9,585 research outputs found

    Three-dimensional MHD Simulations of Jets from Accretion Disks

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    We report the results of 3-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations of a jet formation by the interaction between an accretion disk and a large scale magnetic field. The disk is not treated as a boundary condition but is solved self-consistently. To investigate the stability of MHD jet, the accretion disk is perturbed with a non-axisymmetric sinusoidal or random fluctuation of the rotational velocity. The dependences of the jet velocity (vz)(v_z), mass outflow rate (M˙w)(\dot{M}_w), and mass accretion rate (M˙a)(\dot{M}_a) on the initial magnetic field strength in both non-axisymmetric cases are similar to those in the axisymmetric case. That is, vz∝B01/3v_z \propto B_0^{1/3}, M˙w∝B0\dot{M}_w \propto B_0 and M˙a∝B01.4\dot{M}_a \propto B_0^{1.4} where B0B_0 is the initial magnetic field strength. The former two relations are consistent with the Michel's steady solution, vz∝(B02/M˙w)1/3v_z \propto (B_0^2/\dot{M}_w)^{1/3}, although the jet and accretion do not reach the steady state. In both perturbation cases, a non-axisymmetric structure with m=2m=2 appears in the jet, where mm means the azimuthal wave number. This structure can not be explained by Kelvin-Helmholtz instability and seems to originate in the accretion disk. Non-axisymmetric modes in the jet reach almost constant levels after about 1.5 orbital periods of the accretion disk, while all modes in the accretion disk grow with oscillation. As for the angular momentum transport by Maxwell stress, the vertical component, ,iscomparabletotheradialcomponent,, is comparable to the radial component, , in the wide range of initial magnetic field strength.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ. The pdf file with high resolution figures can be downloaded at http://www.kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp/~hiromitu/3j050806.pd

    X-Ray Flares and Mass Outflows Driven by Magnetic Interaction between a Protostar and its Surrounding Disk

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    We propose a model of hard X-ray flares in protostars observed by ASCA satellite. Assuming that the dipole magnetic field of the protostar threads the protostellar disk, we carried out 2.5-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations of the disk-star interaction. The closed magnetic loops connecting the central star and the disk are twisted by the rotation of the disk. As the twist accumulates, magnetic loops expand and finally approach to the open field configuration. A current sheet is formed inside the expanding loops. In the presence of resistivity, magnetic reconnection takes place in the current sheet. Outgoing magnetic island and post flare loops are formed as a result of the reconnection. The time scale of this `flare' is the order of the rotation period of the disk. The released magnetic energy partly goes into the thermal energy and heats up the flaring plasma up to 10810^8 K. The length of the flaring loop is several times of the radius of the central star, consistent with observations. The speed of the hot plasmoid ejected by the reconnection is 200−400200-400 km s−1^{-1} when the footpoint of the loop is at 0.03 AU from 1 M⊙_\odot protostar. The hot plasma outflow can explain the speed and mass flow rate of optical jets. Dense, cold, magnetically accelerated wind (v∌150−250v \sim 150-250 km s−1^{-1}) emanates from the surface of the disk along the partially open magnetic field lines threading the disk. This dense, cold wind may correspond to high velocity neutral winds.Comment: 14 pages, uses aasms4.sty,2 PostScript figures, tar'ed and gzip'ed.Full postscript text, figures (color) and mpeg simulations available at http://pleiades.c.chiba-u.ac.jp/~hayashi/lanlxxx.html Accepted for publication in 'ApJ Letters

    Outflows and Jets from Collapsing Magnetized Cloud Cores

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    Star formation is usually accompanied by outflow phenomena. There is strong evidence that these outflows and jets are launched from the protostellar disk by magneto-rotational processes. Here, we report on our three dimensional, adaptive mesh, magneto-hydrodynamic simulations of collapsing, rotating, magnetized Bonnor-Ebert-Spheres whose properties are taken directly from observations. In contrast to the pure hydro case where no outflows are seen, our present simulations show an outflow from the protodisk surface at ~ AU and a jet at ~ 0.07 AU after a strong toroidal magnetic field build up. The large scale outflow, which extends up to ~ AU at the end of our simulation, is driven by toroidal magnetic pressure (spring), whereas the jet is powered by magneto-centrifugal force (fling). At the final stage of our simulation these winds are still confined within two respective shock fronts. Furthermore, we find that the jet-wind and the disk-anchored magnetic field extracts a considerable amount of angular momentum from the protostellar disk. The initial spin of our cloud core was chosen high enough to produce a binary system. We indeed find a close binary system (separation ~ 3 R_sol) which results from the fragmentation of an earlier formed ring structure. The magnetic field strength in these protostars reaches ~ 3 kG and becomes about 3 G at 1 AU from the center in agreement with recent observational results.Comment: revised version, accepted for publication in ApJ, a higher resolution version of this paper can be downloaded at http://www.physics.mcmaster.ca/~banerjee/outflows.pd

    General Relativistic Simulations of Jet Formation in a Rapidly Rotating Black Hole Magnetosphere

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    To investigate the formation mechanism of relativistic jets in active galactic nuclei and micro-quasars, we have developed a new general relativistic magnetohydrodynamic code in Kerr geometry. Here we report on the first numerical simulation of jet formation in a rapidly-rotating (a=0.95) Kerr black hole magnetosphere. We study cases in which the Keplerian accretion disk is both co-rotating and counter-rotating with respect to the black hole rotation. In the co-rotating disk case, our results are almost the same as those in Schwarzschild black hole cases: a gas pressure-driven jet is formed by a shock in the disk, and a weaker magnetically-driven jet is also generated outside the gas pressure-driven jet. On the other hand, in the counter-rotating disk case, a new powerful magnetically-driven jet is formed inside the gas pressure-driven jet. The newly found magnetically-driven jet in the latter case is accelerated by a strong magnetic field created by frame dragging in the ergosphere. Through this process, the magnetic field extracts the energy of the black hole rotation.Comment: Co-rotating and counter-rotating disks; 8 pages; submitted to ApJ letter

