1 research outputs found

    Pembuatan Peta Zona Nilai Ekonomi Kawasan (Znek) Menggunakan Tcm (Travel Cost Method) Dan Cvm (Contingent Valuation Method) Berbasis Sistem Informasi Geografis (Studi Kasus : Candi Prambanan)

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    Prambanan Temple has potential as a tourist attraction. The strategic location which have historical value, makes this Place became one tourist destination areas Klaten. Based on this, we need a Zone Map Economic Value Areas (ZNEK) to the Prambanan area of the palace to estimate the economic value and benefits based on willingness to pay (WTP) tourists and the people who benefit from the region. Sampling method (respondents) were used in this research is non probability sampling with accidental sampling technique, where respondents are those who by chance / accidental encountered in the study area and can be used as a sample, if it is considered that the person who happened to be found suitable as a data source. Data processing method used is multiple linear regression analysis and calculation software WTP using Maple 17.Results obtained from the study of this final project is the Economic Value Area Zone maps with the total value of economic attraction Prambanan Temple Rp.32.851.020.029.000,- Maps generated from the integration of economic and spatial aspects can be used as an objective consideration of the decision-making process in the spatial field and economic field for the government to optimize and simplify the process of the asset\u27s management and monitoring the natural resources potential. Besides being able to provide a solution for the management of resource constraints of the economy in various regions in Indonesia, the map can be used too as a learning tool for the public society to bring awareness of the importance of potential belonging