5 research outputs found

    Quality assessment of rotating and solar tunnel dried marine fish product

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    Studies were conducted to evaluate the quality aspects of marine dried fish i.e. silver jew fish (Johnius argentatus), Bombay duck (Harpodon nehereus) and ribbon fish (Trichiums haumela) products produced in rotating and solar tunnel dryers. On the basis of organoleptic characteristics such as colour, odour, texture, broken pieces, insect infestation and overall quality, four member panels of experts evaluated the quality of the dried products obtained from both rotating and solar tunnel dryers and all the products were found in acceptable quality. Reconstitutions properties of samples were in the range of 51.05 to 98.75% for the dried fish produced in rotating dryer, while 24.64 to 76.76% for dried fish produced in solar tunnel dryer. The highest reconstitution rate was found in dried silver jew fish and lowest in ribbon fish produced in rotating dryer. On the other hand, the highest reconstitution was observed in dried silver jew fish and lowest in dried Bombay duck produced in solar tunnel dryer. Proximate composition such as moisture, crude protein, lipid and ash content of the dried fish muscles produced in rotating dryer ranged from 16.36% to 19.1%, 62.35% to 67.37%, 6.37% to 10.75% and 7.00% to 8.05%, respectively and in solar tunnel dried fish products, they were in the range of 14.05% to 19.71%,57.64% to 69. 21%,6.92% to 15.40%and 7.69% to 8.80 %, respectively. The TVBN values of dried fish products obtained from rotating dryer were in the range of 15.02 to 19.05 mg/100g, while in solar tunnel dried fish products, the values were in the range of 15.46 to 19.21 mg/100g. The results of the studies indicated that dried fish produced from both rotating and solar tunnel drier were acceptable quality in terms of organoleptic and food quality aspects

    Quality assessment of traditional, rotary and solar tunnel dried small indigenous fish species products

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    Studies on the quality assessments of three traditional, rotary and solar tunnel dried SIS products were conducted. Organoleptic quality of traditional dried SIS products available in the markets was poor compared to those produced in rotary and solar tunnel dryer. Reconstitution of samples were in the range of 54.26% to 75.24%, 69.37% to 83.73% and 55.08% to 80.24% when soaked at 80°C for traditional, rotary and solar tunnel dried products, respectively. The percentage of reconstitution increased with the increase of soaking time and the uptake of water was maximum after 60 min of soaking. The moisture contents of traditional, rotary and solar tunnel dried products were in the range of 26.02% to 27.33%, 16.23% to 22.84% and 13.71% to 19.30%, respectively. The protein contents were in the range of 60.78% to 72.59%, 62.17% to 76.27% and 61.11% to 76.00%, respectively; lipid contents were in the range of 12.26% to 22.60%, 14.00% to 24.71% and 13.92% to 22.39%, respectively and ash contents in the range of 15.11% to 16.59%, 8.32% to 13.51% and 8.71% to 16.45%, respectively on dry matter basis. The TVB-N content of rotary and solar tunnel dried products was low compared to traditional one ranging from 10.64 to 17.52 mg/100g and 14.34 to 15.68 mg/100g, respectively whereas the TVB-N content of traditional samples was in the range of 15.46 to 20.36 mg/100g. The bacterial load of traditional, rotary and solar tunnel dried products were in the range of 1.43x10 super(8) CFU/g to 2.89 x10 super(80 CFU/g, 1.91x10 super(8) CFU/g to 2.84x10 super(8) CFU/g and 1.95x10 super(8) CFU/g to 2.59x10 super(8) CFU/g, respectively. The results of the study indicated that dried fish products from rotary dryer and solar tunnel dryer were found to be of better quality in nutritional and food quality aspects than those of traditional dried products

    Shelf-life of rotary and solar tunnel dried SIS products under different packaging and storage conditions

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    A study was conducted on the shelf-life of rotary and solar tunnel dried SIS products under different packaging and storage conditions. Organoleptically dried products were found in good condition after a storage period of 60 days in ambient and chilled conditions. The moisture content, TVB-N value and bacterial load slightly increased during 60 days of storage in ambient and chilled conditions. The changes in moisture content and bacterial load were faster in ambient temperature than in chilled storage condition whereas changes in TVB-N value was higher in chilled condition than in ambient temperature. The initial moisture content was in the range of 13.71% to 22.84%. After 60 days of storage in ambient and chilled condition the moisture content of dried products was in the range of 15.09% to 25.11% and 14.49% to 25.01%, respectively. The initial TVB-N value was in the range of 10.64 to 17.52 mg/100g and after 60 days of storage in ambient and chilled condition, TVB-N value was in the range of 29.00 to 34.82 mg/100g and 31.41 to 39.11 mg/100g, respectively. The initial bacterial load was in the range of 1.91x10 super(8) to 2.84x10 super(8) and after 60 days of storage in ambient and chilled condition, the bacterial load was in the range of 6.2x10 super(8) to 1.8x10 super(9) and 5.75x10 super(7) to 5.05x10 super(8) CFU/g, respectively. The results of the present study indicated that it is necessary to store high quality dried products in sealed packed in chilled condition to ensure good quality up to a certain period of time