62 research outputs found

    Association of Sleep quality with academic performance among undergraduate dental students

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    This systematic review aimed to assess the association between sleep quality and academic performance among undergraduate dental students. Methods: Electronic databases of Scopus, Embase, Medline, and Web of Science were searched for relevant papers published in the English language in May 2023.Study selection, data extraction and quality assessment were performed in duplicate with JBI Institute’s Critical Appraisal Checklist used to quality assessment. GRADEwas used to assess certainty of evidence

    Efficacy of Bone Marrow Aspirates in Bone Regeneration Compared to Conventional Bone Grafts- A Systematic Review

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    The search for a superior bone graft substitute compared to the gold standard of harvesting autogenous bone grafts has plagued dentists for decades. With the advent of tissue engineering, the search has been aimed at bone graft substitutes with osteogenic potential, in addition to the osteoinductive and osteoconductive properties. Bone Marrow Aspirates (BMAs) has evolved as a potential adjunct to conventional bone grafts that can substantially enhance the bone regeneration potential of these materials. The present systematic review aims to explore and assess the literature on the efficacy of bone marrow aspirates in new bone formation

    Comparative Analysis of Denture Cleanser Effects on Surface Roughness:Traditional vs. 3D-Printed Resin Bases – A Systematic Review

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    This systematic review aimed to assess the effect of denture cleansers on the surface roughness of 3D-printed denture base resins in comparison to conventionally manufactured counterparts

    Periodontal Management of Non Healing Endodontic Lesion– A Case Report

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    The fact that the periodontium is anatomically interrelated with the dental pulp by virtue of apical foramina and lateral canals creates pathways for exchange of noxious agents between the two tissue compartments when either or both of the tissues are diseased. Proper diagnosis of the various disorders affecting the periodontium and the pulp is important to exclude unnecessary and even detrimental treatment. This is a clinical case report of an enododontic–periodontic lesion in relation to lower left central incisor. Root canal treatment has been done with the respected tooth six months ago, but the lesion showed no sign of healing resulting in draining sinus and increasing pocket depth. Radiographic examination revealed over-obturation of gutta-percha with peri-radicular pathology. Periodontal flap surgery was performed and the defect was filled with bone graft mixed with Platelet rich plasma (PRP) and covered by platelet rich fibrin (PRF). Patient reviewed for six months which showed uneventful healing and no recurrence of the lesion

    Usporedba dugotrajne primjene triju intrakanalnih lijekova na mikrotvrdoću i otpornost na lom korijenskog dentina: in vitro istraživanje

