99 research outputs found

    Non-LTE effects in Mg I lines for various types of stars

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    We have performed a detailed statistical-equilibrium analysis based on a 49-level model of the magnesium atom for the atmospheres of stars of various spectral types: Teff = 4500-12000 K, logg = 0.0 - 4.5, and [M/H] = 0 to -3. In the atmospheres of stars with Teff > 5500 K, deviations from LTE for Mg I are due to photoionization by ultraviolet radiation from the 3p level; i.e., neutral magnesium is in a state of "superionization." When Teff < 5500 K, the populations of the Mg I levels differ from their LTE values due to radiative processes in bound - bound transitions. We analyzed Mg I lines in the solar spectrum in order to empirically refine certain atomic parameters (the van der Waals broadening constant C6 and cross sections for photoionization and collisional interactions with hydrogen atoms) and the magnesium abundance in the solar atmosphere. We studied non-LTE effects for five Mg I lines for a wide range of stellar parameters. In the case of dwarfs and subdwarfs, the magnitude of non-LTE corrections to magnesium abundances does not exceed 0.1 dex for the λλ 4571, 4703, 5528, and 5711 Å lines but can be as large as ±0.2 dex for the λλ 3829-3838, 5172, and 5183 Å lines. The non-LTE corrections for giants and supergiants do not exceed 0.15 dex for the λλ 4571 and 5711 Å lines but can reach ±0.20 dex and even more for the λλ 4703, 5528, 3829-3838, 5172, and 5183 Å lines. © 2000 MAIK "Nauka/Interperiodica"

    A non-LTE analysis of Mg I lines in the atmospheres of late-type stars

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    The formation of Mg I lines in the atmospheres of stars with Teff = 5500-7000 K, log g = 2.0-4.5, and [A] = 0, -2 is analyzed. It is shown that the Mg I level population is a nonequilibrium one, and that overionization takes place. This is the chief cause of departures from LTE in the equivalent widths of strong lines; for weak lines, the shift in the depth of their formation in the stellar atmosphere also plays a major role. Quantitatively, overionization is more pronounced in metal-poor stars. Departures from LTE grow with increasing stellar luminosity, peaking at Teff = 6500 K in main-sequence stars and growing with decreasing Teff in giants. Non-LTE magnesium-abundance corrections are calculated. They are at their peak for the λ4571, 3829-3838, 5172, and 5183 lines and reach 0.30 dex at Teff = 5500 K, log g = 2.0, and [A] = -2. For the λ4057, 4167, 4702, 4730, 5528, and 5711 lines, the non-LTE corrections do not exceed +0.15 dex for the entire range of physical parameters studied. The sensitivity of the results to variations in the input data (model atom, cross sections for the processes, etc.) is analyzed

    Revised magnesium abundances in galactic halo and disk stars

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    A differential analysis of the magnesium abundances in 61 F-K dwarfs and subgiants with metallicities -2.6 < [Fe/H] < +0.2 is performed based on published observational data. Fundamental parameters for 36 stars are determined: Teff from V-K and V-R: log g from HIPPARCOS parallaxes, and [Fe/H] and ξl from Fe II lines. The computations allow for non-LTE effects in the formation of the Mg I lines. For most of the stars, the standard errors in the Mg abundances do not exceed 0.07 dex. The metallicity dependence of [Mg/Fe] is analyzed. Magnesium shows a constant overabundance relative to Fe of 0.46 ± 0.06 dex for metallicities -2.6 < [Fe/H] < -0.7 Mg. The Mg overabundance decreases abruptly to ∼ +0.27 dex at [Fe/H] ≃ -0.7. At higher metallicities, the Mg abundance smoothly decreases to the solar value at [Fe/H] = 0.0. Halo stars with metallicities [Fe/H] < -1.0 exhibit lower Mg overabundances ([Mg/Fe] = +0.22 dex) compared to the [Mg/Fe] values for other stars with similar [Fe/H]. © 2001 MAIK "Nauka/Interperiodica"

    Observational restrictions on sodium and aluminium abundance variations in evolution of the galaxy

