128 research outputs found

    А complex approach in prevention of risk factors for injuries in sport

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    Athletes have different in character and seriousness injuries according to the specifics of each sport. The necessity of a multifunctional team of professionals is the foundation for building up a complete behavioural and psychological model of prophylaxis and prevention concerning injuries in sport. Making a trustful relationship patient professional contributes to taking certain responsibility on the behalf of the player and facilitates the process of injury recovery. The cooperation in teamwork and the correct distribution of the roles inside the team guarantees a successful therapy and prevents athletes from the risk factors in the sport

    Unconventional methods of treatment as a part of the holistic approach in the management of the chronic invalidating disease

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    The growing number of chronically polymorbid ill patients is definitely connected with the progress of conventional medicine and the increase in life expectancy. This poses a lot of challenges in front of traditional methods of treatment, which undoubtedly take part in the acute and decompensated phases of the disease. The long life with a chronically polymorbid state leads to disability and low quality of life. The patients are forced to face and search other ways which can contribute to their return to active and independent life. With the help of unconventional therapy, they find a wide range of methods for complete influence upon the three components of health yet with insignificant and short-lasting side effects. The expectations of citizens and society in the next years are going to direct inevitably towards unconventional methods of treatment as an opportunity to improve holistic health. The Bulgarian legislation obliges some of the unconventional methods of holistic therapy to be practised only by doctors who have passed training and acquired qualification for their use. The research shows that it is necessary to revise the regulation urgently regarding its adaptation to the latest changes in the Law of Health in order to face the needs of chronically ill patients

    Chiropractic as a system of manual techniques

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    A historical review of the birth and development of chiropractic reveals its ancient roots. Chiropractors, in accordance with their knowledge and competence as neuromuscular specialists, focus primarily on muscle and joint pain. Over the years, evidence has been accumulating to support the effectiveness of chiropractic techniques in the pathology of the spine. The techniques are most commonly used in conditions linked to impaired „joint play“ of the vertebrae and pain in the spine, accompanied by dizziness and headache.The aim of the article is to explore chiropractic as a system of manual techniques.Material and MethodsDocumentary content analysis of bibliographic descriptions and relevant articles about historical development, concepts and theories, essence, distribution and application of chiropractic.ResultsChiropractic is established as training and practice in many countries around the world. There is still no licensed training and practice of chiropractic in Bulgaria. In Bulgarian conditions, the closest term corresponding to the concept of chiropractic is manual therapy performed by a doctor.ConclusionA review of the literature reveals the possibilities of chiropractic techniques in musculoskeletal dysfunction of the spine in order to overcome musculoskeletal blockage and change in quality of life. Chiropractic is an established profession in many countries around the world - USA, Canada, Russia and Germany, but in Bulgaria there is no legislative framework for regulating the profession of chiropractor, as well as training in higher medical institutions. In Bulgarian conditions the chiropractic manipulative techniques are performed by doctors in the specialties Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, Orthopedics, Rheumatology and Neurology

    Innovative Possibility To Support Reduction Of Overweight In Teenagers

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    Information technologies are attracting more and more interest among children, and their motor activity is replaced by prolonged standing in front of a computer, tablet or phone. One of the modern trends in medicine is the use of active video games adapted to the needs of the growing generation by increasing motivation and physical activity. They can find their therapeutical place in training mind, strength, balance and flexibility, making them competitive on static video games. Their ability to imitate sporting activities, dancing or standard training provides children with the necessary daily motor activity. These qualities of active video games stand out as an innovative opportunity that could be part of the kinesitherapeutic behavior in overweight children and adolescents.The purpose of this article is to explore possibilities to help reduce overweight in adolescents through active video games

    Obesity, cellulite and esthetic kinesitherapy in menopause - presentation of a clinical case