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    Objectives: The aim of this research was to evaluate the effect of long-term use of three intracanal medicaments on the radicular dentin microhardness and fracture resistance. Material and methods: A chemomechanical preparation was done using the Protaper rotary instruments up to F3. The teeth were stored in an incubator at 37°C at 100% humidity and were categorized in three groups by random allocation, namely: Triple Antibiotic Paste (TAP), Calcium hydroxide paste (Apexcal) and Ledermix. Following medicament application, the access openings of all teeth were sealed with 4 mm thickness of cavit. The samples were stored for periods of 1 week, 1 month and 3months. Two dentin cylinders measuring 5mm and 3mm were obtained from each sample. The cervical third was used for fracture resistance and the middle third was used for micro hardness evaluation. The microhardness testing was done using a Knoop microhardness tester, and the fracture resistance testing was done using the universal testing machine. Results: Calcium hydroxide showed maximally negative effect on the physical properties of radicular dentin compared to TAP (p= 0.0100 at one month and Ledermix (p=0.0001 at one month ). With an increase in the application time, there was an increased deterioration in the physical properties of radicular dentin. Conclusion: Long-term placement of calcium hydroxide, Triple Antibiotic Paste, and Ledermix (p= 0.0001at 3 months) significantly affects the microhardness and fracture resistance of radicular dentin.Cilj rada: Željelo se procijeniti kako dugotrajna upotreba triju intrakanalnh lijekova utječe na mikrotvrdoću i otpornost na lom radikularnog dentina.Materijal i metode: Kemomehanička preparacija obavljena Protaperovim rotirajućim instrumentima do F3. Zubi su zatim stavljeni u inkubator i čuvani na temperaturi od 37 °C u 100 posto vlažnom okružju te su slučajnim odabirom podijeljeni u tri skupine: trostruka antibiotička pasta (TAP), pasta od kalcijeva hidroksida (Apexcal), Ledermix. Nakon primjene lijekova svi su ulazni otvori zabrtvljeni 4 mm debelim slojem Cavita. Uzorci su zatim uskladišteni tjedan dana, mjesec dana i tri mjeseca. Od svakog uzorka uzeta su po dva dentinska cilindra debljine 3 i 5 mm. Za otpornost na lom korištena je cervikalna trećina, a za procjenu mikrotvrdoće srednja trećina. Mikrotvrdoća je ispitana testerom Knoop Microhardness, a otpornost na lom univerzalnim ispitnim uređajem. Rezultati: Kalcijev hidroksid najsnažnije je negativno djelovao na fizička svojstva radikularnog dentina u usporedbi s TAP-om (p = 0,0100 nakon mjesec dana) i Ledermixom (p = 0,0001 nakon mjesec dana). Kako se povećavalo razdoblje djelovanja, tako su se pogoršavala fizička obilježja radikularnog dentina. Zaključak: Dugotrajno korištenje kalcijeva hidroksida, TAP-a i Ledermixa (p = 0,0001 nakon 3 mjeseca) znatno utječe na mikrotvrdoću i otpornost na lom radikularnog dentina

    Effect of Different Intracanal Medicaments on the Viability and Survival of Dental Pulp Stem Cells

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    Background: Stem cells play an important role in the success of regenerative endodontic procedures. They are affected by the presence of medicaments that are used before the induction of bleeding or the creation of a scaffold for endodontic regeneration. This study examines the effects of different intracanal medicaments on the viability and survival of dental pulp stem cells at different doses and over different exposure times. Methods: Dental pulp stem cells were cultured from healthy third molar teeth using the long-term explant culture method and characterized using flow cytometry and exposed to different concentrations of calcium hydroxide, doxycycline, potassium iodide, triamcinolone, and glutaraldehyde, each ranging from 0 (control) to 1000 µg/mL. Exposure times were 6, 24, and 48 h. Cell viability was measured using the MTT assay, and apoptosis was measured using the Annexin V-binding assay. Results: All medicaments significantly reduced cell viability at different concentrations over different exposure times. Calcium hydroxide and triamcinolone favored cell viability at higher concentrations during all exposure times compared to other medicaments. The apoptosis assay showed a significant increase in cell death on exposure to doxycycline, potassium iodide, and glutaraldehyde. Conclusion: The intracanal medicaments examined in our study affected the viability of dental pulp stem cells in a time and dose-dependent manner. They also adversely affected the survival of dental pulp stem cells. Further studies are needed to better understand the effect of prolonged exposure to medicaments according to clinical protocols and their effect on the stemness of dental pulp stem cells

    Modulation of the Dental Pulp Stem Cell Secretory Profile by Hypoxia Induction Using Cobalt Chloride

