336 research outputs found

    Physical Properties of Magnetic Domain Switching in a Single Crystal of an Anti-Ferro Magnetic Medium Cr₂O₃

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    The physical properties of a domain switching under an application of electric and magnetic fields are described, with respect to a single crystal of Cr₂O₃ which belongs in a magnetic point group 3 m. Major results obtained in this study are as follows : (1) experimental results on anisotropic tensor components of a magnetic susceptibility in the C_2O₃ single crystal are found to be in reasonable agreement with the theoretical result in the case of 3m, in which the non-diagonal elements xᵢj are zero and X₁₁=X₂₂ is required. (2) A temperature dependence of a domain switching time τₛ of the used Cr₂O₃ single crystal follows to approximately 1.6×10¹⁷ exp (―9550/T). From the numerical value in the parenthesis, it appears that the used crystal has an average energy of domain walls corresponding to 0.86 eV. Further, it is concluded that an inversion probability in the domain switching in general depends on the Boltzmann factor

    Thin anterior uterine wall with incomplete uterine rupture in a primigravida detected by palpation and ultrasound: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Uterine rupture is an obstetric complication associated with significant maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality. This disorder usually occurs with a scarred uterus, especially in a uterus with prior Cesarean section. Uterine sacculation or diverticulum may also lead to a thin uterine wall during pregnancy.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>A 27-year-old Japanese primigravid woman was admitted to our hospital due to weak, irregular uterine contractions in her 38<sup>th </sup>week of gestation. She had no past history of uterine surgery or known diseases. A hard mass was palpable in her abdomen. An ultrasound revealed that the anterior uterine wall was thin and bulging, with a fetal minor part beneath it which corresponded to the palpated mass. A Cesarean section was performed which revealed a thin anterior uterine wall with incomplete uterine rupture. The woman and baby were healthy.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Although extremely rare, an unscarred primigravid uterus can undergo incomplete rupture even without discernable risk factors or labor pains. Abdominal palpation and ultrasound may be useful in detecting this condition.</p

    Additive Influence of Extracellular pH, Oxygen Tension, and Pressure on Invasiveness and Survival of Human Osteosarcoma Cells

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    Background/Purpose: The effects of chemical and physical interactions in the microenvironment of solid tumors have not been fully elucidated. We hypothesized that acidosis, hypoxia, and elevated interstitial fluid pressure (eIFP) have additive effects on tumor cell biology and lead to more aggressive behavior during tumor progression. We investigated this phenomenon using three human osteosarcoma (OS) cell lines and a novel in vitro cell culture apparatus. Materials and Methods: U2OS, SaOS, and MG63 cell lines were cultured in media adjusted to various pH levels, oxygen tension (hypoxia 2% O(2), normoxia 20% O(2)), and hydrostatic gage pressure (0 or 50 mmHg). Growth rate, apoptosis, cell cycle parameters, and expression of mRNA for proteins associated with invasiveness and tumor microenvironment (CA IX, VEGF-A, HIF-1A, MMP-9, and TIMP-2) were analyzed. Levels of CA IX, HIF-1α, and MMP-9 were measured using immunofluorescence. The effect of pH on invasiveness was evaluated in a Matrigel chamber assay. Results: Within the acidic–hypoxic–pressurized conditions that simulate the microenvironment at a tumor’s center, invasive genes were upregulated, but the cell cycle was downregulated. The combined influence of acidosis, hypoxia, and IFP promoted invasiveness and angiogenesis to a greater extent than did pH, pO(2), or eIFP individually. Significant cell death after brief exposure to acidic conditions occurred in each cell line during acclimation to acidic media, while prolonged exposure to acidic media resulted in reduced cell death. Furthermore, 48-h exposure to acidic conditions promoted tumor invasiveness in the Matrigel assay. Conclusion: Our findings demonstrate that tumor microenvironmental parameters – particularly pH, pO(2), and eIFP – additively influence tumor proliferation, invasion, metabolism, and viability to enhance cell survival and must be controlled in OS research

    Selection and concentration of obstetric facilities in Japan: Longitudinal study based on national census data

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    Aim: A shortage of obstetricians with an increased workload is a social problem in Japan. The government and professional bodies are trying to cope with this problem by accelerating “selection and concentration” of obstetric facilities. The aim of this study is to evaluate the recent trend of selection and concentration. Methods: We used data on the number of deliveries and of obstetricians in each hospital and clinic in Japan, according to the Static Survey of Medical Institutions in 2005, 2008 and 2011. To evaluate the inter-facility equity of the number of deliveries, number of obstetricians and number of deliveries per obstetrician, Gini coefficients were calculated. Results: The number of obstetric hospitals decreased by 20% and the number of deliveries per hospital increased by 26% between 2005 and 2011. Hospital obstetricians increased by 16% and the average number of obstetricians per hospital increased by 19% between 2008 and 2011. Gini coefficient of deliveries has significantly decreased. In contrast, Gini coefficient of deliveries per obstetrician has significantly increased. The degrees of increase in obstetricians and of decrease in deliveries per obstetrician were largest at the hospitals with the highest proportion of cesarean sections. The proportion of obstetric hospitals with the “optimal volume” of deliveries and obstetricians defined by Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology was 4% in 2008, and it had doubled to 8.1% three years later. Conclusion: The selection and concentration of obstetric facilities is progressing rapidly and effectively in Japan.This study was supported by Health Labour Sciences Research Grant of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, Tokyo, Japan (H25 - Research on Region Medical - 006)

