107 research outputs found

    Effect of eddy current in shielding plate and electron gun on flux distribution in CRT

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    The eddy current induced in an inner magnetic shield (IMS) and an electron gun affect the flux distribution of a cathode ray tube, causing a possible degrade of picture quality. In this paper, the effect of the distance between an IMS and a deflection coil on the eddy-current distribution is examined. The eddy current induced in the electron gun, when the coils for velocity modulation (VM) are set near the electron gun, is also analyzed. It is found that the variation of flux distribution is mainly affected by the shape of VM coil.</p

    Shortcut of the photosynthetic electron transfer in a mutant lacking the reaction center-bound cytochrome subunit by gene disruption in a purple bacterium, Rubrivivax gelatinosus

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    AbstractA mutant lacking the reaction center-bound cytochrome subunit was constructed in a purple photosynthetic bacterium, Rubrivivax gelatinosus IL144, by inactivation of the cytochrome gene. Photosynthetic growth of the C244 mutant strain occurred at approximately half the rate of the wild-type strain. Although mutagenesis resulted in a greatly reduced amount of membrane-bound cytochromes c, illumination induced cyclic electron transfer and the generation of membrane potential in the mutant as observed in the wild-type strain. These findings are consistent with previous observations that the cytochrome subunit is absent in the reaction center complex in some species of purple bacteria and that the biochemical removal of the subunit did not significantly affect the in vitro electron transfer from the soluble cytochrome c to the photosynthetic reaction center. These results suggest that the cytochrome subunit in purple bacteria is not essential for photosynthetic electron transfer and growth, even in those species generally containing the subunit

    Difficulties and Coping Strategies Experienced by Employed People with HIV in Japan: A Qualitative Study Comparing High and Low Sense of Coherence Groups

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    People with HIV experience anxiety about discrimination in the workplace and disclosing their disease. Effective coping ability toward HIV-related challenges may be associated with a person’s sense of coherence (SOC). This study describes the range of difficulties HIV-positive individuals experience and their coping strategies, especially in the workplace. The experiences of those with high and low SOC are compared. Data were collected in Japan from 2007 to 2009 using a qualitative approach. Semistructured interviews were conducted with 40 participants with HIV with work experience. Interviews focused on individual’s perspectives, including self-perceptions of physical and mental functioning, work conditions, and perceived changes in their circumstances. Participants were divided into high and low SOC groups based on SOC-13 scores. A number of categories and subcategories of experiences were extracted, including “acute feeling of the severe social positioning of HIV,” with some categories specific to those with low SOC. Those with high SOC appeared to have a unique perspective that supported more successful coping, for example, “Awareness of death is linked to valuing living in the present,” “Do not be discouraged by uncertainties and difficulties,” and so on. It suggests that development of coping skills may help people with HIV

    Role of the silkworm argonaute2 homolog gene in double-strand break repair of extrachromosomal DNA

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    The argonaute protein family provides central components for RNA interference (RNAi) and related phenomena in a wide variety of organisms. Here, we isolated, from a Bombyx mori cell, a cDNA clone named BmAGO2, which is homologous to Drosophila ARGONAUTE2, the gene encoding a repressive factor for the recombination repair of extrachromosomal double-strand breaks (DSBs). RNAi-mediated silencing of the BmAGO2 sequence markedly increased homologous recombination (HR) repair of DSBs in episomal DNA, but had no effect on that in chromosomes. Moreover, we found that RNAi for BmAGO2 enhanced the integration of linearized DNA into a silkworm chromosome via HR. These results suggested that BmAgo2 protein plays an indispensable role in the repression of extrachromosomal DSB repair

    Prevalence of Amiodarone-Induced Thyrotoxicosis and Associated Risk Factors in Japanese Patients

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    Amiodarone is a widely used agent for life-threatening arrhythmias. Although amiodarone-induced thyrotoxicosis (AIT) is a major adverse effect that can cause recurrence of arrhythmias and exacerbation of heart failure, risk factors for AIT among amiodarone-treated Japanese patients have not been elucidated. Here, we investigated the prevalence and predictive factors for AIT. The study subjects were 225 patients treated with amiodarone between 2008 and 2012, who were euthyroid before amiodarone therapy. All patients with AIT were diagnosed by measurement of thyroid hormones and ultrasonography. Among the 225 subjects, 13 patients (5.8%) developed AIT and all the patients were classified as Type 2 AIT. Baseline features of patients with AIT were not different from those who did not develop AIT, except for age (AIT, 55.1 ± 13.8, non-AIT, 68.1 ± 12.0 years, P<0.001). Multivariate analyses using the Cox proportional hazard model identified age as the sole determinant of AIT (hazard ratio: 0.927, 95% confidence interval: 0.891–0.964). Receiver operating characteristic curve analysis identified age of 63.5 years as the cutoff value for AIT with sensitivity of 70.3% and specificity of 69.2%. In summary, this study showed that the prevalence of AIT is 5.8% in Japanese patients treated with amiodarone and that young age is a risk factor for AIT

    The efficacy of magnesium in preventing renal dysfunction due to high-dose cisplatin for treatment of thoracic tumor

