12 research outputs found

    Spin-charge separation in a strongly correlated spin-polarized chain

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    We combine the first-quantized path-integral formalism and bosonization to develop a phenomenological theory for spin-charge coupled dynamics in one-dimensional (1D) ferromagnetic systems with strong interparticle repulsion, at low temperatures. We assume an effective spin-charge separation and retain the standard Luttinger-liquid plasmon branch, which is explicitly coupled to a ferromagnetic spin-wave texture with a quadratic dispersion. The dynamic spin structure severely suppresses the plasmon peak in the single-particle propagator, in both fermionic and bosonic systems. Our analysis provides an effective theory for the new universality class of 1D ferromagnetic systems, capturing both the trapped spin and propagating spin-wave regimes of the long-time behavior.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur

    Spin-selective localization due to intrinsic spin-orbit coupling

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    We study spin-dependent diffusive transport in the presence of a tunable spin-orbit (SO) interaction in a two-dimensional electron system. The spin precession of an electron in the SO coupling field is expressed in terms of a covariant curvature, affecting the quantum interference between different electronic trajectories. Controlling this curvature field by modulating the SO coupling strength and its gradients by, e.g., electric or elastic means, opens intriguing possibilities for exploring spin-selective localization physics. In particular, applying a weak magnetic field allows the control of the electron localization independently for two spin directions, with the spin-quantization axis that could be "engineered" by appropriate SO interaction gradients.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figur

    Negative effective mass transition and anomalous transport in power-law hopping bands

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    We study the stability of spinless Fermions with power law hopping HijijαH_{ij} \propto |i - j|^{-\alpha}. It is shown that at precisely αc=2\alpha_c =2, the dispersive inflection point coalesces with the band minimum and the charge carriers exhibit a transition into negative effective mass regime, mα<0m_\alpha^* < 0 characterized by retarded transport in the presence of an electric field. Moreover, bands with α<2\alpha < 2 must be accompanied by counter-carriers with mα>0m_\alpha^* > 0, having a positive band curvature, thus stabilizing the system in order to maintain equilibrium conditions and a proper electrical response. We further examine the semi-classical transport and response properties, finding an infrared divergent conductivity for 1/r hopping(α=1\alpha =1). The analysis is generalized to regular lattices in dimensions dd = 1, 2, and 3.Comment: 6 pages. 2 figure

    Disorder induced transition into a one-dimensional Wigner glass

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    The destruction of quasi-long range crystalline order as a consequence of strong disorder effects is shown to accompany the strict localization of all classical plasma modes of one-dimensional Wigner crystals at T=0. We construct a phase diagram that relates the structural phase properties of Wigner crystals to a plasmon delocalization transition recently reported. Deep inside the strictly localized phase of the strong disorder regime, we observe ``glass-like'' behavior. However, well into the critical phase with a plasmon mobility edge, the system retains its crystalline composition. We predict that a transition between the two phases occurs at a critical value of the relative disorder strength. This transition has an experimental signature in the AC conductivity as a local maximum of the largest spectral amplitude as a function of the relative disorder strength.Comment: 5 pages, revtex. Typo regarding localization length exponent corrected. Should read 1 / \delt

    Anderson transition of the plasma oscillations of 1D disordered Wigner lattices

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    We report the existence of a localization-delocalization transition in the classical plasma modes of a one dimensional Wigner Crystal with a white noise potential environment at T=0. Finite size scaling analysis reveals a divergence of the localization length at a critical eigenfrequency. Further scaling analysis indicates power law behavior of the critical frequency in terms of the relative interaction strength of the charges. A heuristic argument for this scaling behavior is consistent with the numerical results. Additionally, we explore a particular realization of random-bond disorder in a one dimensional Wigner lattice in which all of the collective modes are observed to be localized.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, Typo for the localization length corrected. Should read 1 / \n