78 research outputs found

    Human intestinal spirochetosis accompanied by human immunodeficiency virus infection:a case report

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    We present a middle-aged, heterosexual Japanese man with mixed infections including human intestinal spirochetosis, which led us to the detection of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. The patient had syphilis without related physical or neurological findings. An examination for the serum antibody for HIV performed 9 years previously was negative. In a complete medical checkup at the present time, human intestinal spirochetosis and unspecified entamebic cysts were suggested by histological examination of colonic biopsy material and parasitic examination of the intestinal fluid, respectively. Moreover, a serological test for the antibody for HIV was positive. In specimens obtained by colonoscopy, Brachyspira aalborgi was diagnosed by ultrastructural study and the polymerase chain reaction method for bacterial 16S ribosomal deoxyribonucleic acid. Although HIV infection remains at low prevalence in Japan, we recommend examination for HIV infection in patients with human intestinal spirochetosis, especially when other co-infections are apparent.</p

    Intranasal immunization with an RBD-hemagglutinin fusion protein harnesses preexisting immunity to enhance antigen-specific responses

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    Kawai A., Tokunoh N., Kawahara E., et al. Intranasal immunization with an RBD-hemagglutinin fusion protein harnesses preexisting immunity to enhance antigen-specific responses. Journal of Clinical Investigation 133, e166827 (2023); https://doi.org/10.1172/JCI166827.Intranasal vaccines are anticipated to be powerful tools for combating many infectious diseases, including SARS-CoV-2, because they induce not only systemic immunity but also mucosal immunity at the site of initial infection. However, they are generally inefficient in inducing an antigen-specific immune response without adjuvants. Here, we developed an adjuvant-free intranasal vaccine platform that utilizes the preexisting immunity induced by previous infection or vaccination to enhance vaccine effectiveness. We made RBD-HA, a fusion of the receptor-binding domain (RBD) of spike derived from SARS-CoV-2 as a vaccine target with HA derived from influenza A virus (IAV) as a carrier protein. Intranasal immunization of previously IAV-infected mice with RBD-HA without an adjuvant elicited robust production of RBD-specific systemic IgG and mucosal IgA by utilizing both HA-specific preexisting IgG and CD4+ T cells. Consequently, the mice were efficiently protected from SARS-CoV-2 infection. Additionally, we demonstrated the high versatility of this intranasal vaccine platform by assessing various vaccine antigens and preexisting immunity associated with a variety of infectious diseases. The results of this study suggest the promising potential of this intranasal vaccine platform to address problems associated with intranasal vaccines

    生徒指導で育まれる社会的リテラシーに関する研究 -大学生を対象とした予備調査からー

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    初等・中等教育は、学習指導の機能と生徒指導の機能を両輪としている。しかしながら、特別活動等を通した生徒指導が「社会的リテラシー」を始めとする資質・能力をいかに育成するのかを検証した数理定量的な研究は多くない。その予備的な考察として、本稿では22 大学の学生1826 名を対象に実施した質問紙調査の分析から、環境としての学級規律が積極的な生徒指導機能を果たしてことを示唆した。具体的には、自己主張に関わる資質・能力に関しては、校内成績の高低によっては学級規律の高低に左右される場合があり、集団の構成員としての自覚に関わる資質・能力に関しては、校内成績の高低に関係なく学級規律の高低に左右されていることを明らかにした

    Eddy current analyses for vacuum vessel of CFQS quasi-axisymmetric stellarator

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    The design activity on the CFQS quasi-axisymmetric stellarator which is conducted as a joint international project is ongoing by National Institute for Fusion Science (NIFS) in Japan and Southwest Jiaotong University (SWJTU) in China. The CFQS magnetic field generating coils consist of sixteen modular coils (MCs) in total with four different types, four poloidal field coils (PFCs), and twelve toroidal field coils (TFCs). In designing fusion devices, eddy currents and electromagnetic (EM) forces on the vacuum vessel (VV) have to be evaluated to verify the mechanical confidence and reliability. In this work, we consider the following three issues, (1) Influence of eddy current induced by external coil current change on the CFQS magnetic confinement, (2) Evaluation of EM force on VV by eddy current under a typical current of the MC and the PFC, and (3) Feasibility check of whether it is possible to heat the CFQS VV by using induction current