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    Objective: Cisplatin is well known for producing severe adverse events, including renal dysfunction. To prevent renal dysfunctioncaused by cisplatin, routine magnesium supplementation is recommended. However, few reports exist about the efficacy ofmagnesium in preventing renal dysfunction. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to retrospectively survey the efficacy ofmagnesium in preventing renal dysfunction after administration of cisplatin.Methods: We evaluated patients who received first-line cisplatin-based chemotherapy from May 2008 to June 2013.Results: Data from 146 patients and a total of 394 treatments was analyzed. Elevation of serum creatinine was detected in 77 /394 treatments (19.5%). Statistical significance was found between prevention of elevation of serum creatinine and magnesiumsupplementation. The other significant parameters were serum creatinine and eGFR levels before treatment and patient age. Inmultivariate analysis, magnesium and eGFR before treatment were statistically significant.Conclusions: The study results suggest that magnesium supplementation might reduce nephrotoxicity caused by cisplatin. TheeGFR level before treatment might be an important factor associated with nephrotoxicity after cisplatin administration

    Canonical versus non-canonical transsynaptic signaling of neuroligin 3 tunes development of sociality in mice

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    社会性の発達を調節する新たな機構を発見. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2021-03-26.Neuroligin 3 (NLGN3) and neurexins (NRXNs) constitute a canonical transsynaptic cell-adhesion pair, which has been implicated in autism. In autism spectrum disorder (ASD) development of sociality can be impaired. However, the molecular mechanism underlying NLGN3-mediated social development is unclear. Here, we identify non-canonical interactions between NLGN3 and protein tyrosine phosphatase δ (PTPδ) splice variants, competing with NRXN binding. NLGN3-PTPδ complex structure revealed a splicing-dependent interaction mode and competition mechanism between PTPδ and NRXNs. Mice carrying a NLGN3 mutation that selectively impairs NLGN3-NRXN interaction show increased sociability, whereas mice where the NLGN3-PTPδ interaction is impaired exhibit impaired social behavior and enhanced motor learning, with imbalance in excitatory/inhibitory synaptic protein expressions, as reported in the Nlgn3 R451C autism model. At neuronal level, the autism-related Nlgn3 R451C mutation causes selective impairment in the non-canonical pathway. Our findings suggest that canonical and non-canonical NLGN3 pathways compete and regulate the development of sociality

    トクシマシ イシカイ ノ COPD タイサク

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    In the national project Health Japan 21 (2nd edition) put forward in April 2013, the Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare specified chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) as a targeted lifestyle-related disease, in addition to cancer, heart diseases, and diabetes, and concluded that the establishment of COPD management systems is an important issue to maintain Japanese people’s healthy lives, as the number of deaths from this disease is likely to rapidly increase in the future. In Tokushima Prefecture, the mortality rate associated with COPD has been stably high over the past years ; the nation’ s highest in 2010 and third highest in 2011. In some regions of the western area, particularly mountainous regions, and southern area of the prefecture, the standardized mortality rate among males is double the national mean, highlighting the necessity of rapidly taking countermeasures. Under such circumstances, the Tokushima City Medical Association regarded COPD management as a priority item when developing annual projects this year, and organized the COPD Management and Smoking Cessation Promotion Committee in May. The medical association also presented a tentative plan to conduct association-led individualized COPD assessment at its own expense to the local government of Tokushima, with a view to materializing COPD assessment projects to clarify, evaluate, and analyze the actual situation, including surveys on citizens’ recognition of COPD and those conducted by family doctors to examine the statuses of their patients, involving the local government in the future. During deliberations to examine the feasibility of this plan, the local government proposed a new COPD assessment plan based on the conventional mass pulmonary cancer examination system, in order to deal with those at a high risk of COPD ; following some revisions, the new plan was adopted. The plan consisted of the following steps : > Targeting those meeting the 3 diagnostic criteria specified in the pulmonary cancer interview sheet for COPD assessment : 1) age of 60 or over ; 2) previous smoking habit ; 3) presence of at least one of the subjective COPD symptoms (chronic coughing, sputum, and shortness of breath during activity). > Providing these patients with a free-consultation coupon to undergo assessment in a registered primary medical examination institution. > Conducting airway obstruction evaluation in primary medical examination institutions using the mass COPD screening interview sheet (COPD-PSTM) and spirometry. > Conducting insurance-covered medical examinations, such as the respiratory function test, chest XP, and CT scans, in secondary medical examination institutions (chest physicians) to establish a definite diagnosis. > Reporting the results of these examinations to family doctors. > If treatment is necessary, developing initial pharmacotherapy plans as part of the standardized treatment of COPD for approximately 3 months, which are implemented by family doctors. In consideration of the rapidly aging Japanese population, the number of potential COPD patients aged 40 and over is expected to reach nearly 7 million soon. In order to deal with such a large number of COPD patients, it is primary care physicians’ duty to provide early diagnosis and treatment, and local medical associations are charged with promoting spirometry through their activities as part of COPD assessment projects, aiming to establish cooperative systems to manage the disease between primary care physicians providing treatment during the stable period and chest physicians providing it during the exacerbation period. As future perspectives, spirometry-promoting seminars to be held in clinical environments are being considered ; participation in these seminars will be a requirement for registered primary COPD examination institutions, and those who have completed such programs will be Tokushima City Medical Association-certified COPD specialists (tentative name). It is expected that these approaches to carry out the nation’s first COPD assessment projects will improve clinical environments in communities, such as support for smoking cessation, medical professionals’ knowledge of COPD, and the standardization of diagnosis and treatment