58 research outputs found

    Grouping Based Blind Interference Alignment for KK-user MISO Interference Channels

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    We propose a blind interference alignment (BIA) through staggered antenna switching scheme with no ideal channel assumption. Contrary to the ideal assumption that channels remain constant during BIA symbol extension period, when the coherence time of the channel is relatively short, channel coefficients may change during a given symbol extension period. To perform BIA perfectly with realistic channel assumption, we propose a grouping based supersymbol structure for KK-user interference channels which can adjust a supersymbol length to given coherence time. It is proved that the supersymbol length could be reduced significantly by an appropriate grouping. Furthermore, it is also shown that the grouping based supersymbol achieves higher degrees of freedom than the conventional method with given coherence time.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, to appear in IEEE ISIT 201

    Interference Alignment with Limited Feedback on Two-cell Interfering Two-User MIMO-MAC

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    In this paper, we consider a two-cell interfering two-user multiple-input multiple-output multiple access channel (MIMO-MAC) with limited feedback. We first investigate the multiplexing gain of such channel when users have perfect channel state information at transmitter (CSIT) by exploiting an interference alignment scheme. In addition, we propose a feedback framework for the interference alignment in the limited feedback system. On the basis of the proposed feedback framework, we analyze the rate gap loss and it is shown that in order to keep the same multiplexing gain with the case of perfect CSIT, the number of feedback bits per receiver scales as B(M ⁣1 ⁣) ⁣log2(SNR)+CB \geq (M\!-1\!)\!\log_{2}(\textsf{SNR})+C, where MM and CC denote the number of transmit antennas and a constant, respectively. Throughout the simulation results, it is shown that the sum-rate performance coincides with the derived results.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, Submitted ICC 201

    Optimal Beamforming for Gaussian MIMO Wiretap Channels with Two Transmit Antennas

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    A Gaussian multiple-input multiple-output wiretap channel in which the eavesdropper and legitimate receiver are equipped with arbitrary numbers of antennas and the transmitter has two antennas is studied in this paper. Under an average power constraint, the optimal input covariance to obtain the secrecy capacity of this channel is unknown, in general. In this paper, the input covariance matrix required to achieve the capacity is determined. It is shown that the secrecy capacity of this channel can be achieved by linear precoding. The optimal precoding and power allocation schemes that maximize the achievable secrecy rate, and thus achieve the capacity, are developed subsequently. The secrecy capacity is then compared with the achievable secrecy rate of generalized singular value decomposition (GSVD)-based precoding, which is the best previously proposed technique for this problem. Numerical results demonstrate that substantial gain can be obtained in secrecy rate between the proposed and GSVD-based precodings.Comment: Accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication

    Interference Alignment Through User Cooperation for Two-cell MIMO Interfering Broadcast Channels

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    This paper focuses on two-cell multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) Gaussian interfering broadcast channels (MIMO-IFBC) with KK cooperating users on the cell-boundary of each BS. It corresponds to a downlink scenario for cellular networks with two base stations (BSs), and KK users equipped with Wi-Fi interfaces enabling to cooperate among users on a peer-to-peer basis. In this scenario, we propose a novel interference alignment (IA) technique exploiting user cooperation. Our proposed algorithm obtains the achievable degrees of freedom (DoF) of 2K when each BS and user have M=K+1M=K+1 transmit antennas and N=KN=K receive antennas, respectively. Furthermore, the algorithm requires only a small amount of channel feedback information with the aid of the user cooperation channels. The simulations demonstrate that not only are the analytical results valid, but the achievable DoF of our proposed algorithm also outperforms those of conventional techniques.Comment: This paper will appear in IEEE GLOBECOM 201

    Securing Downlink Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access Systems by Trusted Relays

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    A downlink single-input single-output non-orthogonal multiple access system is considered in which a base station (BS) is communicating with two legitimate users in the presence of an external eavesdropper. A group of trusted cooperative half-duplex relay nodes, powered by the BS, is employed to assist the BS's transmission. The goal is to design relaying schemes such that the legitimate users' secrecy rate region is maximized subject to a total power constraint on the BS and the relays' transmissions. Three relaying schemes are investigated: cooperative jamming, decode-and-forward, and amplify-and-forward. Depending on the scheme, secure beamforming signals are carefully designed for the relay nodes that either diminish the eavesdropper's rate without affecting that of the legitimate users, or increase the legitimate users' rates without increasing that of the eavesdropper. The results show that there is no relaying scheme that fits all conditions; the best relaying scheme depends on the system parameters, namely, the relays' and eavesdropper's distances from the BS, and the number of relays. They also show that the relatively simple cooperative jamming scheme outperforms other schemes when the relays are far from the BS and/or close to the eavesdropper.Comment: To appear in IEEE Globecom 201

    Sum-Rate Maximization of RSMA-based Aerial Communications with Energy Harvesting: A Reinforcement Learning Approach

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    In this letter, we investigate a joint power and beamforming design problem for rate-splitting multiple access (RSMA)-based aerial communications with energy harvesting, where a self-sustainable aerial base station serves multiple users by utilizing the harvested energy. Considering maximizing the sum-rate from the long-term perspective, we utilize a deep reinforcement learning (DRL) approach, namely the soft actor-critic algorithm, to restrict the maximum transmission power at each time based on the stochastic property of the channel environment, harvested energy, and battery power information. Moreover, for designing precoders and power allocation among all the private/common streams of the RSMA, we employ sequential least squares programming (SLSQP) using the Han-Powell quasi-Newton method to maximize the sum-rate for the given transmission power via DRL. Numerical results show the superiority of the proposed scheme over several baseline methods in terms of the average sum-rate performance.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, submitted to IEEE Wireless Communications Letter

    Retrospective Interference Alignment for Two-Cell Uplink MIMO Cellular Networks with Delayed CSIT

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    In this paper, we propose a new retrospective interference alignment for two-cell multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) interfering multiple access channels (IMAC) with the delayed channel state information at the transmitters (CSIT). It is shown that having delayed CSIT can strictly increase the sum-DoF compared to the case of no CSIT. The key idea is to align multiple interfering signals from adjacent cells onto a small dimensional subspace over time by fully exploiting the previously received signals as side information with outdated CSIT in a distributed manner. Remarkably, we show that the retrospective interference alignment can achieve the optimal sum-DoF in the context of two-cell two-user scenario by providing a new outer bound.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, to appear in IEEE ICC 201