89 research outputs found

    Future development strategies for KODISA journals: overview of 2016 and strategic plans for the future

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    Purpose – With the rise of the fourth industrial revolution, it has converged with the existing industrial revolution to give shape to increased accessibility of knowledge and information. As a result, it has become easier for scholars to actively pursue and compile research in various fields. This current study aims to focus and assess the current standing of KODISA: the Journal of Distribution Science (JDS), International Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business (IJIDB), the East Asian Journal of Business Management (EAJBM), the Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business (JAFEB) in a rapidly evolving era. Novel strategies for creating the future vision of KODISA 2020 will also be examined. Research design, data, and methodology – The current research will analyze published journals of KODISA in order to offer a vision for the KODISA 2020 future. In part 1, this paper will observe the current address of the KODISA journal and its overview of past achievements. Next, part 2 will discuss the activities that will be needed for journals of KODISA, JDS, IJIDB, EAJBM, JAFEB to branch out internationally and significant journals will be statistically analyzed in part 3. The last part 4 will offer strategies for the continued growth of KODISA and visions for KODISA 2020. Results – Among the KODISA publications, IJIDB was second, JDS was 23rd (in economic publications of 54 journals), and EAJBM was 22nd (out of 79 publications in management field journals). This shows the high quality of the KODISA publication journals. According to 2016 publication analysis, JDS, IJIDB, etc. each had 157 publications, 15 publications, 16 publications, and 28 publications. In the case of JDS, it showed an increase of 14% compared to last year. Additionally, JAFEB showed a significant increase of 68%. This shows that compared to other journals, it had a higher rate of paper submission. IJIDB and EAJBM did not show any significant increases. In JDS, it showed many studies related to the distribution, management of distribution, and consumer behavior. In order to increase the status of the KODISA journal to a SCI status, many more international conferences will open to increase its international recognition levels. Second, the systematic functions of the journal will be developed further to increase its stability. Third, future graduate schools will open to foster future potential leaders in this field and build a platform for innovators and leaders. Conclusions – In KODISA, JDS was first published in 1999, and has been registered in SCOPUS February 2017. Other sister publications within the KODISA are preparing for SCOPUS registration as well. KODISA journals will prepare to be an innovative journal for 2020 and the future beyond

    Unified control parametrisation approach for finite-horizon feedback control with trajectory shaping

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    This study presents control parametrisation as a unifying framework for designing a linear feedback control law that achieves finite-time transfer of output as well as trajectory shaping. Representing control input as a linear combination of independent basis functions allows wide variability in the resultant feedback control laws through selection of the number and types of basis functions. Given an array of basis functions that meets the trajectory shaping necessities, the unified design approach proceeds with determination of the coefficients so that the predicted trajectory attains the desired output at the final time. The input evaluated with the coefficients found at each instance essentially turns out to be a linear state feedback policy with an additional feedforward term and time-dependent gains which is appropriate for practical use. The unified control parametrisation approach lends itself well to missile guidance applications with the expandability and direct trajectory shaping capability that it provides. To emphasise expandability of the framework, this study revisits the trajectory shaping guidance laws from the control parametrisation viewpoint and shows how the notion of specifying input basis functions not only generalises various existing methods but also enables further extensions. Furthermore, an application to integrated guidance and control illustrates the strength of design process in handling the shaping requirements more directly through construction of appropriate basis

    Current Trends in Korean Adolescents’ Social Purpose

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    In the research presented we investigated the features of Korean adolescents’ social purpose as compared with other life goals in terms of different aspects of psychological well-being (study 1). We also examine the perceptions of high achieving Korean adolescents on social purpose and factors affecting it (study 2).The results of study 1 showed that the pursuit of social purpose significantly predicted psychological well-being compared to the other two life goals. Results of study 2 showed Korean adolescents value and pursue social purpose as a life goal. They explicitly accepted their social responsibility to serve their country in line with idyllic Confucianism values and Collectivistic roles. However, further analysis revealed that they had implicitly pursued individualistic desires of materialistic wealth and fame in parallel with their explicit social purpose. Implications of the results are discussed from the socio-cultural perspective on social purpose in regards to how to understand the features of social purpose that Korean adolescents have and how to foster its development

    Effects of the Mental Health and Welfare Law revision on schizophrenia patients in Korea: an interrupted time series analysis

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    Background High rates of involuntary hospitalization and long lengths of stay have been problematic in Korea. To address these problems, the Mental Health and Welfare Law was revised in 2016, mainly to protect patient rights by managing involuntary admissions. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of the revised Mental Health and Welfare Law on deinstitutionalization by using routinely collected data from hospital admissions and continuity of mental health service use after hospital discharge as proxy measures of deinstitutionalization. Methods We used monthly-aggregated claims-based data with a principal or secondary diagnosis of schizophrenia from 2012 to 2019, collected by the National Health Insurance Service. Outcome variables included rates of first admission; discharges; re-admissions within 7, 30, and 90 days; outpatient visits after discharge within 7 and 30 days; and continuity of visits, at least once a month for 6 months after discharge. Using interrupted time series analysis, we estimated the change in levels and trends of the rates after revision, controlling for baseline level and trend. Results There was no significant change in first admission and discharge rates after the revision. Immediately after the revision, however, the rates of re-admission within 7 and 30 days dropped significantly, by 2.24% and 1.99%, respectively. The slopes of the re-admission rate decreased significantly, by 0.10% and 0.14%, respectively. The slopes of the re-admission rate within 90 days decreased (0.001%). The rates of outpatient visits within 7 and 30 days increased by 1.98% and 2.72%, respectively. The rate of continuous care showed an immediate 4.0% increase. Conclusions The revision had slight but significant effects on deinstitutionalization, especially decreasing short-term re-admission and increasing immediate outpatient service utilization.The study is funded by the Korean NeuroPsychiatric Association: 2018-001