78 research outputs found

    Index theorem for topological heterostructure systems

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    We apply the Niemi-Semenoff index theorem to an s-wave superconductor junction system attached with a magnetic insulator on the surface of a three-dimensional topological insulator. We find that the total number of the Majorana zero energy bound states is governed not only by the gapless helical mode but also by the massive modes localized at the junction interface. The result implies that the topological protection for Majorana zero modes in class D heterostructure junctions may be broken down under a particular but realistic condition.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Green's Function Method for Line Defects and Gapless Modes in Topological Insulators : Beyond Semiclassical Approach

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    Defects which appear in heterostructure junctions involving topological insulators are sources of gapless modes governing the low energy properties of the systems, as recently elucidated by Teo and Kane [Physical Review B82, 115120 (2010)]. A standard approach for the calculation of topological invariants associated with defects is to deal with the spatial inhomogeneity raised by defects within a semiclassical approximation. In this paper, we propose a full quantum formulation for the topological invariants characterizing line defects in three-dimensional insulators with no symmetry by using the Green's function method. On the basis of the full quantum treatment, we demonstrate the existence of a nontrivial topological invariant in the topological insulator-ferromagnet tri-junction systems, for which a semiclassical approximation fails to describe the topological phase. Also, our approach enables us to study effects of electron-electron interactions and impurity scattering on topological insulators with spatial inhomogeneity which gives rise to the Axion electrodynamics responses.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figure

    H2O maser motions and the distance of the star forming region G192.16-3.84

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    We present the results of astrometic observations of H2O masers associated with the star forming region G192.16-3.84 with the VLBI Exploration of Radio Astrometry (VERA). The H2O masers seem to be associated with two young stellar objects (YSOs) separated by \sim1200 AU as reported in previous observations. In the present observations, we successfully detected an annual parallax of 0.66 \pm 0.04 mas for the H2 O masers, which corresponds to a distance to G192.16-3.84 of D = 1.52 \pm 0.08 kpc from the Sun. The determined distance is shorter than the estimated kinematic distance. Using the annual parallax distance and the estimated parameters of the millimeter continuum emission, we estimate the mass of the disk plus circumstellar cloud in the southern young stellar object to be 10.0+4.3M\cdot. We also estimate the galactocentric distance and the peculiar motion -3.6 of G192.16-3.84, relative to a circular Galactic rotation: R\star = 9.99 \pm 0.08 kpc, Z\star = -0.10 \pm 0.01 kpc, and (U\star,V\star,W\star)=(-2.8\pm1.0,-10.5\pm0.3,4.9\pm2.7)[kms-1]respectively. The peculiar motion of G192.16-3.84 is within that typically found in recent VLBI astrometric results. The angular distribution and three-dimensional velocity field of H2O maser features associated with the northern YSO indicate the existence of a bipolar outflow with a major axis along the northeast-southwest direction.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures and 4 tables. Accepted for publication on PAS

    A case of colon lipoma presenting with intussusception

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     An 84-year-old man, who had been found to have a submucosal tumor in the ascending colon two years before, was admitted to our hospital for right lower quadrant abdominal pain and melena. An abdominal computed tomography (CT) scan showed intussusception in the ascending colon, resulting from a fat-density tumor. The intussusception was located by colonoscopy. Since the colonic tumor was enlarged in comparison with two years ago and had an ulcer at the top of the tumor, there was the possibility of malignancy and recurrence of intussusception. He underwent a laparoscopy-assisted right colectomy with lymph node dissection. Pathologically, the tumor of the ascending colon was a benign lipoma

    A case of appendiceal diverticulum resected by laparoscopic surgery with preoperative diagnosis of appendiceal tumor

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     Appendiceal diverticulum is rare. We encountered a case of appendiceal diverticulum with chronic appendicitis. A 56-year-old man presented to our hospital with right lower abdominal pain. An abdominal computed tomography (CT) scan showed swelling of the appendix body and the wall thickness of the base of the appendix. Due to the possibility of appendiceal tumor, we performed a laparoscopy-assisted ileocecal resection with lymph node dissection. The appendix had a diverticulum with chronic inflammation, but it did not have a neoplastic lesion

    Fundamental Parameters of the Milky Way Galaxy Based on VLBI astrometry

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    We present analyses to determine the fundamental parameters of the Galaxy based on VLBI astrometry of 52 Galactic maser sources obtained with VERA, VLBA and EVN. We model the Galaxy's structure with a set of parameters including the Galaxy center distance R_0, the angular rotation velocity at the LSR Omega_0, mean peculiar motion of the sources with respect to Galactic rotation (U_src, V_src, W_src), rotation-curve shape index, and the V component of the Solar peculiar motions V_sun. Based on a Markov chain Monte Carlo method, we find that the Galaxy center distance is constrained at a 5% level to be R_0 = 8.05 +/- 0.45 kpc, where the error bar includes both statistical and systematic errors. We also find that the two components of the source peculiar motion U_src and W_src are fairly small compared to the Galactic rotation velocity, being U_src = 1.0 +/- 1.5 km/s and W_src = -1.4 +/- 1.2 km/s. Also, the rotation curve shape is found to be basically flat between Galacto-centric radii of 4 and 13 kpc. On the other hand, we find a linear relation between V_src and V_sun as V_src = V_sun -19 (+/- 2) km/s, suggesting that the value of V_src is fully dependent on the adopted value of V_sun. Regarding the rotation speed in the vicinity of the Sun, we also find a strong correlation between Omega_0 and V_sun. We find that the angular velocity of the Sun, Omega_sun, which is defined as Omega_sun = Omega_0 + V_sun/R_0, can be well constrained with the best estimate of Omega_sun = 31.09 +/- 0.78 km/s/kpc. This corresponds to Theta_0 = 238 +/- 14 km/s if one adopts the above value of R_0 and recent determination of V_sun ~ 12 km/s.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures, PASJ in pres

    The impact of triple drug immunosuppression on clinical results of cadaveric kidney transplantation: a comparison of conventional immunosuppression.

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    A retrospective study was carried out in 110 cadaveric kidney transplant recipients to compare the effects of low doses of cyclosporine (CsA), azathioprine (AZP) and steroids (triple-drug therapy) with those of higher doses of steroids plus AZP (conventional immunosuppression). Graft survival rate in the triple-drug therapy was 77%, 69%, and 69% at 1, 3, and 5 years, respectively. This was significantly better than 48%, 34%, and 29% in conventional immunosuppression. The incidence of acute rejection episodes was significantly lower in the triple-drug therapy than in conventional immunosuppression (25% vs 58%). In conclusion, our study shows that triple-drug therapy using low-dose cyclosporine is the safest of the immunosuppressive regimens and provides a beneficial effect on the long-term survival of cadaveric kidney transplants.</p

    Renal transplantation from HLA-haploidentical living-related donors: the effects of donor-specific blood transfusions and different immunosuppressive regimens.

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    One-hundred-nine HLA-haploidentical living related renal transplants have been retrospectively analysed to compare the effect of donor-specific blood transfusion (DST) and different immunosuppressive regimens on graft survival and acute rejection. The recipients were divided into four groups according to the immunosuppressive therapy. Group 1 (n = 44): conventional therapy with posttransplant azathioprine (AZP) + methylprednisolone (MP). Group 2 (n = 25): pretransplant DST + posttransplant AZP + MP. Group 3 (n = 12): triple-drug therapy with posttransplant AZP + MP + cyclosporine (CS). Group 4 (n = 25): pretransplant DST + posttransplant AZP + MP + CS. The five-year actuarial survival rates for groups 1, 2, 3 and 4 were 48%, 73%, 79%, and 89%, respectively. The graft survival rate in group 3 was significantly (p less than 0.01) better than that in group 1. The transfusion effect was reduced, and appears as a 10% improvement in the graft survival in the cyclosporin era compared with a 25% improvement at pre-cyclosporin era. Furthermore, the incidence of the first rejection episode was decreased in recipients that received DST. The present study revealed that DST, as pretransplant conditioning has a definite impact on rejection-free long-term graft survival in HLA-haploidentical living-related kidney recipients and the most favorable outcome in such patients could be achieved by DST pretreatment in conjunction with posttransplant triple-drug therapy including cyclosporine.</p