    Robust Dependency Parsing of Spontaneous Japanese Speech and Its Evaluation

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    Spontaneously spoken Japanese includes a lot of grammatically\ud ill-formed linguistic phenomena such as fillers,\ud hesitations, inversions, and so on, which do not appear in\ud written language. This paper proposes a method of robust\ud dependency parsing using a large-scale spoken language\ud corpus, and evaluates the availability and robustness\ud of the method using spontaneously spoken dialogue\ud sentences. By utilizing stochastic information about the\ud appearance of ill-formed phenomena, the method can robustly\ud parse spoken Japanese including fillers, inversions,\ud or dependencies over utterance units. As a result of an experiment,\ud the parsing accuracy provided 87.0%, and we\ud confirmed that it is effective to utilize the location information\ud of a bunsetsu, and the distance information between\ud bunsetsus as stochastic information

    Intestinal adhesion due to previous uterine surgery as a risk factor for delayed diagnosis of uterine rupture: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Uterine rupture is a life-threatening condition both to mothers and fetuses. Its early diagnosis and treatment may save their lives. Previous myomectomy is a high risk factor for uterine rupture. Intestinal adhesion due to previous myomectomy may also prevent early diagnosis of uterine rupture.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>A 38-year-old primiparous non-laboring Japanese woman with a history of myomectomy was admitted in her 34<sup>th </sup>week due to lower abdominal pain. Although the pain was slight and her vital signs were stable, computed tomography revealed massive fluid collection in her abdominal cavity, which led us to perform a laparotomy. Uterine rupture had occurred at the site of the previous myomectomy; however, the small intestine was adhered tightly to the rupture, thus masking it. The baby was delivered through a low uterine segment transverse incision. The ruptured uterine wall was reconstructed.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Intestinal adhesion due to a prior myomectomy occluded a uterine rupture, possibly masking its symptoms and signs, which may have prevented early diagnosis.</p

    Successful management of hyperammonemia with hemodialysis on day 2 during 5-fluorouracil treatment in a patient with gastric cancer: a case report with 5-fluorouracil metabolite analyses

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    Ozaki, Y., Imamaki, H., Ikeda, A. et al. Correction to: Successful management of hyperammonemia with hemodialysis on day 2 during 5‑fluorouracil treatment in a patient with gastric cancer: a case report with 5‑fluorouracil metabolite analyses. Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology (2020) 86:693-699.Purpose: Hyperammonemia is an important adverse event associated with 5-fluorouracil (5FU) from 5FU metabolite accumulation. We present a case of an advanced gastric cancer patient with chronic renal failure, who was treated with 5FU/leucovorin (LV) infusion chemotherapy (2-h infusion of LV and 5FU bolus followed by 46-h 5FU continuous infusion on day 1; repeated every 2 weeks) and developed hyperammonemia, with the aim of exploring an appropriate hemodialysis (HD) schedule to resolve its symptoms. Methods: The blood concentrations of 5FU and its metabolites, α-fluoro-β-alanine (FBAL), and monofluoroacetate (FA) of a patient who had hyperammonemia from seven courses of palliative 5FU/LV therapy for gastric cancer were measured by liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry. Results: On the third day of the first cycle, the patient presented with symptomatic hyperammonemia relieved by emergency HD. Thereafter, the 5FU dose was reduced; however, in cycles 2–4, the patient developed symptomatic hyperammonemia and underwent HD on day 3 for hyperammonemia management. In cycles 5–7, the timing of scheduled HD administration was changed from day 3 to day 2, preventing symptomatic hyperammonemia. The maximum ammonia and 5FU metabolite levels were significantly lower in cycles 5–7 than in cycles 2–4 (NH3 75 ± 38 vs 303 ± 119 μg/dL, FBAL 13.7 ± 2.5 vs 19.7 ± 2.0 μg/mL, FA 204.0 ± 91.6 vs 395.9 ± 12.6 ng/mL, mean ± standard deviation, all p < 0.05). After seven cycles, partial response was confirmed. Conclusion: HD on day 2 instead of 3 may prevent hyperammonemia in 5FU/LV therapy

    Case Report Maternal Perception of Decreased Fetal Movement in One Twin: A Clue Leading to the Early Detection of Absent Variability due to Acute Twin-to-Twin Transfusion Syndrome

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    Decreased fetal movement (DFM) perceived by pregnant women sometimes indicates imminent fetal jeopardy. It is unknown whether this also holds true for twin pregnancy. A 27-year-old primiparous woman with monochorionic diamniotic (MD) pregnancy had a slight difference of amniotic fluid volume at 31 2/7 weeks of gestation. DFM only in one twin at 31 4/7 weeks of gestation prompted her to receive urgent consultation. Since cardiotocogram indicated absent variability of one twin, we performed Cesarean section. Male infants weighing 2060 g and 1578 g were delivered; hemoglobin was 20.7 versus 10.8 g/dL, respectively; cardiothoracic ratio was 70% versus 44%, respectively, indicating acute twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS). The recipient infant had heart failure, which was still observed at 1 month postpartum. In conclusion, maternal perception of DFM indicated imminent fetal death or jeopardy caused by acute TTTS, suggesting that education regarding DFM for women with twin pregnancy may be clinically important