32 research outputs found

    Neutrino magnetic moment and inert doublet dark matter in a Type-III radiative scenario

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    We narrate dark matter, neutrino magnetic moment and mass in a Type-III radiative scenario. The Standard Model is enriched with three vector-like fermion triplets and two inert doublets to provide a suitable platform for the above phenomenological aspects. The inert scalars contribute to total relic density of dark matter in the Universe. Neutrino aspects are realized at one-loop with magnetic moment obtained through charged scalars, while neutrino mass gets contribution from charged and neutral scalars. Taking inert scalars up to 22 TeV and triplet fermion in few hundred TeV range, we obtain a common parameter space, compatible with experimental limits associated with both neutrino and dark matter sectors. Using a specific region for transition magnetic moment (O(1011μB{\cal O} (10^{-11}\mu_B)), we explain the excess recoil events, reported by the XENON1T collaboration. Finally, we demonstrate that the model is able to provide neutrino magnetic moments in a wide range from 1012μB10^{-12}\mu_B to 1010μB10^{-10}\mu_B, meeting the bounds of various experiments such as Super-K, TEXONO, Borexino and XENONnT.Comment: 21 pages, 9 figures, version to appear in PR

    Correlating neutrino magnetic moment and scalar triplet dark matter to enlighten XENONnT bounds in a Type-II model

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    We investigate neutrino magnetic moment, triplet scalar dark matter in a Type-II radiative seesaw scenario. With three vector-like fermion doublets and two scalar triplets, we provide a loop level setup for the electromagnetic vertex of neutrinos. All the scalar multiplet components constitute the total dark matter abundance of the Universe and also their scattering cross section with detector lie below the experimental upper limit. Using the consistent parameter space in dark matter domain, we obtain light neutrino mass in sub-eV scale and also magnetic moment in the desired range. We further derive the constraints on neutrino transition magnetic moments, consistent with XENONnT limit.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figure

    Scalar dark matter, Neutrino mass and Leptogenesis in a U(1)BL\rm U(1)_{B-L} model

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    We investigate the phenomenology of singlet scalar dark matter in a simple U(1)BL\rm U(1)_{B-L} gauge extension of standard model, made anomaly free with four exotic fermions. The enriched scalar sector and the new gauge boson ZZ^\prime, associated with U(1)\rm U(1) gauge extension, connect the dark sector to the visible sector. We compute relic density, consistent with Planck limit and ZZ^\prime mediated dark matter-nucleon cross section, compatible with PandaX bound. The mass of ZZ^\prime and the corresponding gauge coupling are constrained from LEP-II and LHC dilepton searches. We also briefly scrutinize the tree level neutrino mass with dimension five operator. Furthermore, resonant leptogenesis phenomena is discussed with TeV scale exotic fermions to produce the observed baryon asymmetry of the Universe. Further, we briefly explain the impact of flavor in leptogenesis and we also project the combined constraints on Yukawa, consistent with oscillation data and observed baryon asymmetry. Additionally, we restrict the new gauge parameters by using the existing data on branching ratios of rare B(τ)B(\tau) decay modes. We see that the constraints from dark sector are much more stringent from flavor sector.Comment: 31 pages, 14 figures, version to appear in Journal of Physics