60 research outputs found

    Development of an intravital imaging system for the synovial tissue reveals the dynamics of CTLA-4 Ig in vivo

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    There have been many attempts to visualize the inflamed joints using multiphoton microscopy. However, due to the hypervascular and multilayered structure of the inflamed synovium, intravital imaging of the deep synovial tissue has been difficult. Here, we established original intravital imaging systems to visualize synovial tissue and pathological osteoclasts at the pannus–bone interface using multiphoton microscopy. Combined with fluorescence-labeling of CTLA-4 Ig, a biological agent used for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, we identified that CTLA-4 Ig was distributed predominantly within the inflamed synovium and bound to CX3CR1+ macrophages and CD140a+ fibroblasts 6 h after injection, but not to mature osteoclasts. Intravital imaging of blood and lymphatic vessels in the inflamed synovium further showed that extravasated CTLA-4 Ig was immediately drained through lymphatic vessels under acute arthritic conditions, but the drainage activity was retarded under chronic conditions. These results indicate that this intravital synovial imaging system can serve as a platform for exploring the dynamics of immune cells, osteoclasts, and biological agents within the synovial microenvironment in vivo.Hasegawa T., Kikuta J., Sudo T., et al. Development of an intravital imaging system for the synovial tissue reveals the dynamics of CTLA-4 Ig in vivo. Scientific Reports 10, 13480 (2020); https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-70488-y

    MPP6 stimulates both RRP6 and DIS3 to degrade a specified subset of MTR4-sensitive substrates in the human nucleus

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    ヒト細胞内でRNA分解時に働く因子の役割を解明 --細胞内におけるRNA分解機構の全容解明に期待--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2022-08-05.Recent in vitro reconstitution analyses have proven that the physical interaction between the exosome core and MTR4 helicase, which promotes the exosome activity, is maintained by either MPP6 or RRP6. However, knowledge regarding the function of MPP6 with respect to in vivo exosome activity remains scarce. Here, we demonstrate a facilitative function of MPP6 that composes a specific part of MTR4-dependent substrate decay by the human exosome. Using RNA polymerase II-transcribed poly(A)⁺ substrate accumulation as an indicator of a perturbed exosome, we found functional redundancy between RRP6 and MPP6 in the decay of these poly(A)⁺ transcripts. MTR4 binding to the exosome core via MPP6 was essential for MPP6 to exert its redundancy with RRP6. However, at least for the decay of our identified exosome substrates, MTR4 recruitment by MPP6 was not functionally equivalent to recruitment by RRP6. Genome-wide classification of substrates based on their sensitivity to each exosome component revealed that MPP6 deals with a specific range of substrates and highlights the importance of MTR4 for their decay. Considering recent findings of competitive binding to the exosome between auxiliary complexes, our results suggest that the MPP6-incorporated MTR4-exosome complex is one of the multiple alternative complexes rather than the prevailing one

    Migration arrest of chemoresistant leukemia cells mediated by MRTF-SRF pathway

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    Background: Dormant chemotherapy-resistant leukemia cells can survive for an extended period before relapse. Nevertheless, the mechanisms underlying the development of chemoresistance in vivo remain unclear. Methods: Using intravital bone imaging, we characterized the behavior of murine acute myeloid leukemia (AML) cells (C1498) in the bone marrow before and after chemotherapy with cytarabine. Results: Proliferative C1498 cells exhibited high motility in the bone marrow. Cytarabine treatment impaired the motility of residual C1498 cells. However, C1498 cells regained their migration potential after relapse. RNA sequencing revealed that cytarabine treatment promoted MRTF-SRF pathway activation. MRTF inhibition using CCG-203971 augmented the anti-tumor effects of chemotherapy in our AML mouse model, as well as suppressed the migration of chemoresistant C1498 cells. Conclusions: These results provide novel insight into the role of cell migration arrest on the development of chemoresistance in AML, as well as provide a strong rationale for the modulation of cellular motility as a therapeutic target for refractory AML.Morimatsu M., Yamashita E., Seno S., et al. Migration arrest of chemoresistant leukemia cells mediated by MRTF-SRF pathway. Inflammation and Regeneration 40, 15 (2020); https://doi.org/10.1186/s41232-020-00127-6

    A Method for Similarity Search of Genomic Positional Expression Using CAGE

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    With the advancement of genome research, it is becoming clear that genes are not distributed on the genome in random order. Clusters of genes distributed at localized genome positions have been reported in several eukaryotes. Various correlations have been observed between the expressions of genes in adjacent or nearby positions along the chromosomes depending on tissue type and developmental stage. Moreover, in several cases, their transcripts, which control epigenetic transcription via processes such as transcriptional interference and genomic imprinting, occur in clusters. It is reasonable that genomic regions that have similar mechanisms show similar expression patterns and that the characteristics of expression in the same genomic regions differ depending on tissue type and developmental stage. In this study, we analyzed gene expression patterns using the cap analysis gene expression (CAGE) method for exploring systematic views of the mouse transcriptome. Counting the number of mapped CAGE tags for fixed-length regions allowed us to determine genomic expression levels. These expression levels were normalized, quantified, and converted into four types of descriptors, allowing the expression patterns along the genome to be represented by character strings. We analyzed them using dynamic programming in the same manner as for sequence analysis. We have developed a novel algorithm that provides a novel view of the genome from the perspective of genomic positional expression. In a similarity search of expression patterns across chromosomes and tissues, we found regions that had clusters of genes that showed expression patterns similar to each other depending on tissue type. Our results suggest the possibility that the regions that have sense–antisense transcription show similar expression patterns between forward and reverse strands

    Thrombomodulin induces anti-inflammatory effects by inhibiting the rolling adhesion of leukocytes in vivo

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    Thrombomodulin (TM) is an integral membrane protein expressed on the surface of vascular endothelial cells that suppresses blood coagulation. Recent studies have shown that TM exhibits anti-inflammatory effects by inhibiting leukocyte recruitment. However, the actual modes of action of TM in vivo remain unclear. Here, we describe the pharmacological effects of recombinant human soluble TM (TM alfa) on leukocyte dynamics in living mice using intravital imaging techniques. Under control conditions, neutrophils exhibited three distinct types of adhesion behavior in vessels: 1) “non-adhesion”, in which cells flowed without vessel adhesion; 2) “rolling adhesion”, in which cells transiently interacted with the endothelium; and 3) “tight binding”, in which cells bound strongly to the endothelial cells. Compared to control conditions, local lipopolysaccharide stimulation resulted in an increased frequency of rolling adhesion that was not homogeneously distributed on vessel walls but occurred at specific endothelial sites. Under inflammatory conditions, TM alfa, particularly the D1 domain which is a lectin-like region of TM, significantly decreased the frequency of rolling adhesion, but did not influence the number of tight bindings. This was the first study to demonstrate that TM alfa exerts anti-inflammatory effects by inhibiting rolling adhesion of neutrophils to vascular endothelial cells in living mice.Nishizawa S., Kikuta J., Seno S., et al. Thrombomodulin induces anti-inflammatory effects by inhibiting the rolling adhesion of leukocytes in vivo. Journal of Pharmacological Sciences 143, 17 (2020); https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jphs.2020.01.001

    In vivo dynamic analysis of BMP-2-induced ectopic bone formation

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    Bone morphogenetic protein (BMP)-2 plays a central role in bone-tissue engineering because of its potent bone-induction ability. However, the process of BMP-induced bone formation in vivo remains poorly elucidated. Here, we aimed to establish a method for intravital imaging of the entire process of BMP-2-induced ectopic bone formation. Using multicolor intravital imaging in transgenic mice, we visualized the spatiotemporal process of bone induction, including appearance and motility of osteoblasts and osteoclasts, angiogenesis, collagen-fiber formation, and bone-mineral deposition. Furthermore, we investigated how PTH1-34 affects BMP-2-induced bone formation, which revealed that PTH1-34 administration accelerated differentiation and increased the motility of osteoblasts, whereas it decreased morphological changes in osteoclasts. This is the first report on visualization of the entire process of BMP-2-induced bone formation using intravital imaging techniques, which, we believe, will contribute to our understanding of ectopic bone formation and provide new parameters for evaluating bone-forming activity.Hashimoto K., Kaito T., Furuya M., et al. In vivo dynamic analysis of BMP-2-induced ectopic bone formation. Scientific Reports 10, 4751 (2020); https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-61825-2

    SLPI is a critical mediator that controls PTH-induced bone formation

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    Osteoclastic bone resorption and osteoblastic bone formation/replenishment are closely coupled in bone metabolism. Anabolic parathyroid hormone (PTH), which is commonly used for treating osteoporosis, shifts the balance from osteoclastic to osteoblastic, although it is unclear how these cells are coordinately regulated by PTH. Here, we identify a serine protease inhibitor, secretory leukocyte protease inhibitor (SLPI), as a critical mediator that is involved in the PTH-mediated shift to the osteoblastic phase. Slpi is highly upregulated in osteoblasts by PTH, while genetic ablation of Slpi severely impairs PTH-induced bone formation. Slpi induction in osteoblasts enhances its differentiation, and increases osteoblast–osteoclast contact, thereby suppressing osteoclastic function. Intravital bone imaging reveals that the PTH-mediated association between osteoblasts and osteoclasts is disrupted in the absence of SLPI. Collectively, these results demonstrate that SLPI regulates the communication between osteoblasts and osteoclasts to promote PTH-induced bone anabolism.Morimoto A., Kikuta J., Nishikawa K., et al. SLPI is a critical mediator that controls PTH-induced bone formation. Nature Communications 12, 2136 (2021); https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-021-22402-x

    Direct cell–cell contact between mature osteoblasts and osteoclasts dynamically controls their functions in vivo

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    Bone homeostasis is regulated by communication between bone-forming mature osteoblasts (mOBs) and bone-resorptive mature osteoclasts (mOCs). However, the spatial–temporal relationship and mode of interaction in vivo remain elusive. Here we show, by using an intravital imaging technique, that mOB and mOC functions are regulated via direct cell–cell contact between these cell types. The mOBs and mOCs mainly occupy discrete territories in the steady state, although direct cell–cell contact is detected in spatiotemporally limited areas. In addition, a pH-sensing fluorescence probe reveals that mOCs secrete protons for bone resorption when they are not in contact with mOBs, whereas mOCs contacting mOBs are non-resorptive, suggesting that mOBs can inhibit bone resorption by direct contact. Intermittent administration of parathyroid hormone causes bone anabolic effects, which lead to a mixed distribution of mOBs and mOCs, and increase cell–cell contact. This study reveals spatiotemporal intercellular interactions between mOBs and mOCs affecting bone homeostasis in vivo

    Osteoclasts adapt to physioxia perturbation through DNA demethylation

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    Oxygen plays an important role in diverse biological processes. However, since quantitation of the partial pressure of cellular oxygen in vivo is challenging, the extent of oxygen perturbation in situ and its cellular response remains underexplored. Using two-photon phosphorescence lifetime imaging microscopy, we determine the physiological range of oxygen tension in osteoclasts of live mice. We find that oxygen tension ranges from 17.4 to 36.4 mmHg, under hypoxic and normoxic conditions, respectively. Physiological normoxia thus corresponds to 5% and hypoxia to 2% oxygen in osteoclasts. Hypoxia in this range severely limits osteoclastogenesis, independent of energy metabolism and hypoxia-inducible factor activity. We observe that hypoxia decreases ten-eleven translocation (TET) activity. Tet2/3 cooperatively induces Prdm1 expression via oxygen-dependent DNA demethylation, which in turn activates NFATc1 required for osteoclastogenesis. Taken together, our results reveal that TET enzymes, acting as functional oxygen sensors, regulate osteoclastogenesis within the physiological range of oxygen tension, thus opening new avenues for research on in vivo response to oxygen perturbation.Nishikawa K., Seno S., Yoshihara T., et al. Osteoclasts adapt to physioxia perturbation through DNA demethylation. EMBO Reports 22, e53035 (2021); https://doi.org/10.15252/embr.202153035