166 research outputs found

    Is malaria the cause for decline in the wild population of the Indian White-backed vulture (Gyps bengalensis)?

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    The populations of three species of Gyps vultures have shown a decline of more than 95% between 1988 and 1999 in the Indian subcontinent and are now classified as 'critically endangered'. The indiscriminate and widespread veterinary use of diclofenac has been implicated for the decline of the White-backed vulture (Gyps bengalensis) in Pakistan, India and Nepal. Similar trends in population decline as seen in the northern regions have also been recorded in Central and South India, but the cause for the decline was not investigated. Here we report a study carried out in a densely forested and sparsely populated region in Central India. An intracellular malarial parasite was identified from the tissues of both live and dead Whitebacked vultures. Further, amplification and sequence analysis of the consensus sequence of the mitochondrial small and large sub-unit rRNA genes indicated a 95-96% similarity with the mitochondrial sequence of Plasmodium falciparum (DQ642845) and other Plasmodium species. In addition, amplification and sequencing of a 502 bp fragment of the mitochondrial cyt b gene identified the haemoprotozoan with Plasmodium sp. AP70, an avian malarial parasite. During the course of this study we also rescued two terminally ill vultures with symptoms of malaria, and treatment with anti-malarials led to their recovery. None of the affected vultures had diclofenac residues, thus implying that malaria could be an additional cause for the decline for the White-backed vulture population

    Isolation and identification of Micrococcus roseus and Planococcus sp. from schirmacher oasis, Antarctica

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    Five cultures isolated from soil samples collected in Schirmacher oasis, Antarctica, have been identified as members of the family Micrococcaceae, with 3 belonging to the genusMicrococcus and two toPlanococcus. The 3 Micrococcus isolates (37R, 45R and 49R) were red-pigmented and h a d ~ 75 mol% G + C in their DNA; they were identified as Micrococcus roseus. The twoPlanococcus isolates (30Y and Lz3OR) were yellow and orange in colour, and had 43·5 and 40·9 mol % G + C in their DNA respectively; they were identified as Planococcus sp

    Genetic Evidence of Tiger Population Structure and Migration within an Isolated and Fragmented Landscape in Northwest India

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    Majority of the tiger habitat in Indian subcontinent lies within high human density landscapes and is highly sensitive to surrounding pressures. These forests are unable to sustain healthy tiger populations within a tiger-hostile matrix, despite considerable conservation efforts. Ranthambore Tiger Reserve (RTR) in Northwest India is one such isolated forest which is rapidly losing its links with other tiger territories in the Central Indian landscape. Non-invasive genetic sampling for individual identification is a potent technique to understand the relationships between threatened tiger populations in degraded habitats. This study is an attempt to establish tiger movement across a fragmented landscape between RTR and its neighboring forests, Kuno-Palpur Wildlife Sanctuary (KPWLS) and Madhav National Park (MNP) based on non-invasively obtained genetic data.Data from twelve microsatellite loci was used to define population structure and also to identify first generation migrants and admixed individuals in the above forests.Population structure was consistent with the Central Indian landscape and we could determine significant gene flow between RTR and MNP. We could identify individuals of admixed ancestry in both these forests, as well as first generation migrants from RTR to KPWLS and MNP.Our results indicate reproductive mixing between animals of RTR and MNP in the recent past and migration of animals even today, despite fragmentation and poaching risk, from RTR towards MNP. Substantial conservation efforts should be made to maintain connectivity between these two subpopulations and also higher protection status should be conferred on Madhav National Park

