8 research outputs found

    How to estimate the number of self-avoiding walks over 10^100? Use random walks

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    Counting the number of N-step self-avoiding walks (SAWs) on a lattice is one of the most difficult problems of enumerative combinatorics. Once we give up calculating the exact number of them, however, we have a chance to apply powerful computational methods of statistical mechanics to this problem. In this paper, we develop a statistical enumeration method for SAWs using the multicanonical Monte Carlo method. A key part of this method is to expand the configuration space of SAWs to random walks, the exact number of which is known. Using this method, we estimate a number of N-step SAWs on a square lattice, c_N, up to N=256. The value of c_256 is 5.6(1)*10^108 (the number in the parentheses is the statistical error of the last digit) and this is larger than one googol (10^100).Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, 1 table, to appear in proceedings of YSMSPIP in Senda

    Negative Energetic Elasticity of Lattice Polymer Chain in Solvent

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    Negative internal energetic contribution to elastic modulus (negative energetic elasticity) has recently been observed in polymer gels. This finding challenges the conventional notion that the elastic moduli of rubberlike materials are determined mainly by entropic elasticity. However, the microscopic origin of negative energetic elasticity has not yet been clarified. Here, we consider the nn-step interacting self-avoiding walk on a cubic lattice as a model of a single polymer chain (a subchain of a network in a polymer gel) in a solvent. We show the occurrence of negative energetic elasticity based on an exact enumeration up to n=20n=20 and analytic expressions for arbitrary nn in three cases where the chain is highly stretched. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the negative energetic elasticity of this model originates from the attractive polymer-solvent interaction, which locally stiffens the chain and conversely softens the stiffness of the entire chain. This model qualitatively reproduces the temperature dependence of negative energetic elasticity observed in the polymer-gel experiments, indicating that the analysis of a single chain can explain the properties of negative energetic elasticity in polymer gels.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure