- Publication venue
- 京都大学理学部
- Publication date
- 01/10/1984
- Field of study
- Publication venue
- 京都大学理学部
- Publication date
- 25/03/1980
- Field of study
- Publication venue
- 京都大学理学部
- Publication date
- 28/02/1983
- Field of study
- Publication venue
- 京都大学理学部
- Publication date
- 01/02/1984
- Field of study
- Publication venue
- Publication date
- 01/12/2003
- Field of study
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
- Publication venue
- Section of Forest Biosphere, Field Science Education and Research Center, Kyoto University
- Publication date
- Field of study