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    Наднорменото телесно тегло, целулита и задръжката на течности са често срещани оплаквания при менопаузалните жени, които все по-често търсят помощ от кинезитерапията, като алтернатива на хормонозаместителната терапия. Експериментът е проведен в Университетския център по Източна медицина на Медицински университет-Варна през месец юли - август 2017 г., като ръст, тегло, индекс телесна маса и съотношение мускулна маса/мастна тъкан са измервани с апарат „TANITA` в МЦРСМ „Простор`-Варна. Обект на изследването е естетичната кинезитерапия и нейните ефекти върху наднорменото тегло и целулита при менопаузалната пациентка Г. Ш. на 54 г. Предмет на изследването е влиянието на средствата на естетичната кинезитерапия. Целта на изследването е да се създаде програма за подобряване на холистичното здраве при менопаузалните жени със средствата на естетичната кинезитерапия. Подобряването на холистичното здраве при тази голяма и застрашена група от населението чрез подобни програми би имало и допълнителен ефект посредством намаляване на появата на злокачествени заболявания, свързани с продължителния прием на синтетични и растителни хормони.Постигнатите резултати разкриват неизползвани досега възможности за приложение на естетичната кинезитерапия при пациентки в менопауза.Obesity, cellulite, and fluid retention are common complaints in menopausal women who are increasingly looking for physical therapy as an alternative to hormone replacement therapy. The experiment was conducted at the University Center of Eastern Medicine of the Medical University of Varna in July - August 2017, as height, weight, a body mass index and ratio of muscle mass/fat were measured with apparatus `TANITA` in MCRSM `Prostor` -Varna. Object of the study was the aesthetic kinesitherapy and its effects on excess weight and cellulite in a menopausal female patient G. S., 54 years old. The subject of the study was the influence of the means of the aesthetic physical therapy. The aim of the study was to create a program for improving the holistic health in menopausal women by means of the aesthetic kinesitherapy. Improving the holistic health of this large and endangered group of the population through such programs would also have an additional effect by reducing the occurrence of malignancies associated with prolonged intake of synthetic and plant hormones. The achieved results revealed unused possibilities for application the aesthetic physical therapy in menopausal patients

    The Method of Gas Discharge Visualization in the Diagnosis of Stress Factors in Athletes

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    The method of gas discharge visualization (Kirlian effect) is a non-invasive diagnostic method that detects the changes in the normal electrical activity of the human organism in a state of body’s sickness and psyche. It is widely used in various areas of the healthcare system, one of which is sports medicine, where the frequency of trauma increases dramatically. The balance between the mental and physical health of athletes is the basis for achieving high sports performance and reducing trauma of the joint muscle structures. The psycho-emotional component that is neglected by healthcare professionals often leads to reduction in the athlete's ability and this arises the need for successful early tracking and mastering of stressful athletic states. In Bulgarian sports medicine there is no established practice for applying objective methods for the diagnosis of stress factors. In this regard, the Kirlian effect may be a sufficiently appropriate tool for professional athletes to objectively measure stress response.The aim of the article is to investigate the possibilities of using the method of gas discharge visualization for the diagnosis of stress factors in order to prevent traumas and psychological recovery in athletes

    The role of echocardiography in the diagnosis of fetal and pediatric cardiac tumors

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    В исторически план развитието на образните методи на изследване при сърдечните тумори позволи преминаването от аутопсионна към прижизнено поставена диагноза. Ехокардиографията е лесно достъпен, неинвазивен и високо информативен диагностичен метод на първи избор.Представени са възможностите на съвременното комплексно ехокардиографско изследване за ранно, включително и пренатално, откриване на туморите на сърцето, придружаващите сърдечни аномалии и извършването на коректна хемодинамична оценка. Включени са и наши собствени наблюдения на пациенти с различни по вид сърдечни тумори, диагностицирани както фетално, така и след раждането.Ехокардиографското изследване е утвърден, бърз, удобен и информативен метод за пре- и постнатално диагностициране на сърдечните тумори в детската възраст, както и за тяхното пре- и постоперативно проследяване.The development of different imaging techniques allows the diagnosis of cardiac tumors to be made before the death of a person, and not as it used to be made - following a post mortem. Echocardiography is easily available, noninvasive and a highly informative diagnostic method of choice.We`re presenting the possibilities of current echocardiography examination for the early, including prenatal, diagnosis of cardiac tumors, concomitant congenital heart diseases and hemodynamic evaluation. In this report we also include the observations of our own patients with different kinds of cardiac tumors, which were diagnosed prenatally and after birth. Echocardiography is an approved, quick, convenient and informative prenatal, and postnatal, diagnostic method for cardiac tumors in childhood, as well as for their preoperative and postoperative follow-up