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    The action of stem cells is mediated by their paracrine secretions which comprise the secretory profile. Various approaches can be used to modify the secretory profile of stem cells. Creating a hypoxic environment is one method. The present study aims to demonstrate the influence of CoCl2 in generating hypoxic conditions in a dental pulp stem cell (DPSCs) culture, and the effect of this environment on their secretory profile. DPSCs that were isolated from human permanent teeth were characterized and treated with different concentrations of CoCl2 to assess their viability by an 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay and proliferation by a cell counting kit (CCK)-8 assay. The gene expression level of hypoxia-inducible factor 1-alpha (HIF-1α) was analyzed by quantitative real time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) to demonstrate a hypoxic environment. Comparative evaluation of the growth factors and cytokines were done by cytometric bead array. Gene expression levels of transcription factors OCT4 and SOX2 were analyzed by qRT-PCR to understand the effect of CoCl2 on stemness in DPSCs. DPSCs were positive for MSC-specific markers. Doses of CoCl2, up to 20 µM, did not negatively affect cell viability; in low doses (5 µM), it promoted cell survival. Treatment with 10 µM of CoCl2 significantly augmented the genetic expression of HIF-1α. Cells treated with 10 µM of CoCl2 showed changes in the levels of growth factors and cytokines produced. It was very evident that CoCl2 also increased the expression of OCT4 and SOX2, which is the modulation of stemness of DPSCs. A CoCl2 treatment-induced hypoxic environment modulates the secretory profile of DPSCs

    Anatomical Evaluation of Mandibular Molars in a Saudi Population: An In Vivo Cone-Beam Computed Tomography Study

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    Objective. This study assessed the canal configuration of mandibular molars according to Vertucci’s classification of a Saudi population using cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT). Methods. A total of 290 first and 367 second mandibular molars were analyzed. The CBCT images were evaluated in three sections to inspect the number of roots and canals and canal system. The data are presented as frequencies and percentages. The chi-squared test was used to assess differences between both sides. SPSS was used for analysis, with a significance level of α ≤ 0.05. Results. Among the first molars, 95.4% of the teeth had two roots, and 64.5% had three canals. Approximately 57.9% showed Vertucci type IV mesial roots. Between the second molars, 89.6% of teeth had two roots and 80.4% had three canals. The frequency of Vertucci type IV (39.4%) was the highest in mesial roots. The first molars showed a high prevalence of 3-rooted teeth (5.5%). Both the right and left sides showed teeth with similar external and internal anatomy p<0.05. Conclusion. Most of the mandibular first and second molars had two roots and three canals. In the first mandibular molars, similar to the second mandibular molars, the majority of the mesial canals had Vertucci type IV, while the distal canals had Vertucci type I

    A Systematic Review of Cementation Techniques to Minimize Cement Excess in Cement-Retained Implant Restorations

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    Background: The most used types of retention of implant-supported prostheses are screw-retained or cement-retained restorations. The advantages and disadvantages of both have been identified by various authors over the years. However, cement-retained implant crowns and fixed partial dentures are among the most used types of restorations in implant prostheses, due to their aesthetic and clinical advantages. When cemented prostheses are made on implants, the problem of cement residues is important and often associated with biological implant pathologies. The objective of this research was to establish to what extent the techniques to reduce excess cement really affect the volume of cement residues. Materials and Methods: This review was written following the PRISMA statement; a detailed search was carried out in three different electronic databases—PubMed, Scopus, and Cochrane Library. The inclusion criteria were prospective clinical studies, with at least 10 participants per group, and with at least 6 months of the follow-up period. Results: There have been many proposals for techniques supposed to reduce the amount of excess cement in the peri-implant sulcus and on the prosthetic components, but of these, which are exceptional in their in vitro capabilities, very few have been clinically validated, and this represents the real limitation and a great lack of knowledge regarding this topic. Three articles met the inclusion criteria, which were analyzed and compared, to obtain the information necessary for the purposes of the systematic review. Discussion: Extraoral cementation can reduce the excess cement, which, after a normal excess removal procedure, is, nevertheless, of such size that it does not affect the possibility of peri-implant pathologies developing. All these studies concluded that a small amount of cement residue is found in the gingival sulcus, and using eugenol-free oxide cements, the residues were only deposited on the metal surfaces, with a better peri-implant tissues health. Conclusion: Despite the limitations of this study, it was possible to carefully analyze these characteristics and obtain valuable suggestions for daily clinical practice. Resinous cements are considered, due to the free monomers present in them, toxic for the soft tissues. The provisional zinc-oxide cements, also eugenol-free, represent the ideal choice. The different grades of retentive forces provided by these cements do not seem to have clinical effects on the decementation of restorations