45 research outputs found

    Distributed Methods for High-dimensional and Large-scale Tensor Factorization

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    Given a high-dimensional large-scale tensor, how can we decompose it into latent factors? Can we process it on commodity computers with limited memory? These questions are closely related to recommender systems, which have modeled rating data not as a matrix but as a tensor to utilize contextual information such as time and location. This increase in the dimension requires tensor factorization methods scalable with both the dimension and size of a tensor. In this paper, we propose two distributed tensor factorization methods, SALS and CDTF. Both methods are scalable with all aspects of data, and they show an interesting trade-off between convergence speed and memory requirements. SALS updates a subset of the columns of a factor matrix at a time, and CDTF, a special case of SALS, updates one column at a time. In our experiments, only our methods factorize a 5-dimensional tensor with 1 billion observable entries, 10M mode length, and 1K rank, while all other state-of-the-art methods fail. Moreover, our methods require several orders of magnitude less memory than our competitors. We implement our methods on MapReduce with two widely-applicable optimization techniques: local disk caching and greedy row assignment. They speed up our methods up to 98.2X and also the competitors up to 5.9X

    Hypercore Decomposition for Non-Fragile Hyperedges: Concepts, Algorithms, Observations, and Applications

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    Hypergraphs are a powerful abstraction for modeling high-order relations, which are ubiquitous in many fields. A hypergraph consists of nodes and hyperedges (i.e., subsets of nodes); and there have been a number of attempts to extend the notion of kk-cores, which proved useful with numerous applications for pairwise graphs, to hypergraphs. However, the previous extensions are based on an unrealistic assumption that hyperedges are fragile, i.e., a high-order relation becomes obsolete as soon as a single member leaves it. In this work, we propose a new substructure model, called (kk, tt)-hypercore, based on the assumption that high-order relations remain as long as at least tt fraction of the members remain. Specifically, it is defined as the maximal subhypergraph where (1) every node has degree at least kk in it and (2) at least tt fraction of the nodes remain in every hyperedge. We first prove that, given tt (or kk), finding the (kk, tt)-hypercore for every possible kk (or tt) can be computed in time linear w.r.t the sum of the sizes of hyperedges. Then, we demonstrate that real-world hypergraphs from the same domain share similar (kk, tt)-hypercore structures, which capture different perspectives depending on tt. Lastly, we show the successful applications of our model in identifying influential nodes, dense substructures, and vulnerability in hypergraphs.Comment: 24 pages, 14 figure

    Set2Box: Similarity Preserving Representation Learning of Sets

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    Sets have been used for modeling various types of objects (e.g., a document as the set of keywords in it and a customer as the set of the items that she has purchased). Measuring similarity (e.g., Jaccard Index) between sets has been a key building block of a wide range of applications, including, plagiarism detection, recommendation, and graph compression. However, as sets have grown in numbers and sizes, the computational cost and storage required for set similarity computation have become substantial, and this has led to the development of hashing and sketching based solutions. In this work, we propose Set2Box, a learning-based approach for compressed representations of sets from which various similarity measures can be estimated accurately in constant time. The key idea is to represent sets as boxes to precisely capture overlaps of sets. Additionally, based on the proposed box quantization scheme, we design Set2Box+, which yields more concise but more accurate box representations of sets. Through extensive experiments on 8 real-world datasets, we show that, compared to baseline approaches, Set2Box+ is (a) Accurate: achieving up to 40.8X smaller estimation error while requiring 60% fewer bits to encode sets, (b) Concise: yielding up to 96.8X more concise representations with similar estimation error, and (c) Versatile: enabling the estimation of four set-similarity measures from a single representation of each set.Comment: Accepted by ICDM 202

