9 research outputs found

    Новые вопросы использования научно-технических средств в уголовном судопроизводстве

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    In the present article some circumstances of essence and the maintenance of publicity principles of preliminary investigation and proceeding, in particular problems of maintenance of the secret provided by the law preliminary investigations are considered, and during proceeding of application of certain isolation still not interrogated witnesses, their removal from a hall of judicial session till the moment of the invitation for evidence.В статье рассматриваются некоторые обстоятельства сущности и содержания принципов гласности предварительного расследования и судебного разбирательства, в частности проблемы обеспечения предусмотренной законом тайны предварительного расследования, а в ходе судебного разбирательства — применения определенной изоляции еще не допрошенных свидетелей, их удаления из зала судебного заседания до момента приглашения для дачи показаний

    К вопросу о правовом регулировании института медиации в Российской Федерации и Сингапуре. Сравнительно-правовой анализ

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    This article is devoted to the study of the mediation procedure, both in Russia and in Singapore. The research article analyzes the work of mediation in Russia, provides a comparative legal analysis on the example of the country of Singapore, examines the current legislation in the field of mediation, reveals the problems and suggests ways to solve them.Статья посвящена исследованию процедуры медиации как в России, так и в Сингапуре. Авторы рассматривают работу медиации в России. Проводится сравнительно-правовой анализ на примере страны Сингапур, изучается действующее в области медиации законодательство, раскрываются проблемы и предлагаются пути их решения

    К вопросу о правовом регулировании института медиации в Российской Федерации и Сингапуре. Сравнительно-правовой анализ

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    This article is devoted to the study of the mediation procedure, both in Russia and in Singapore. The research article analyzes the work of mediation in Russia, provides a comparative legal analysis on the example of the country of Singapore, examines the current legislation in the field of mediation, reveals the problems and suggests ways to solve them.Статья посвящена исследованию процедуры медиации как в России, так и в Сингапуре. Авторы рассматривают работу медиации в России. Проводится сравнительно-правовой анализ на примере страны Сингапур, изучается действующее в области медиации законодательство, раскрываются проблемы и предлагаются пути их решения

    Public education in the Russian empire at the end of the 19th century

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    The paper reviews primary education in the Russian Empire at the end of the 19th century. It focuses on describing the successes and shortcomings of the public education system, as well as identifying the causes of its poor efficiency. As a summary, the authors concluded that the government of the Russian Empire consolidated major efforts to improve public education since the mid-19th century. At the same time, it is important to note that the government was not only committed to educating the population, but it also prioritized the role of parochial schools in the process, which paid much more attention to the spiritual and moral component. This is why significant numbers of parochial schools were opened across the Russian Empire, and the institutions enjoyed funding from the state treasury. On the other hand, schools in the system of the Ministry of Public Education, as well as zemstvo (zemstvo - an elective council responsible for the local administration of a provincial district in czarist Russia) and city schools financed by these communities, grew at a much less marked rate. In general, by the end of the 19th century, Russia achieved the encouraging progress in public education, and the transition to universal education was only a matter of time. © 2018 by Academic Publishing

    Public education in the Russian empire at the end of the 19th century

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    The paper reviews primary education in the Russian Empire at the end of the 19th century. It focuses on describing the successes and shortcomings of the public education system, as well as identifying the causes of its poor efficiency. As a summary, the authors concluded that the government of the Russian Empire consolidated major efforts to improve public education since the mid-19th century. At the same time, it is important to note that the government was not only committed to educating the population, but it also prioritized the role of parochial schools in the process, which paid much more attention to the spiritual and moral component. This is why significant numbers of parochial schools were opened across the Russian Empire, and the institutions enjoyed funding from the state treasury. On the other hand, schools in the system of the Ministry of Public Education, as well as zemstvo (zemstvo - an elective council responsible for the local administration of a provincial district in czarist Russia) and city schools financed by these communities, grew at a much less marked rate. In general, by the end of the 19th century, Russia achieved the encouraging progress in public education, and the transition to universal education was only a matter of time. © 2018 by Academic Publishing

    Economic Sectors Development Evaluation in Innovations Triple-Helix Model

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    The paper relevance is related to the need to develop new approaches to the innovative economy management. The paper purpose is to develop innovative development analytical model in the economic sectors context based on open innovations' theoretical concepts study and systematization. The paper presents the characteristics for innovative activity system-forming elements, including the innovative infrastructure at the meso-level. An innovation triple helix model is suggested by economic activity types in national innovation systems on economic and mathematical simulation basis. The paper materials can be used to develop innovation activities forecasts of science, business and the state

    Economic Sectors Development Evaluation in Innovations Triple-Helix Model

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    The paper relevance is related to the need to develop new approaches to the innovative economy management. The paper purpose is to develop innovative development analytical model in the economic sectors context based on open innovations' theoretical concepts study and systematization. The paper presents the characteristics for innovative activity system-forming elements, including the innovative infrastructure at the meso-level. An innovation triple helix model is suggested by economic activity types in national innovation systems on economic and mathematical simulation basis. The paper materials can be used to develop innovation activities forecasts of science, business and the state

    Structure and content of e-learning information environment based on geo-information technologies

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    The urgency of the paper is determined by the continuous information development of all spheres of education: integration of new knowledge, accessibility of information technologies and computer facility aids, professionalization and computerization of educational activities. The purpose of the research is to develop the structure and content of learning information environment in a higher education institute on the basis of geo-information technologies. The authors show the possibilities of using geo-information technologies in teaching outside the scope of their typical application (geographic, geodetic, geological education). The principles of designing the information environment for training on the basis of geo-information technologies are developed, which is built into the general information environment of higher education institute. The peculiarities of using geo-information technologies in non-core training are revealed, and the structure of learning environment modules based on geo-information technologies is developed and their content is described. The authors adapted the system of criteria evaluating the the effectiveness of training information environment, carried out an empirical study of the quality of education information environment in a higher education institute on the basis of geo-information technologies. The paper is intended for teachers, specialists in the field of information as means of education. © 2017 Authors

    Structure and content of e-learning information environment based on geo-information technologies

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    The urgency of the paper is determined by the continuous information development of all spheres of education: integration of new knowledge, accessibility of information technologies and computer facility aids, professionalization and computerization of educational activities. The purpose of the research is to develop the structure and content of learning information environment in a higher education institute on the basis of geo-information technologies. The authors show the possibilities of using geo-information technologies in teaching outside the scope of their typical application (geographic, geodetic, geological education). The principles of designing the information environment for training on the basis of geo-information technologies are developed, which is built into the general information environment of higher education institute. The peculiarities of using geo-information technologies in non-core training are revealed, and the structure of learning environment modules based on geo-information technologies is developed and their content is described. The authors adapted the system of criteria evaluating the the effectiveness of training information environment, carried out an empirical study of the quality of education information environment in a higher education institute on the basis of geo-information technologies. The paper is intended for teachers, specialists in the field of information as means of education. © 2017 Authors