5 research outputs found

    Diffusion-Stego: Training-free Diffusion Generative Steganography via Message Projection

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    Generative steganography is the process of hiding secret messages in generated images instead of cover images. Existing studies on generative steganography use GAN or Flow models to obtain high hiding message capacity and anti-detection ability over cover images. However, they create relatively unrealistic stego images because of the inherent limitations of generative models. We propose Diffusion-Stego, a generative steganography approach based on diffusion models which outperform other generative models in image generation. Diffusion-Stego projects secret messages into latent noise of diffusion models and generates stego images with an iterative denoising process. Since the naive hiding of secret messages into noise boosts visual degradation and decreases extracted message accuracy, we introduce message projection, which hides messages into noise space while addressing these issues. We suggest three options for message projection to adjust the trade-off between extracted message accuracy, anti-detection ability, and image quality. Diffusion-Stego is a training-free approach, so we can apply it to pre-trained diffusion models which generate high-quality images, or even large-scale text-to-image models, such as Stable diffusion. Diffusion-Stego achieved a high capacity of messages (3.0 bpp of binary messages with 98% accuracy, and 6.0 bpp with 90% accuracy) as well as high quality (with a FID score of 2.77 for 1.0 bpp on the FFHQ 64×\times64 dataset) that makes it challenging to distinguish from real images in the PNG format

    Edit-A-Video: Single Video Editing with Object-Aware Consistency

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    Despite the fact that text-to-video (TTV) model has recently achieved remarkable success, there have been few approaches on TTV for its extension to video editing. Motivated by approaches on TTV models adapting from diffusion-based text-to-image (TTI) models, we suggest the video editing framework given only a pretrained TTI model and a single pair, which we term Edit-A-Video. The framework consists of two stages: (1) inflating the 2D model into the 3D model by appending temporal modules and tuning on the source video (2) inverting the source video into the noise and editing with target text prompt and attention map injection. Each stage enables the temporal modeling and preservation of semantic attributes of the source video. One of the key challenges for video editing include a background inconsistency problem, where the regions not included for the edit suffer from undesirable and inconsistent temporal alterations. To mitigate this issue, we also introduce a novel mask blending method, termed as sparse-causal blending (SC Blending). We improve previous mask blending methods to reflect the temporal consistency so that the area where the editing is applied exhibits smooth transition while also achieving spatio-temporal consistency of the unedited regions. We present extensive experimental results over various types of text and videos, and demonstrate the superiority of the proposed method compared to baselines in terms of background consistency, text alignment, and video editing quality

    Out of Sight, Out of Mind: A Source-View-Wise Feature Aggregation for Multi-View Image-Based Rendering

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    To estimate the volume density and color of a 3D point in the multi-view image-based rendering, a common approach is to inspect the consensus existence among the given source image features, which is one of the informative cues for the estimation procedure. To this end, most of the previous methods utilize equally-weighted aggregation features. However, this could make it hard to check the consensus existence when some outliers, which frequently occur by occlusions, are included in the source image feature set. In this paper, we propose a novel source-view-wise feature aggregation method, which facilitates us to find out the consensus in a robust way by leveraging local structures in the feature set. We first calculate the source-view-wise distance distribution for each source feature for the proposed aggregation. After that, the distance distribution is converted to several similarity distributions with the proposed learnable similarity mapping functions. Finally, for each element in the feature set, the aggregation features are extracted by calculating the weighted means and variances, where the weights are derived from the similarity distributions. In experiments, we validate the proposed method on various benchmark datasets, including synthetic and real image scenes. The experimental results demonstrate that incorporating the proposed features improves the performance by a large margin, resulting in the state-of-the-art performance