84 research outputs found

    Anti-inflammatory and immunomodulating effects of clarithromycin in patients with cystic fibrosis lung disease.

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    BACKGROUND AND AIM: Macrolide antibiotics are widely used in the treatment of suppurative lung diseases including cystic fibrosis (CF), the most common inherited fatal disease in the Caucasian population. This condition is characterized by secondary Pseudomonas infection resulting in neutrophil infiltration within the airways. The aim of the study was to investigate the evolution of inflammatory process in CF patients receiving long-term clarithromycin therapy. METHODS: Twenty-seven CF patients (mean age, 12 years) were enrolled into the study. Beside the basic therapy the patients were treated with clarithromycin at a dose of 250 mg every other day orally. All patients were routinely examined every 3 months. Blood and sputum were collected before clarithromycin treatment and then again 3, 6 and 12 months after the drug prescription. Cytokine concentrations (tumor necrosis factor-alpha, interleukin-8, interleukin-4, interferon-gamma) in the sputum and plasma were assayed. Peripheral blood lymphocyte response to phytohemagglutinin was also evaluated. RESULTS: Clarithromycin treatment resulted in a marked reduction of the cytokine levels both in the sputum and plasma specimens. At the same time, the interferon-gamma/interleukin-4 ratio has been significantly elevated. In addition, a sustained increase of peripheral blood lymphocyte response to phytohemagglutinin was demonstrated. These changes were associated with a significant improvement of the lung function. CONCLUSIONS: The beneficial effect of the prolonged treatment of CF patients with a 14-membered ring macrolide antibiotic clarithromycin seems to be associated not only with down-regulation of the inflammatory response, but also with immunological changes including the switch from Th2 to Th1 type response

    Improvement of nutrient absorption may enhance systemic oxidative stress in cystic fibrosis patients.

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    BACKGROUND: The life expectancy of patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) is largely dependent on the pulmonary disease severity and progress. Malnutrition may be an important complicating factor in active and chronic lung disease. AIMS: The focus of this study was to investigate several inflammatory markers in pancreatic-insufficient CF patients with different enzyme treatment regimens. METHODS: CF patients with pancreatic insufficiency were examined at a time of symptomatic exacerbation of their lung disease. Group A (n = 11) regularly received microspheric enzymes. Group B (n = 8) were treated with enzymes during the hospitalization period only and demonstrated the presence of malnutrition. Inflammatory markers in the sputa (neutrophil elastase activity, interleukin-8 and tumour necrosis factor-alpha levels) and in the peripheral blood (plasma malondialdehyde (MDA), lymphocyte response to PHA, and the cell sensitivity to steroid suppression) have been investigated. RESULTS: During acute lung exacerbation, group B demonstrated reduced levels of lymphocyte proliferation. This parameter was normalized after combined antibiotic and pancreatic enzyme therapy. Simultaneously, plasma MDA in group B markedly increased following treatment. For this group, a significant positive linear association between values of plasma MDA and lymphocyte proliferation has been observed. For group A, neither the same correlation nor changes in MDA levels and lymphocyte proliferation have been found. CONCLUSIONS: Our data indicate that acute lung exacerbation in malnourished CF patients may be associated with alteration in T-lymphocyte activity. Adequate therapy normalizes lymphocyte function but results in systemic oxidative stress


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    Structural changes in eyes are present in all patients with chronic kidney disease. A study to detect ocular patho- logy in patients with end-stage chronic renal failure after kidney transplantation in the early and late postopera- tive period compared with patients receiving replacement therapy with hemodialysis. Revealed that in the early post-transplant period in recipients of kidneyas in patients on hemodialysis, continued angioretinopatiya, 40% of patients had «dry eye syndrome». In the delayed post-transplant period, patients showed significant impro- vement in the retina and retinal vessels, the improvement of spatial-temporal parameters of visual perception. However, a decrease of visual acuity on the background of the development of posterior subcapsular cataract caused by prolonged corticosteroid, and an increased incidence of viral and bacterial conjunctivitis. Структурные изменения органа зрения имеются у всех больных с хронической болезнью почек. Проведе- но исследование для выявления глазной патологии у больных с терминальной стадией ХПН после транс- плантации почки в раннем и отдаленном периоде в сравнении с пациентами, получающими заместитель- ную терапию гемодиализом. Выявлено, что в раннем посттрансплантационном периоде у реципиентов ПАТ, как и у пациентов на гемодиализе, сохранялась ангиоретинопатия, у 40% пациентов отмечался син- дром «сухого глаза». В отсроченном посттрансплантационном периоде у пациентов выявлено значимое улучшение состояния сетчатки и ретинальных сосудов, улучшение пространственно-временных показа- телей зрительного восприятия. Однако отмечалось снижение остроты зрения на фоне развития задней субкапсулярной катаракты, обусловленной длительным приемом кортикостероидов, и увеличение часто- ты вирусных и бактериальных конъюнктивитов.

    Inflammatory markers in cystic fibrosis patients with lung Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection.