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    In this paper we construct and analyze the uniform non-LTE distributions of the aluminium ([Al/Fe]-[Fe/H]) and sodium ([Na/Fe]-[Fe/H]) abundances in the sample of 160 stars of the disk and halo of our Galaxy with metallicities within -4.07 ≤ [Fe/H] ≤ 0.28. The values of metallicity [Fe/H] and microturbulence velocity ξ turb indices are determined from the equivalent widths of the Fe II and Fe I lines. We estimated the sodium and aluminium abundances using a 21-level model of the Na I atom and a 39-level model of the Al I atom. The resulting LTE distributions of [Na/Fe]-[Fe/H] and [Al/Fe]-[Fe/H] do not correspond to the theoretical predictions of their evolution, suggesting that a non-LTE approach has to be applied to determine the abundances of these elements. The account of non-LTE corrections reduces by 0.05-0.15 dex the abundances of sodium, determined from the subordinate lines in the stars of the disk with [Fe/H] ≥ -2.0, and by 0.05-0.70 dex (with a strong dependence on metallicity) the abundances of [Na/Fe], determined by the resonance lines in the stars of the halo with [Fe/H] ≤ -2.0. The non-LTE corrections of the aluminium abundances are strictly positive and increase from 0.0-0.1 dex for the stars of the thin disk (-0.7 ≤ [Fe/H] ≤ 0.28) to 0.03-0.3 dex for the stars of the thick disk (-1.5 ≤ [Fe/H] ≤ -0.7) and 0.06-1.2 dex for the stars of the halo ([Fe/H] ≤ -2.0). The resulting non-LTE abundances of [Na/Fe] reveal a scatter of individual values up to Δ[Na/Fe] = 0.4 dex for the stars of close metallicities. The observed non-LTE distribution of [Na/Fe]-[Fe/H] within 0.15 dex coincides with the theoretical distributions of Samland and Kobayashi et al. The non-LTE aluminium abundances are characterized by a weak scatter of values (up to Δ[Al/Fe] = 0.2 dex) for the stars of all metallicities. The constructed non-LTE distribution of [Al/Fe]-[Fe/H] is in a satisfactory agreement to 0.2 dex with the theoretical data of Kobayashi et al., but strongly differs (up to 0.4 dex) from the predictions of Samland. © 2013 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    Analysis of the FF Aqr spectra

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    We determine the atmospheric parameters of the secondary in the close binary system FF Aqr and analyze its chemical composition. A series of high-resolution spectra are taken at different orbital phases using the coude echelle spectrometer of the 1.5-m Russian-Turkish Telescope (RTT150). We show that the absorption line intensity of heavy elements varies with phase due to the spotty nature of the cool component. We determine the abundances of heavy elements in the star's atmosphere by modelling the synthetic spectra and performing a differential analysis of the chemical composition of FF Aqr relative to the solar composition. Our analysis of the averaged spectrum of FF Aqr yielded 539 abundance estimates for 21 chemical elements. We found the metallicity of the star ([Fe/H] = -0.11 ± 0.08) to be close solar, in agreement with the hypothesis that FF Aqr should belong to the Galactic disk. The inferred chemical composition of the objects exhibits no anomalous abundances of the α-, r-, and s-process elements like those earlier found in other systems (IN Com, LW Hya, V471 Tau). The lack of such anomalies in FF Aqr must be due to the fact that the elements heavier than 16O cannot be synthesized in the core of the primary during the last stages of its evolution. © 2011 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    Observations of eclipses of UU Sge

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    We have performed spectroscopy and photometry of eclipses of the pre-cataclysmic variable UUSge using the 6-m telescope of the Special AstrophysicalObservatory and the 1. 5-mRussian-Turkish telescope. Our analysis of variations of the B-V and V-R color indices during the eclipses indicates that the temperature of the secondary is T eff,2 = 6000-6300 K. A similar value, T eff,2 = 6200 ± 200 K, follows from our comparison of the observed spectrum of UU Sge at the total eclipse phase and theoretical spectra of late-type stars. We identify 27 absorption lines of 11 chemical elements in the secondary's spectrum. Their abnormal intensities indicate possible high-velocity turbulent motions (up to ξ turb = 10. 0 km/s) in the atmosphere of the star and the presence of hot gas above its surface. © 2012 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    Effect of atomic parameters on determination of aluminium abundance in atmospheres of late-type stars

