413 research outputs found

    How Do Heterogeneous Social Interactions Affect the Peer Effect in Rural-Urban Migration?: Empirical Evidence from China

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    In this paper, we use the "2002 Chinese Household Income Project Survey" (CHIP2002) data to examine how heterogeneous social interactions affect the peer effect in the rural-urban migration decision in China. We find that the peer effect, measured by the village migration ratio, significantly increases the individual probability of outward migration. We also find that the magnitude of the peer effect is nonlinear, depending on the strength and type of social interactions with other villagers. Interactions in information sharing can increase the magnitude of the peer effect, while interactions in mutual help in labor activities, such as help in housing construction, nursing and farm work in busy seasons, will impede the positive role of the peer effect. Being aware of the simultaneity bias caused by the two-way causality between social interaction strengths and migration, we utilize "historical family political identity in land reform" as an instrumental variable for social interactions. However, the hypothesis that probit and instrumental-variable probit results are not significantly different is not rejected. The existence of a nonlinear peer effect has rich policy implications. For policy makers to encourage rural-urban migration, it is feasible to increase education investment in rural areas or increase information sharing among rural residents. However, only an increase in the constant term in the regression, i.e., a "big push" in improving institutions for migration, can help rural Chinese residents escape the low equilibrium in migration.labor migration, urbanization, peer effect, social interaction, social multiplier

    Weak Compactness Criterion in Wk,1 W^{k, 1} with an Existence Theorem of Minimizers

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    Nelson Dunford and Billy James Pettis [{\em Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.}, 47 (1940), pp. 323--392] proved that relatively weakly compact subsets of L1 L^1 coincide with equi-integrable families. We expand it to the case of Wk,1 W^{k,1} - the non-reflexive Sobolev space - by a tailor-made isometric operator. Herein we extend an existence theorem of minimizers from reflexive Sobolev spaces to non-reflexive ones


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    The title compound, C15H12O2S, features three fused rings with a dihedral angle of 79.6 (2)° between the isopropenyl group and the thio­phene ring. In the crystal, mol­ecules are connected into a supra­molecular helical chain via C—H⋯O contacts

    Alteration-free and Model-agnostic Origin Attribution of Generated Images

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    Recently, there has been a growing attention in image generation models. However, concerns have emerged regarding potential misuse and intellectual property (IP) infringement associated with these models. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the origin of images by inferring if a specific image was generated by a particular model, i.e., origin attribution. Existing methods are limited in their applicability to specific types of generative models and require additional steps during training or generation. This restricts their use with pre-trained models that lack these specific operations and may compromise the quality of image generation. To overcome this problem, we first develop an alteration-free and model-agnostic origin attribution method via input reverse-engineering on image generation models, i.e., inverting the input of a particular model for a specific image. Given a particular model, we first analyze the differences in the hardness of reverse-engineering tasks for the generated images of the given model and other images. Based on our analysis, we propose a method that utilizes the reconstruction loss of reverse-engineering to infer the origin. Our proposed method effectively distinguishes between generated images from a specific generative model and other images, including those generated by different models and real images

    How to Detect Unauthorized Data Usages in Text-to-image Diffusion Models

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    Recent text-to-image diffusion models have shown surprising performance in generating high-quality images. However, concerns have arisen regarding the unauthorized usage of data during the training process. One example is when a model trainer collects a set of images created by a particular artist and attempts to train a model capable of generating similar images without obtaining permission from the artist. To address this issue, it becomes crucial to detect unauthorized data usage. In this paper, we propose a method for detecting such unauthorized data usage by planting injected memorization into the text-to-image diffusion models trained on the protected dataset. Specifically, we modify the protected image dataset by adding unique contents on the images such as stealthy image wrapping functions that are imperceptible to human vision but can be captured and memorized by diffusion models. By analyzing whether the model has memorization for the injected content (i.e., whether the generated images are processed by the chosen post-processing function), we can detect models that had illegally utilized the unauthorized data. Our experiments conducted on Stable Diffusion and LoRA model demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method in detecting unauthorized data usages

    FairNeuron: Improving Deep Neural Network Fairness with Adversary Games on Selective Neurons

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    With Deep Neural Network (DNN) being integrated into a growing number of critical systems with far-reaching impacts on society, there are increasing concerns on their ethical performance, such as fairness. Unfortunately, model fairness and accuracy in many cases are contradictory goals to optimize. To solve this issue, there has been a number of work trying to improve model fairness by using an adversarial game in model level. This approach introduces an adversary that evaluates the fairness of a model besides its prediction accuracy on the main task, and performs joint-optimization to achieve a balanced result. In this paper, we noticed that when performing backward propagation based training, such contradictory phenomenon has shown on individual neuron level. Based on this observation, we propose FairNeuron, a DNN model automatic repairing tool, to mitigate fairness concerns and balance the accuracy-fairness trade-off without introducing another model. It works on detecting neurons with contradictory optimization directions from accuracy and fairness training goals, and achieving a trade-off by selective dropout. Comparing with state-of-the-art methods, our approach is lightweight, making it scalable and more efficient. Our evaluation on 3 datasets shows that FairNeuron can effectively improve all models' fairness while maintaining a stable utility

    CILIATE: Towards Fairer Class-based Incremental Learning by Dataset and Training Refinement

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    Due to the model aging problem, Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) need updates to adjust them to new data distributions. The common practice leverages incremental learning (IL), e.g., Class-based Incremental Learning (CIL) that updates output labels, to update the model with new data and a limited number of old data. This avoids heavyweight training (from scratch) using conventional methods and saves storage space by reducing the number of old data to store. But it also leads to poor performance in fairness. In this paper, we show that CIL suffers both dataset and algorithm bias problems, and existing solutions can only partially solve the problem. We propose a novel framework, CILIATE, that fixes both dataset and algorithm bias in CIL. It features a novel differential analysis guided dataset and training refinement process that identifies unique and important samples overlooked by existing CIL and enforces the model to learn from them. Through this process, CILIATE improves the fairness of CIL by 17.03%, 22.46%, and 31.79% compared to state-of-the-art methods, iCaRL, BiC, and WA, respectively, based on our evaluation on three popular datasets and widely used ResNet models

    Mesh-MLP: An all-MLP Architecture for Mesh Classification and Semantic Segmentation

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    With the rapid development of geometric deep learning techniques, many mesh-based convolutional operators have been proposed to bridge irregular mesh structures and popular backbone networks. In this paper, we show that while convolutions are helpful, a simple architecture based exclusively on multi-layer perceptrons (MLPs) is competent enough to deal with mesh classification and semantic segmentation. Our new network architecture, named Mesh-MLP, takes mesh vertices equipped with the heat kernel signature (HKS) and dihedral angles as the input, replaces the convolution module of a ResNet with Multi-layer Perceptron (MLP), and utilizes layer normalization (LN) to perform the normalization of the layers. The all-MLP architecture operates in an end-to-end fashion and does not include a pooling module. Extensive experimental results on the mesh classification/segmentation tasks validate the effectiveness of the all-MLP architecture.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure