60 research outputs found

    Composite boson signature in the interference pattern of atomic dimer condensates

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    We predict the existence of high frequency modes in the interference pattern of two condensates made of fermionic-atom dimers. These modes, which result from fermion exchanges between condensates, constitute a striking signature of the dimer composite nature. From the 2-coboson spatial correlation function, that we derive analytically, and the Shiva diagrams that visualize many-body effects specific to composite bosons, we identify the physical origin of these high frequency modes and determine the conditions to see them experimentally by using bound fermionic-atom pairs trapped on optical lattice sites. The dimer granularity which appears in these modes comes from Pauli blocking that prevents two dimers to be located at the same lattice site.Comment: 10+7 pp, 3 figures. v2: version accepted for publication in New J. Phy

    Way to observe the implausible "trion-polariton"

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    Using the composite boson (coboson) many-body formalism, we determine under which conditions "trion-polariton" can exist. Dipolar attraction can bind an exciton and an electron into a trion having an energy well separated from the exciton energy. Yet, the existence of long-lived "trion-polariton" is a priori implausible not only because the photon-trion coupling, which scales as the inverse of the sample volume, is vanishingly small, but mostly because this coupling is intrinsically "weak". Here, we show that a moderately dense Fermi sea renders its observation possible: on the pro side, the Fermi sea overcomes the weak coupling by pinning the photon to its momentum through Pauli blocking, it also overcomes the dramatically poor photon-trion coupling by providing a volume-linear trion subspace to which the photon is coherently coupled. On the con side, the Fermi sea broadens the photon-trion resonance due to the fermionic nature of trions and electrons, it also weakens the trion binding by blocking electronic states relevant for trion formation. As a result, the proper way to observe this novel polariton is to use doped semiconductor having long-lived electronic states, highly-bound trion and Fermi energy as large as a fraction of the trion binding energy.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Electronic structure and absorption spectrum of biexciton obtained by using exciton basis

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    We approach the biexciton Schr\"{o}dinger equation not through the free-carrier basis as usually done, but through the free-exciton basis, exciton-exciton interactions being treated according to the recently developed composite boson many-body formalism which allows an exact handling of carrier exchange between excitons, as induced by the Pauli exclusion principle. We numerically solve the resulting biexciton Schr\"{o}dinger equation with the exciton levels restricted to the ground state and we derive the biexciton ground state as well as the bound and unbound excited states as a function of hole-to-electron mass ratio. The biexciton ground-state energy we find, agrees reasonably well with variational results. Next, we use the obtained biexciton wave functions to calculate optical absorption in the presence of a dilute exciton gas in quantum well. We find a small asymmetric peak with a characteristic low-energy tail, identified with the biexciton ground state, and a set of large peaks associated with biexciton unbound states, i.e., exciton-exciton scattering states.Comment: 16 pages, 12 figure

    Cross-over from trion-hole to exciton-polaron in n-doped semiconductor quantum wells

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    We present a theoretical study of photo-absorption in n-doped two-dimensional (2D) and quasi-2D semiconductors that takes into account the interaction of the photocreated exciton with Fermi-sea (FS) electrons through (i) Pauli blocking, (ii) Coulomb screening, and (iii) excitation of FS electron-hole pairs---that we here restrict to one. The system we tackle is thus made of one exciton plus zero or one FS electron-hole pair. At low doping, the system ground state is predominantly made of a "trion-hole"---a trion (two opposite-spin electrons plus a valence hole) weakly bound to a FS hole---with a small exciton component. As the trion is poorly coupled to photon, the intensity of the lowest absorption peak is weak; it increases with doping, thanks to the growing exciton component, due to a larger coupling between 2-particle and 4-particle states. Under a further doping increase, the trion-hole complex is less bound because of Pauli blocking by FS electrons, and its energy increases. The lower peak then becomes predominantly due to an exciton dressed by FS electron-hole pairs, that is, an exciton-polaron. As a result, the absorption spectra of nn-doped semiconductor quantum wells show two prominent peaks, the nature of the lowest peak turning from trion-hole to exciton-polaron under a doping increase. Our work also nails down the physical mechanism behind the increase with doping of the energy separation between the trion-hole peak and the exciton-polaron peak, even before the anti-crossing, as experimentally observed.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figure

    Exciton ground-state energy with full hole warping structure

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    Most semiconductors, in particular III-V compounds, have a complex valence band structure near the band edge, due to degeneracy at the zone center. One peculiar feature is the warping of the electronic dispersion relations, which are not isotropic even in the vicinity of the band edge. When the exciton, all important for the semiconductor optical properties, is considered, this problem is usually handled by using some kind of angular averaging procedure, that would restore the isotropy of the hole effective dispersion relations. In the present paper, we consider the problem of the exciton ground-state energy for semiconductors with zinc-blende crystal structure, and we solve it exactly by a numerical treatment, taking fully into account the warping of the valence band. In the resulting four-dimensional problem, we first show exactly that the exciton ground state is fourfold degenerate. We then explore the ground-state energy across the full range of allowed Luttinger parameters. We find that the correction due to warping may in principle be quite large. However, for the semiconductors with available data for the band structure we have considered, the correction turns out to be in the 10%15%10\% - 15\% range.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figur

    Correlation Energy for Elementary Bosons: Physics of the Singularity

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    We propose a compact perturbative approach that reveals the physical origin of the singularity occurring in the density dependence of correlation energy: like fermions, elementary bosons have a singular correlation energy which comes from the accumulation, through Feynman "bubble" diagrams, of the same non-zero momentum transfer excitations from the free particle ground state, that is, the Fermi sea for fermions and the Bose-Einstein condensate for bosons. This understanding paves the way toward deriving the correlation energy of composite bosons like atomic dimers and semiconductor excitons, by suggesting Shiva diagrams that have similarity with Feynman "bubble" diagrams, the previous elementary boson approaches, which hide this physics, being difficult to do so.Comment: 16 pages, 22 figure

    A fresh view on Frenkel excitons: Electron-hole pair exchange and many-body formalism

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    We here present a fresh approach to Frenkel excitons in cubic semiconductor crystals, with a special focus on the spin and spatial degeneracies of the electronic states. This approach uses a second quantization formulation of the problem in terms of creation operators for electronic states on all lattice sites -- their creation operators being true fermion operators in the tight-binding limit valid for semiconductors hosting Frenkel excitons. This operator formalism avoids using cumbersome (6Ns6N_s x 6Ns6N_s) Slater determinants -- 2 for spin, 3 for spatial degeneracy and NsN_s for the number of lattice sites -- to represent state wave functions out of which the Frenkel exciton eigenstates are derived. A deep understanding of the tricky Coulomb physics that takes place in the Frenkel exciton problem, is a prerequisite for possibly diagonalizing this very large matrix analytically. This is done in three steps: (i) the first diagonalization, with respect to lattice sites, follows from transforming excitations on the NsN_s lattice sites R\mathbf{R}_\ell into NsN_s exciton waves Kn\mathbf{K}_n, by using appropriate phase prefactors; (ii) the second diagonalization, with respect to spin, follows from the introduction of spin-singlet and spin-triplet electron-hole pair states, through the commonly missed sign change when transforming electron-absence operators into hole operators; (iii) the third diagonalization, with respect to threefold spatial degeneracy, leads to the splitting of the exciton level into one longitudinal and two transverse modes, that result from the singular interlevel Coulomb scattering in the small Kn\mathbf{K}_n limit.Comment: 80 pages, 21 figure