    Preliminary design and analysis of the CFQS supporting structure

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    The Chinese First Quasi-axisymmetric Stellarator (CFQS) is now under design and construction. It will be the first quasi-axisymmetric (QA) configuration device to be operated in the world. The main parameters of the CFQS are as follows: the toroidal periodic number Np = 2, major radius R = 1.0 m, aspect ratio Ap = 4.0 and magnetic field strength Bt  = 1.0 T. The low Ap makes it quite challenging to design a supporting structure because of the limited space and strong electromagnetic (EM) force. In this paper, a cage-like supporting structure is proposed for the CFQS modular coil (MC) system to sustain the EM force and the weight of entire device. A finite element analysis is carried out for ensuring the reliability of the supporting structure. The analysis results of the CFQS global model indicate that the cage-like supporting structure can basically satisfy the requirement

    Configuration characteristics of the Chinese First Quasi-axisymmetric Stellarator

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    The Chinese First Quasi-axisymmetric Stellarator (CFQS) will be the first operational quasi-axially symmetric stellarator in the world. The physical and engineering complexities led to the cancellation of two famous quasi-axisymmetric stellarators, CHS-qa and NCSX. Therefore, the major mission of the CFQS is to experimentally achieve the canonical quasi-axisymmetric configuration. The CFQS has been designed to possess a number of advanced features in fixed and free-boundary equilibria. It is a compact stellarator with an aspect ratio R/a ∼4.0. The neoclassical diffusion coefficient is similar to that of tokamaks in the collisionless regime. The MHD equilibrium of the CFQS configuration is stable up to volume-averaged normalized pressure β ∼1.1%. A region of the second ballooning stability exists in this facility with a large region of plasma, becoming second stable for β ∼2.7% in free-boundary equilibria. The gap between the first and second stability boundaries is very narrow, which is greatly beneficial for the CFQS operation in the second stable regime with high β plasma. A modular coil system with 16 coils is designed which robustly reproduces the standard quasi-axisymmetric magnetic field

    MOA-2020-BLG-135Lb: A New Neptune-class Planet for the Extended MOA-II Exoplanet Microlens Statistical Analysis

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    We report the light-curve analysis for the event MOA-2020-BLG-135, which leads to the discovery of a new Neptune-class planet, MOA-2020-BLG-135Lb. With a derived mass ratio of q=1.520.31+0.39×104q=1.52_{-0.31}^{+0.39} \times 10^{-4} and separation s1s\approx1, the planet lies exactly at the break and likely peak of the exoplanet mass-ratio function derived by the MOA collaboration (Suzuki et al. 2016). We estimate the properties of the lens system based on a Galactic model and considering two different Bayesian priors: one assuming that all stars have an equal planet-hosting probability and the other that planets are more likely to orbit more massive stars. With a uniform host mass prior, we predict that the lens system is likely to be a planet of mass mplanet=11.36.9+19.2Mm_\mathrm{planet}=11.3_{-6.9}^{+19.2} M_\oplus and a host star of mass Mhost=0.230.14+0.39MM_\mathrm{host}=0.23_{-0.14}^{+0.39} M_\odot, located at a distance DL=7.91.0+1.0  kpcD_L=7.9_{-1.0}^{+1.0}\;\mathrm{kpc}. With a prior that holds that planet occurrence scales in proportion to the host star mass, the estimated lens system properties are mplanet=2515+22Mm_\mathrm{planet}=25_{-15}^{+22} M_\oplus, Mhost=0.530.32+0.42MM_\mathrm{host}=0.53_{-0.32}^{+0.42} M_\odot, and DL=8.31.0+0.9  kpcD_L=8.3_{-1.0}^{+0.9}\; \mathrm{kpc}. This planet qualifies for inclusion in the extended MOA-II exoplanet microlens sample.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figures, 4 tables, submitted to the AAS Journal

    KMT-2021-BLG-1077L: The fifth confirmed multiplanetary system detected by microlensing