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    We study the effect of the photoionization cross sections for the ground state of Al I on the inferred aluminium abundance in stellar atmospheres. We match the theoretical and observed line profiles of the resonance λλ 3944.01, 3961.52 Å and subordinate λλ 6696.03, 6698.68 Å doublets in high-resolution spectra of the metal-poor solar-type stars HD22879 and HD201889. We determine the parameters of these stars from their photometric and spectroscopic data. Our computations show that the profiles can be matched and a single aluminium abundance inferred simultaneously from both groups of spectral lines only with low photoionization cross sections (about 10-12 Mb). Larger cross sections (about 58-65 Mb) make such fits impossible. We therefore conclude that small photoionization cross sections should be preferred for the determination of aluminium abundances in metal-poor stars. We redetermine the aluminium abundances in the atmospheres of halo stars. The resulting abundances prove to be lower by 0.1-0.15 dex than our earlier determinations which does not affect the conclusions based on our earlier estimates. In particular, the NLTE [Al/Fe]-[Fe/H] dependence, on the whole, agrees only qualitatively with the results of theoretical predictions. Therefore further refinement of the theory of nuclear synthesis of aluminium in the process of the chemical evolution of the Galaxy remains a task of current importance. © 2014 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    PG 1316+678: A young pre-cataclysmic binary with weak reflection effects

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    The PG 1316+678 star is classified as a pre-cataclysmic binary, as is evidenced by its photometric and spectroscopic observations. Its orbital period is determined to be Porb = 3. 3803d, which coincides with the photometric period. The intensities of the emission HI and HeI lines are shown to vary synchronously with the brightness of the object (ΔmV = 0. 065m, ΔmR = 0. 08m). These variations arise as the UV radiation from the DAO white dwarf is reflected from the surface of the cold companion. The parameters of the binary are estimated and the time of its evolution after the common-envelope phase is determined to be t ≈ 240 000 years. Thus, PG 1316+678 is a young pre-cataclysmic NN Ser variable with the smallest known photometric reflection effect. © 2013 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    Analysis of optical spectra of V1357 Cyg≡Cyg X-1

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    Optical spectra and light curves of the massive X-ray binary V1357 Cyg are analyzed. The calculations were based on models of irradiated plane-parallel stellar atmospheres, taking into account reflection of the X-ray radiation, asphericity of the stellar surface, and deviations from LTE for several ions. Comparison of observed spectra obtained in 2004-2005 at the Bohyunsan Observatory (South Korea) revealed variations of the depths of HI lines by up to 18% and of HeI and heavy elements lines by up to 10%. These variations are not related to the orbital motion of the star, and are probably due to variations of the stellar wind intensity. Perturbations of the thermal structure of the atmosphere due to irradiation in various states of Cyg X-1 (including outburst) do not lead to the formation of a hot photosphere with an electron temperature exceeding the effective temperature. As a result, variations of the profiles of optical lines of HI, HeI, and heavy elements due to the orbital motion of the star and variations of the irradiating X-ray flux do not exceed 1% of the residual intensities. Allowing for deviations from LTE enhances the HI and HeI lines by factors of two to three and the MgII lines by a factor of nine, and is therefore required for a fully adequate analysis of the observational data. Analysis of the HI, HeI, and HeII lines profiles yielded the following set of parameters for theOstar at the observing epoch: T eff = 30 500±500 K, log g = 3. 31±0. 05, [He/H] = 0. 42 ± 0. 05. The observed HeI line profiles have emission components that are formed in the stellar wind and increase with the line intensity. The abundances of 11 elements in the atmospheres of V1357 Cyg and α Cam, which has a similar spectral type and luminosity class, are derived. The chemical composition of V1357 Cyg is characterized by a strong excess of helium, nitrogen, neon, and silicon, which is related to the binarity of the system. © 2012 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    Observational Constraints on Potassium Synthesis during the Formation of Stars of the Galactic Disk

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    The non-LTE potassium abundances in the atmospheres of 33 Galactic-disk stars are derived and the parameters of the atmospheres of 23 of the stars are determined. Neglecting departures from LTE results in a systematic overestimation of the potassium abundances and an increase in their dispersion, even for differential analyses relative to the Sun. The non-LTE corrections are significant ((-0.2)-(-0.6) dex) and depend on the surface gravities and effective temperatures of the stars. The mean potassium abundance for a sample of ten stars with [Fe/H] ∼ 0.0 is in agreement with the solar and meteoritic abundances (log ε ⊙ (K) = 5.12). As the stellar metallicity increases from [Fe/H] = (-1.0) to (0.2) dex, the [K/Fe] ratio decreases systematically from 0.3 dex to -0.1 dex. The derived dependence [K/Fe]-[Fe/H] is in agreement with the results of published model calculations of the chemical evolution of the Galaxy. This indicates the dominance of explosive oxygen burning in massive type II supernovae during the synthesis of potassium in the Galactic disk. © 2003 MAIK "Nauka/Interperiodica"