    Magnetic reconnection and stochastic plasmoid chains in high-Lundquist-number plasmas

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    A numerical study of magnetic reconnection in the large-Lundquist-number (SS), plasmoid-dominated regime is carried out for SS up to 10710^7. The theoretical model of Uzdensky {\it et al.} [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 105}, 235002 (2010)] is confirmed and partially amended. The normalized reconnection rate is \normEeff\sim 0.02 independently of SS for S≫104S\gg10^4. The plasmoid flux (Κ\Psi) and half-width (wxw_x) distribution functions scale as f(Κ)∌Κ−2f(\Psi)\sim \Psi^{-2} and f(wx)∌wx−2f(w_x)\sim w_x^{-2}. The joint distribution of Κ\Psi and wxw_x shows that plasmoids populate a triangular region wx≳ι/B0w_x\gtrsim\Psi/B_0, where B0B_0 is the reconnecting field. It is argued that this feature is due to plasmoid coalescence. Macroscopic "monster" plasmoids with wx∌10w_x\sim 10% of the system size are shown to emerge in just a few Alfv\'en times, independently of SS, suggesting that large disruptive events are an inevitable feature of large-SS reconnection.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures, submitted for publicatio

    Magnetically Driven Jets in the Kerr Metric

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    We compute a series of three-dimensional general relativistic magnetohydrodynamic simulations of accretion flows in the Kerr metric to investigate the properties of the unbound outflows that result. The overall strength of these outflows increases sharply with increasing black hole rotation rate, but a number of generic features are found in all cases. The mass in the outflow is concentrated in a hollow cone whose opening angle is largely determined by the effective potential for matter orbiting with angular momentum comparable to that of the innermost stable circular orbit. The dominant force accelerating the matter outward comes from the pressure of the accretion disk's corona. The principal element that shapes the outflow is therefore the centrifugal barrier preventing accreting matter from coming close to the rotation axis. Inside the centrifugal barrier, the cone contains very little matter and is dominated by electromagnetic fields that rotate at a rate tied closely to the rotation of the black hole. These fields carry an outward-going Poynting flux whose immediate energy source is the rotating spacetime of the Kerr black hole. When the spin parameter a/M of the black hole exceeds ~0.9, the energy carried to infinity by these outflows can be comparable to the nominal radiative efficiency predicted in the Novikov-Thorne model. Similarly, the expelled angular momentum can be comparable to that accreted by the black hole. Both the inner electromagnetic part and the outer matter part can contribute in significant fashion to the energy and angular momentum of the outflow.Comment: 43 pages 12 figures To Appear in the Astrophysical Journal replaced figure 3c with correct imag

    Possible explanation for star-crushing effect in binary neutron star simulations

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    A possible explanation is suggested for the controversial star-crushing effect seen in numerical simulations of inspiraling neutron star binaries by Wilson, Mathews and Marronetti (WMM). An apparently incorrect definition of momentum density in the momentum constraint equation used by WMM gives rise to a post-1-Newtonian error in the approximation scheme. We show by means of an analytic, post-1-Newtonian calculation that this error causes an increase of the stars' central densities which is of the order of several percent when the stars are separated by a few stellar radii, in agreement with what is seen in the simulations.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, uses revetx macros, minor revision

    Stripe State in the Lowest Landau Level

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    The stripe state in the lowest Landau level is studied by the density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) method. The ground state energy and pair correlation functions are systematically calculated for various pseudopotentials in the lowest Landau level. We show that the stripe state in the lowest Landau level is realized only in a system whose width perpendicular to the two-dimensional electron layer is smaller than the order of magnetic length.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures, to appear in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. vol.73 No.1 (2004

    Various features of quasiequilibrium sequences of binary neutron stars in general relativity

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    Quasiequilibrium sequences of binary neutron stars are numerically calculated in the framework of the Isenberg-Wilson-Mathews (IWM) approximation of general relativity. The results are presented for both rotation states of synchronized spins and irrotational motion, the latter being considered as the realistic one for binary neutron stars just prior to the merger. We assume a polytropic equation of state and compute several evolutionary sequences of binary systems composed of different-mass stars as well as identical-mass stars with adiabatic indices gamma=2.5, 2.25, 2, and 1.8. From our results, we propose as a conjecture that if the turning point of binding energy (and total angular momentum) locating the innermost stable circular orbit (ISCO) is found in Newtonian gravity for some value of the adiabatic index gamma_0, that of the ADM mass (and total angular momentum) should exist in the IWM approximation of general relativity for the same value of the adiabatic index.Comment: Text improved, some figures changed or deleted, new table, 38 pages, 31 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Real Space Effective Interaction and Phase Transition in the Lowest Landau Level

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    The transition between the stripe state and the liquid state in a high magnetic field is studied by the density-matrix renormalization-group (DMRG) method. Systematic analysis on the ground state of two-dimensional electrons in the lowest Landau level shows that the transition from the stripe state to the liquid state at v=3/8 is caused by a reduction of repulsive interaction around r=3. The same reduction of the interaction also stabilizes the incompressible liquid states at v=1/3 and 2/5, which shows a similarity between the two liquid states at v=3/8 and 1/3. It is also shown that the strong short-range interaction around r=1 in the lowest Landau level makes qualitatively different stripe correlations compared with that in higher Landau levels.Comment: 5 pages, to appear in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. Vol.73, No.8 (2004
