Cr-Mn-Fe-Co-Ni high-entropy alloy using a similar procedure. The stacking fault energy of the present Cr-Co-Ni is estimated to be about 14 mJm⁻², which is sufficiently low to account for deformation twinning both at 77 K and room temperature. Twinning at 77 K occurs on conjugate (1⁻1⁻1) planes at an onset shear stress of 482 MPa after primary slip and propagates in the form of Lüders deformation. At room temperature, twinning occurs uniformly throughout the gauge section on primary (111) planes at an onset shear stress of 381 MPa after primary and subsequent conjugate slip. Thin layers with the hexagonal close-packed stacking are observed in association with twinning both at 77 K and room temperature