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    The high-magnification microlensing event KMT-2021-BLG-1077 exhibits a subtle and complex anomaly pattern in the region around the peak. We analyze the lensing light curve of the event with the aim of revealing the nature of the anomaly. We test various models in combination with several interpretations. We find that the anomaly cannot be explained by the usual three-body (2L1S and 1L2S) models. The 2L2S model improves the fit compared to the three-body models, but it still leaves noticeable residuals. On the other hand, the 3L1S interpretation yields a model explaining all the major anomalous features in the lensing light curve. According to the 3L1S interpretation, the estimated mass ratios of the lens companions to the primary are 1.56×103\sim 1.56 \times 10^{-3} and 1.75×103\sim 1.75 \times 10^{-3}, which correspond to 1.6\sim 1.6 and 1.8\sim 1.8 times the Jupiter/Sun mass ratio, respectively, and therefore the lens is a multiplanetary system containing two giant planets. With the constraints of the event time-scale and angular Einstein radius, it is found that the host of the lens system is a low-mass star of mid-to-late M spectral type with a mass of Mh=0.140.07+0.19 MM_{\rm h} = 0.14^{+0.19}_{-0.07}~M_\odot, and it hosts two gas giant planets with masses of Mp1=0.220.12+0.31 MJM_{\rm p_1}=0.22^{+0.31}_{-0.12}~M_{\rm J} and Mp2=0.250.13+0.35 MJM_{\rm p_2}=0.25^{+0.35}_{-0.13}~M_{\rm J}. The planets lie beyond the snow line of the host with projected separations of a,p1=1.261.08+1.41 AUa_{\perp, {\rm p}_1}=1.26^{+1.41}_{-1.08}~{\rm AU} and a,p2=0.930.80+1.05 AUa_{\perp, {\rm p}_2}=0.93^{+1.05}_{-0.80}~{\rm AU}. The planetary system resides in the Galactic bulge at a distance of DL=8.241.16+1.02 kpcD_{\rm L}=8.24^{+1.02}_{-1.16}~{\rm kpc}. The lens of the event is the fifth confirmed multiplanetary system detected by microlensing following OGLE-2006-BLG-109L, OGLE-2012-BLG-0026L, OGLE-2018-BLG-1011L, and OGLE-2019-BLG-0468L.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure

    KMT-2021-BLG-1150Lb: Microlensing planet detected through a densely covered planetary-caustic signal

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    Recently, there have been reports of various types of degeneracies in the interpretation of planetary signals induced by planetary caustics. In this work, we check whether such degeneracies persist in the case of well-covered signals by analyzing the lensing event KMT-2021-BLG-1150, for which the light curve exhibits a densely and continuously covered short-term anomaly. In order to identify degenerate solutions, we thoroughly investigate the parameter space by conducting dense grid searches for the lensing parameters. We then check the severity of the degeneracy among the identified solutions. We identify a pair of planetary solutions resulting from the well-known inner-outer degeneracy, and find that interpreting the anomaly is not subject to any degeneracy other than the inner-outer degeneracy. The measured parameters of the planet separation (normalized to the Einstein radius) and mass ratio between the lens components are (s,q)in(1.297,1.10×103)(s, q)_{\rm in}\sim (1.297, 1.10\times 10^{-3}) for the inner solution and (s,q)out(1.242,1.15×103)(s, q)_{\rm out}\sim (1.242, 1.15\times 10^{-3}) for the outer solution. According to a Bayesian estimation, the lens is a planetary system consisting of a planet with a mass Mp=0.880.36+0.38 MJM_{\rm p}=0.88^{+0.38}_{-0.36}~M_{\rm J} and its host with a mass Mh=0.730.30+0.32 MM_{\rm h}=0.73^{+0.32}_{-0.30}~M_\odot lying toward the Galactic center at a distance DL=3.81.2+1.3D_{\rm L} =3.8^{+1.3}_{-1.2}~kpc. By conducting analyses using mock data sets prepared to mimic those obtained with data gaps and under various observational cadences, it is found that gaps in data can result in various degenerate solutions, while the observational cadence does not pose a serious degeneracy problem as long as the anomaly feature can be delineated.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure