160 research outputs found
p59fyn is associated with the development of hepatic steatosis due to chronic ethanol consumption
p59fyn, a protein tyrosine kinase belonging to the src-family, is involved in the regulatory mechanism of acute response to ethanol in the central nervous system. A previous report showed an association between src-family kinase activity and fatty acid oxidation, and it also reported that hepatic free fatty acid levels were low in Fyn−/− mice. We examined, using Fyn−/− mice whether Fyn is also involved in fatty acid metabolism and the development of pathological changes in the liver in response to chronic ethanol consumption. C57BL/6J Fyn−/− and Fyn+/+ mice were fed for 8 weeks with either a liquid diet comprising ethanol or one in which the calories from ethanol were replaced with carbohydrates. Chronic ethanol consumption for 8 weeks resulted in remarkable hepatic steatosis in Fyn+/+ mice but not in Fyn−/− mice. Chronic ethanol consumption induced a significant decrease in hepatic FFA and triglyceride levels in Fyn−/− mice. Levels of interleukin-6, which is associated with the enhancement of fatty acid oxidation, was also increased significantly in the livers of ethanol-fed Fyn−/− mice. The results suggest that Fyn is involved in the enhancement of fatty acid oxidation and the development of hepatic steatosis caused by chronic ethanol consumption
Vegetable juice preload ameliorates postprandial blood glucose concentration in healthy women : A randomized cross-over trial
Background and Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate the acute effect of drinking vegetable juice 20 min before carbohydrate on postprandial blood glucose concentrations in young healthy women. Method: In this randomized controlled cross-over study, 24 women (age 21.3 ±0.6 years, HbA1c 5.4 ±0.2 %, mean ± SD) consumed either 200 g of vegetable juice, vegetable (150 g of tomato and 40 g of broccoli), or water at 20 min before consuming 200 g of boiled white rice for 3 separate days. The blood glucose concentrations were measured by self-monitoring blood glucose pre- and post-breakfast at -20, 0, 15, 30, 45, 60, 120, and 180 min. The glycemic parameters were compared among 3 days. Results: The incremental glucose peak at 45 min (vegetable juice 48.3 ± 4.1, vegetable 47.4 ± 3.3 vs. water 66.8 ± 4.3 mg/dl, respectively, both p < 0.01, mean ± SEM) and large amplitude of glycemic excursion (LAGE; vegetable juice 57.1 ± 3.1, vegetable 58.3 ± 3.6 vs. water 78.3 ± 4.3 mg/dl, respectively, both p < 0.05) in consuming vegetable juice and vegetable at 20 min before carbohydrate intake were all significantly lower than those of water. There was no significant difference between glycemic parameters of vegetable juice and vegetable. Conclusions: Drinking vegetable juice 20 min before carbohydrate ameliorates the postprandial blood glucose concentrations as well as vegetable preload, despite total amounts of energy and carbohydrate of vegetable juice or vegetable are higher than those of water
Photon-counting CT: technical features and clinical impact on abdominal imaging
The version of record of this article, first published in Abdominal Radiology, is available online at Publisher’s website: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00261-024-04414-5.Photon-counting CT has a completely different detector mechanism than conventional energy-integrating CT. In the photon-counting detector, X-rays are directly converted into electrons and received as electrical signals. Photon-counting CT provides virtual monochromatic images with a high contrast-to-noise ratio for abdominal CT imaging and may improve the ability to visualize small or low-contrast lesions. In addition, photon-counting CT may offer the possibility of reducing radiation dose. This review provides an overview of the actual clinical operation of photon-counting CT and its diagnostic utility in abdominal imaging. We also describe the clinical implications of photon-counting CT including imaging of hepatocellular carcinoma, liver metastases, hepatic steatosis, pancreatic cancer, intraductal mucinous neoplasm of the pancreas, and thrombus
Records of several species of bees and wasps from Tottori Sand Dunes with special reference to nesting sites of a sand wasp, Bembix niponica.
2017年5月から11月初めまで鳥取砂丘でニッポンハナダカバチ(環境省レッドリストで絶滅危惧II類)などの希少有剣ハチ類の生息状況を調査した。アリ科をのぞく膜翅目(ハチ類)は12科21種を確認したが,そのうち次の7種は鳥取砂丘新記録である: キアシブトコバチ,サトジガバチ,アカオビケラトリバチ,コウライヨコバイバチ,キスジツチスガリ,オオムカシハナバチ,コマルハナバチ。ニッポンハナダカバチは6月下旬から8月上旬に成虫の出現を確認し,これまで不明であった営巣地が鳥取砂丘の南側の林縁近くの広い裸地にあることを確認した。確認された営巣地のうちで個体数を最も多く観察できた合せヶ谷広場で,巣穴の位置と密度を2017年と2018年の2回調査した。営巣密度は2018年のほうが大きく,2017年11月に行われたポケモン Go イベントの参加者による大規模な踏みつけは,本種の生息には大きな悪影響を与えなかったと考えられた。個体数を比較的多く確認できたツチバチ類,ニッポンハナダカバチ,ヤマトスナハキバチ,キスジツチスガリ,ルイスヒトホシアリバチについては,季節消長および鳥取砂丘内での分布などの概要を記した。 / We surveyed rare wasps and bees such as Bembix niponica (Vulnerable, VU in the Japan Ministry of Environment Red List 2019) in Tottori Sand Dunes from May to early November in 2017. A total of 21 species were recorded. Of these, the following six species are the species newly recorded from Tottori Sand Dunes: Brachymeria lasus, Larra amplipennis, Psen koreanus, Cerceris arenaria, Colletes (Colletes) collaris, Bombus ardens. Colony sites of Bembix niponica in Tottori Sand Dunes were found for the first time. Average numbers of the nests per 10 m×10 m (100 m2) square area were 7.1±4.72 in 2017 and 11.8±1.44 in 2018
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