243 research outputs found

    Zero Temperature Glass Transition in the Two-Dimensional Gauge Glass Model

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    We investigate dynamic scaling properties of the two-dimensional gauge glass model for the vortex glass phase in superconductors with quenched disorder. From extensive Monte Carlo simulations we obtain static and dynamic finite size scaling behavior, where the static simulations use a temperature exchange method to ensure convergence at low temperatures. Both static and dynamic scaling of Monte Carlo data is consistent with a glass transition at zero temperature. We study a dynamic correlation function for the superconducting order parameter, as well as the phase slip resistance. From the scaling of these two functions, we find evidence for two distinct diverging correlation times at the zero temperature glass transition. The longer of these time scales is associated with phase slip fluctuations across the system that lead to finite resistance at any finite temperature, while the shorter time scale is associated with local phase fluctuations.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figures; v2: some minor correction

    Heliospheric Transport of Neutron-Decay Protons

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    We report on new simulations of the transport of energetic protons originating from the decay of energetic neutrons produced in solar flares. Because the neutrons are fast-moving but insensitive to the solar wind magnetic field, the decay protons are produced over a wide region of space, and they should be detectable by current instruments over a broad range of longitudes for many hours after a sufficiently large gamma-ray flare. Spacecraft closer to the Sun are expected to see orders-of magnitude higher intensities than those at the Earth-Sun distance. The current solar cycle should present an excellent opportunity to observe neutron-decay protons with multiple spacecraft over different heliographic longitudes and distances from the Sun.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, to be published in special issue of Solar Physic

    On the existence of a finite-temperature transition in the two-dimensional gauge glass

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    Results from Monte Carlo simulations of the two-dimensional gauge glass supporting a zero-temperature transition are presented. A finite-size scaling analysis of the correlation length shows that the system does not exhibit spin-glass order at finite temperatures. These results are compared to earlier claims of a finite-temperature transition.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    More on N=1 Matrix Model Curve for Arbitrary N

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    Using both the matrix model prescription and the strong-coupling approach, we describe the intersections of n=0 and n=1 non-degenerated branches for quartic (polynomial of adjoint matter) tree-level superpotential in N=1 supersymmetric SO(N)/USp(2N) gauge theories with massless flavors. We also apply the method to the degenerated branch. The general matrix model curve on the two cases we obtain is valid for arbitrary N and extends the previous work from strong-coupling approach. For SO(N) gauge theory with equal massive flavors, we also obtain the matrix model curve on the degenerated branch for arbitrary N. Finally we discuss on the intersections of n=0 and n=1 non-degenerated branches for equal massive flavors.Comment: 36pp; to appear in JHE

    On the distances between entangled pseudoscalar mesons states

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    Entangled states of pseudoscalar mesons represent a very interesting tool for studying foundations of quantum mechanics, e.g. for testing Bell inequalities. Recently, they also emerged as a test bench for quantum information protocols. On the other hand, from a quantum information point of view, the characterization of the distance between two quantum states is a topic of the utmost importance. In this letter, with the purpose of providing a useful tool for further investigations, we address the problem of which distance allows a better discrimination between density matrices appearing in pseudoscalar phenomenology

    Bell inequalities and entanglement in solid state devices

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    Bell-inequality checks constitute a probe of entanglement -- given a source of entangled particles, their violation are a signature of the non-local nature of quantum mechanics. Here, we study a solid state device producing pairs of entangled electrons, a superconductor emitting Cooper pairs properly split into the two arms of a normal-metallic fork with the help of appropriate filters. We formulate Bell-type inequalities in terms of current-current cross-correlators, the natural quantities measured in mesoscopic physics; their violation provides evidence that this device indeed is a source of entangled electrons.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    States and transitions in black-hole binaries

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    With the availability of the large database of black-hole transients from the Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer, the observed phenomenology has become very complex. The original classification of the properties of these systems in a series of static states sorted by mass accretion rate proved not to be able to encompass the new picture. I outline here a summary of the current situation and show that a coherent picture emerges when simple properties such as X-ray spectral hardness and fractional variability are considered. In particular, fast transition in the properties of the fast time variability appear to be crucial to describe the evolution of black-hole transients. Based on this picture, I present a state-classification which takes into account the observed transitions. I show that, in addition to transients systems, other black-hole binaries and Active Galactic Nuclei can be interpreted within this framework. The association between these states and the physics of the accretion flow around black holes will be possible only through modeling of the full time evolution of galactic transient systems.Comment: 30 pages, 11 figures, To appear in Belloni, T. (ed.): The Jet Paradigm - From Microquasars to Quasars, Lect. Notes Phys. 794 (2009

    High-Energy Aspects of Solar Flares: Overview of the Volume

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    In this introductory chapter, we provide a brief summary of the successes and remaining challenges in understanding the solar flare phenomenon and its attendant implications for particle acceleration mechanisms in astrophysical plasmas. We also provide a brief overview of the contents of the other chapters in this volume, with particular reference to the well-observed flare of 2002 July 23Comment: This is the introductory article for a monograph on the physics of solar flares, inspired by RHESSI observations. The individual articles are to appear in Space Science Reviews (2011

    The Narrative Frame of Daniel: A Literary Assessment

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    This paper presents a fuzzy multicriteria group decision making approach for evaluating and selecting information systems projects. The inherent subjectiveness and imprecision of the evaluation process is modeled by using linguistic terms characterized by triangular fuzzy numbers. A new algorithm based on the concept of the degree of dominance is developed to avoid the complex and unreliable process of comparing fuzzy numbers usually required in fuzzy multicriteria decision making. A multicriteria decision support system is proposed to facilitate the evaluation and selection process. An information systems project selection problem is presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach
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