    Meridian massage and post-isometric relaxation in treatment of tension headache

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    Tензионното главоболие е едно от най-честите оплаквания при различни възрастови групи и е значителен проблем, който има голямо социално-икономическо влияние. Този здравен проблем се отразява върху обществото, като едновременно представлява голям разход, свързан с използването на здравната система, и нетру-доспособност, която довежда до продължително отсъствие от работното място. Симптоматичното медикаментозно лечение на тензионното главоболие води до временно потискане и облекчаване на това оплакване, но не и до отстраняване на проблема. Неглижирането на това състояние поражда търсенето на по-ефикасни и успешни средства за борба, включващи правилна диагностика, неконвенционални и конвенционални методи на лечение. Задължително условие за изграждане на цялостен модел на лечение на тензионното главоболие е кооперативната връзка между лекар-физиотерапевт и кинезитерапевт, насочена към индивидуалните оп-лаквания на пациента.Tension headache is one of the most common complaints in different-age groups and it is a significant problem which has a big socio-economic influence. This health problem reflects on society and at the same time is a big cost related to healthcare system and disability which leads to prolonged absence from work. Symptomatically medical treatment of tension headache leads to temporary suppression and relief of this complaint but does not solve the problem. The negligence of this state, generates a search for more efficient and successful measures for struggle, including correct diagnostic, unconventional and conventional methods of treatment. A mandatory condition for building up a whole model for treatment of tension headache is the cooperative relationship between a doctor-physio-therapist and kinesitherapist, focused on the individual complaints of the patient

    Eastern medicine in management of chronic disk disease

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    The way in which chronic disc disease runs nowadays is turning it into a socially significant disease, which starts to spread among younger people. The consequences are connected with physical and psychological disorders, which limit the working capacity and lead to a serious economic loss for society. This state requires the participation of a multidisciplinary team, applying methods of unconventional and conventional medicine with an individual holistic approach. A similar management gives an opportunity to consider the body as a macro system in order to apply better healing to patients with chronic disk disease.The aim of this article is to investigate the role of unconventional methods with patients having chronic disk disease and the opportunities to improve their completely physical, mental and social health.Our tasks are:1. To apply a complex of unconventional methods: acupuncture, meridian massage and reflexotherapy on feet with patients having chronic disk disease.2. To investigate the efficiency of the combination between unconventional methods and the conventional method `healing gymnastics`.3. To educate the patients with chronic disk disease how to prevent themselves from future recurrences.The object of our research is chronic disk disease and the subject is the possibility to increase the efficiency of treatment through the combination of unconventional and conventional methods of healing.The results of the research show that unconventional methods take an important part in the complex treatment of chronic disk disease and they are a necessary factor in increasing the efficiency of therapy with such patients. The whole perspective of the University Centre of East medicine at the Medical University of Varna is to expand the competences of the professional health workers in the field of unconventional medicine in help of healing chronic disease

    Kinesitherapeutic Methods of Treatment and Prevention of Rheumatoid Arthritis

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    Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune, chronic, recurrent disease that is most commonly associated with joint changes that occur symmetrically in the small joints of the fingers and toes. The disease is progressive, with connective tissue damage and extra-articular disorders, and inevitably leads to disability, impaired quality of life, and reduced survival. The causes of the disease are not fully understood, but risk factors include genetic predisposition, bad habits, obesity, and medication. The incidence among the population is about 1%, while in women, rheumatoid arthritis is 2.5 times more common than in men. The conservative treatment of rheumatoid arthritis most often includes drug therapy, physiotherapy, and psychotherapy. Kinesitherapy, which aims to reduce pain symptoms, prevent joint complications, and treat the motor deficits associated with the disease's systemic and progressive nature, is an important component in the disease's complex treatment.The aim of the study is to present kinesitherapeutic methods of treatment and prevention of rheumatoid arthritis