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    Chronic endobronchial inflammation and bacterial infection are the main causes of morbidity and mortality in cystic fibrosis (CF), an autosomal recessive genetic disorder associated with improper function of chloride channels. Inflammation in CF lung is greatly amplified after Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection. In this study the relationship between P. aeruginosa status and inflammatory markers has been investigated. Seventeen CF children in acute lung exacerbation were examined. CF patients without P. aeruginosa infection were characterized by elevated activity of sputum elastase, reduced response of peripheral blood lymphocytes to PHA and significant resistance to the antiproliferative action of glucocorticoids. These parameters were normalized after antibiotic treatment. The patients with prolonged P. aeruginosa infection demonstrated extremely high levels of elastase activity and elevated amounts of sputum IL-8 and TNF-alpha. Although antibiotic treatment resulted in clinical improvement, it failed to suppress excessive immune response in the lung. The data indicate that CF patients with prolonged P. aeruginosa need the modified treatment, which should include immunomodulating drugs and protease inhibitors as well as antibacterial therapy

    11-летний опыт повторной трансплантации почки у пожилых реципиентов в НИИ СП им. Н.В. Склифосовского

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    Introduction. In spite of improvements in quality of life and lifetime of kidney transplant recipients the limited time of kidney transplant survival dictate the need for returning back to dialysis or repeat kidney transplantation. In respect that the need of repeat kidney transplantation usually observed in elderly recipients we attach importance in the analysis of outcomes of kidney retransplantation in patients over 60-s.Aim: to analyse the early outcomes of kidney re-transplantations in middle-aged and elderly recipients.Material and methods: the retrospective analysis of outcomes of 124 repeat kidney transplantations was made (16 transplantations in elderly recipients -Group I; 108 transplantations in recipients aged 20-59 yrs - Group II). The recovery of kidney transplants, acute rejection rates, the causes and the rate of kidney transplant dysfunction and failure, early patient’s and kidney transplant’ survival rates were analyzed. We used clinical, laboratory, histological and instrumental diagnostics.Results: in both groups there were no differences in kidney transplant recovery rates (p = 0,546), kidney transplant function (normal function 81,2% vs 86,1%, dysfunction 6,3% vs 4,3%, graft failure 12,5% vs 9,3% (p = 0,876), recipient 100% vs 99,1% (p = 0,34) and graft survival rates 87,5% vs 90,7% (p = 0,30). There were no episodes of acute rejection in patients of group I (0% vs 30,6% (p = 0,006). The reason of graft failure in group I - the graft’s pathology (nephroangiosclerosis (12,5%), group II - intractable acute rejection (4,6%), graft’s pathology (3,7%), patient’s death with functioning graft (0,9%).Conclusion: there were similar recipient and graft survival rates in both groups. We observed lower acute rejection rate in patients of group I using sufficient immunosuppressive regimens.Актуальность. Несмотря на улучшение качества и продолжительности жизни реципиентов после трансплантации почки, ограниченный срок функционирования трансплантата диктует необходимость возвращения на заместительную почечную терапию или проведение повторной трансплантации почки. Учитывая, что необходимость повторной трансплантации нередко наблюдается в пожилом возрасте, представляется актуальным оценить результаты повторной трансплантации почки у реципиентов старше 60 лет.Цель: провести анализ и сравнить результаты раннего послеоперационного периода после повторных трансплантаций почки, выполненных у реципиентов пожилого и среднего возраста.Материалы и методы. Исследование основано на ретроспективном анализе результатов 124 повторных трансплантаций почки, 16 из которых были выполнены пожилым реципиентам (I группа) и 108 - реципиентам в возрасте от 20 до 59 лет (II группа). Сравнивали варианты восстановления функции трансплантатов почки, частоту развития острого отторжения, причины и частоту развития дисфункции и потерь трансплантата, выживаемость реципиентов и трансплантатов в раннем послеоперационном периоде. Использовали клинические, лабораторные, гистологические и инструментальные методы диагностики.Результаты. В обеих группах не выявлено статистически достоверных отличий по вариантам восстановления функции почки (р = 0,546), частоте полученных исходов трансплантаций почки (нормализация функции 81,2% : 86,1%, дисфункция 6,3% : 4,3%, потери 12,5% : 9,3%; р = 0,876), выживаемости реципиентов 100% : 99,1% (р = 0,34) и трансплантатов 87,5% : 90,7% (р = 0,30). У пациентов I группы, в отличие от пациентов II группы, не было отмечено острых кризов отторжения трансплантата почки (0% и 30,6%, р = 0,006). Причинами потерь трансплантатов были: в I группе донорская патология - нефроангиосклероз (12,5%), во II группе - некупируемое острое отторжение (4,6%), донорская патология (3,7%), летальный исход с работающим трансплантатом (0,9%).Вывод: показатели выживаемости трансплантатов почки и реципиентов в ранние сроки после трансплантации сопоставимы в обеих группах. Доказана достоверно меньшая частота эпизодов отторжения в исследуемой группе на фоне проводимой иммуносупрессивной терапии