    Incremental Lossless Graph Summarization

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    Given a fully dynamic graph, represented as a stream of edge insertions and deletions, how can we obtain and incrementally update a lossless summary of its current snapshot? As large-scale graphs are prevalent, concisely representing them is inevitable for efficient storage and analysis. Lossless graph summarization is an effective graph-compression technique with many desirable properties. It aims to compactly represent the input graph as (a) a summary graph consisting of supernodes (i.e., sets of nodes) and superedges (i.e., edges between supernodes), which provide a rough description, and (b) edge corrections which fix errors induced by the rough description. While a number of batch algorithms, suited for static graphs, have been developed for rapid and compact graph summarization, they are highly inefficient in terms of time and space for dynamic graphs, which are common in practice. In this work, we propose MoSSo, the first incremental algorithm for lossless summarization of fully dynamic graphs. In response to each change in the input graph, MoSSo updates the output representation by repeatedly moving nodes among supernodes. MoSSo decides nodes to be moved and their destinations carefully but rapidly based on several novel ideas. Through extensive experiments on 10 real graphs, we show MoSSo is (a) Fast and 'any time': processing each change in near-constant time (less than 0.1 millisecond), up to 7 orders of magnitude faster than running state-of-the-art batch methods, (b) Scalable: summarizing graphs with hundreds of millions of edges, requiring sub-linear memory during the process, and (c) Effective: achieving comparable compression ratios even to state-of-the-art batch methods.Comment: to appear at the 26th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD '20

    Spear and Shield: Adversarial Attacks and Defense Methods for Model-Based Link Prediction on Continuous-Time Dynamic Graphs

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    Real-world graphs are dynamic, constantly evolving with new interactions, such as financial transactions in financial networks. Temporal Graph Neural Networks (TGNNs) have been developed to effectively capture the evolving patterns in dynamic graphs. While these models have demonstrated their superiority, being widely adopted in various important fields, their vulnerabilities against adversarial attacks remain largely unexplored. In this paper, we propose T-SPEAR, a simple and effective adversarial attack method for link prediction on continuous-time dynamic graphs, focusing on investigating the vulnerabilities of TGNNs. Specifically, before the training procedure of a victim model, which is a TGNN for link prediction, we inject edge perturbations to the data that are unnoticeable in terms of the four constraints we propose, and yet effective enough to cause malfunction of the victim model. Moreover, we propose a robust training approach T-SHIELD to mitigate the impact of adversarial attacks. By using edge filtering and enforcing temporal smoothness to node embeddings, we enhance the robustness of the victim model. Our experimental study shows that T-SPEAR significantly degrades the victim model's performance on link prediction tasks, and even more, our attacks are transferable to other TGNNs, which differ from the victim model assumed by the attacker. Moreover, we demonstrate that T-SHIELD effectively filters out adversarial edges and exhibits robustness against adversarial attacks, surpassing the link prediction performance of the naive TGNN by up to 11.2% under T-SPEAR

    NeuKron: Constant-Size Lossy Compression of Sparse Reorderable Matrices and Tensors

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    Many real-world data are naturally represented as a sparse reorderable matrix, whose rows and columns can be arbitrarily ordered (e.g., the adjacency matrix of a bipartite graph). Storing a sparse matrix in conventional ways requires an amount of space linear in the number of non-zeros, and lossy compression of sparse matrices (e.g., Truncated SVD) typically requires an amount of space linear in the number of rows and columns. In this work, we propose NeuKron for compressing a sparse reorderable matrix into a constant-size space. NeuKron generalizes Kronecker products using a recurrent neural network with a constant number of parameters. NeuKron updates the parameters so that a given matrix is approximated by the product and reorders the rows and columns of the matrix to facilitate the approximation. The updates take time linear in the number of non-zeros in the input matrix, and the approximation of each entry can be retrieved in logarithmic time. We also extend NeuKron to compress sparse reorderable tensors (e.g. multi-layer graphs), which generalize matrices. Through experiments on ten real-world datasets, we show that NeuKron is (a) Compact: requiring up to five orders of magnitude less space than its best competitor with similar approximation errors, (b) Accurate: giving up to 10x smaller approximation error than its best competitors with similar size outputs, and (c) Scalable: successfully compressing a matrix with over 230 million non-zero entries.Comment: Accepted to WWW 2023 - The Web Conference 202