    Life-Detection Technologies for the Next Two Decades

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    Since its inception six decades ago, astrobiology has diversified immensely to encompass several scientific questions including the origin and evolution of Terran life, the organic chemical composition of extraterrestrial objects, and the concept of habitability, among others. The detection of life beyond Earth forms the main goal of astrobiology, and a significant one for space exploration in general. This goal has galvanized and connected with other critical areas of investigation such as the analysis of meteorites and early Earth geological and biological systems, materials gathered by sample-return space missions, laboratory and computer simulations of extraterrestrial and early Earth environmental chemistry, astronomical remote sensing, and in-situ space exploration missions. Lately, scattered efforts are being undertaken towards the R&D of the novel and as-yet-space-unproven life-detection technologies capable of obtaining unambiguous evidence of extraterrestrial life, even if it is significantly different from Terran life. As the suite of space-proven payloads improves in breadth and sensitivity, this is an apt time to examine the progress and future of life-detection technologies.Comment: 6 pages, the white paper was submitted to and cited by the National Academy of Sciences in support of the Astrobiology Science Strategy for the Search for Life in the Univers

    Binding of seminalplasmin to the plasma and acrosomal membranes of bovine spermatozoa: fluorescence studies on the changes in the lipid-phase fluidity

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    The binding of seminalplasmin, a protein secreted by the accessory sex glands of bull, to the plasma and outer acrosomal membrane of bovine spermatozoa was studied using three different fluorescent probes. 8-Aniline-1-naphthalenesulfonate fluorescence, pyrene excimer fluorescence and diphenylhexatriene fluorescence polarisation studies indicate that seminalplasmin binds to the spermatozoal membranes, and leads to an increase in the fluidity of both the plasma and the acrosomal membranes. Calcium was found to have no influence on the interaction of seminalplasmin with the spermatozoal membranes. These results suggest that protein(s) present in the seminal plasma could interact with spermatozoal membranes and increase their fluidity

    Seminalplasmin: a protein with many biological properties

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    Proteins present in the seminal plasma of mammals are known to influence functions associated with ejaculated spermatozoa such as motility, capacitation, acrosome reaction and fertilising ability. The proteins isolated and characterised so far influence only one of the above functions of spermatozoa. Seminalplasmin, a protein isolated from the seminal plasma of bull is exceptional in that it influences many of the above spermatozoal functions. It is also a potent antimicrobial protein and capable of lysing microbial and mammalian cells. The physiological function of seminalplasmin as nature's own antifertility agent is discussed

    The Role of DJ-1 in the Pathogenesis of Endometriosis

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    Background: Endometriosis is an estrogen-dependent disease causing pelvic pain and infertility in 10 % of reproductiveaged women. Despite a long history of the disease the pathogenesis of endometriosis is poorly understood. It is known that the expression of several proteins is either up or down regulated during endometriosis, but their precise role remains to be determined. DJ-1 is one such protein that is upregulated in eutopic endometrium of women having endometriosis suggesting that DJ-1 may be involved in the pathogenesis of endometriosis. Methodology and Principal Findings: The role of DJ-1 in the pathogenesis of endometriosis was investigated. For this purpose the influence of DJ-1 on endometrial cell survival, attachment, proliferation, migration, and invasion either by overexpressing DJ-1 in normal endometrial cells or by knocking down DJ-1 expression in endometriotic cells using siRNA was investigated. The results indicated that DJ-1 protects endometrial cells from oxidative stress mediated apoptosis. Overexpression of DJ-1 in normal endometrial epithelial cells increases the adhesion on collagen type IV. However, no significant difference was observed incase of stromal cells. It was further demonstrated that DJ-1 regulates cell proliferation, migration, and invasion in normal endometrial and endometriotic epithelial cells whereas in the case of normal endometrial and endometriotic stromal cells, it regulates cell proliferation and invasion but not migration. Furthermore, the present study also indicated that DJ-1 regulates these cellular processes by modulating PI3K/Akt pathway by interacting and negatively regulating PTEN

    Ribonucleolytic activity of bovine spermatozoal plasma and acrosomal membranes

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    We show here the presence of an integral, strong RNAase-A-like ribonucleolytic activity in the plasma and outer acrosomal membranes of bovine spermatozoa. A part of this activity is extractable by salt or detergent
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