22,645 research outputs found

    Over-the-Air Computation via Intelligent Reflecting Surfaces

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    Over-the-air computation (AirComp) becomes a promising approach for fast wireless data aggregation via exploiting the superposition property in a multiple access channel. To further overcome the unfavorable signal propagation conditions for AirComp, in this paper, we propose an intelligent reflecting surface (IRS) aided AirComp system to build controllable wireless environments, thereby boosting the received signal power significantly. This is achieved by smartly tuning the phase shifts for the incoming electromagnetic waves at IRS, resulting in reconfigurable signal propagations. Unfortunately, it turns out that the joint design problem for AirComp transceivers and IRS phase shifts becomes a highly intractable nonconvex bi-quadratic programming problem, for which a novel alternating difference-of-convex (DC) programming algorithm is developed. This is achieved by providing a novel DC function representation for the rank-one constraint in the low-rank matrix optimization problem via matrix lifting. Simulation results demonstrate the algorithmic advantages and admirable performance of the proposed approaches compared with the state-of-art solutions

    Scalable Spectral Algorithms for Community Detection in Directed Networks

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    Community detection has been one of the central problems in network studies and directed network is particularly challenging due to asymmetry among its links. In this paper, we found that incorporating the direction of links reveals new perspectives on communities regarding to two different roles, source and terminal, that a node plays in each community. Intriguingly, such communities appear to be connected with unique spectral property of the graph Laplacian of the adjacency matrix and we exploit this connection by using regularized SVD methods. We propose harvesting algorithms, coupled with regularized SVDs, that are linearly scalable for efficient identification of communities in huge directed networks. The proposed algorithm shows great performance and scalability on benchmark networks in simulations and successfully recovers communities in real network applications.Comment: Single column, 40 pages, 6 figures and 7 table

    CNNs based Viewpoint Estimation for Volume Visualization

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    Viewpoint estimation from 2D rendered images is helpful in understanding how users select viewpoints for volume visualization and guiding users to select better viewpoints based on previous visualizations. In this paper, we propose a viewpoint estimation method based on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) for volume visualization. We first design an overfit-resistant image rendering pipeline to generate the training images with accurate viewpoint annotations, and then train a category-specific viewpoint classification network to estimate the viewpoint for the given rendered image. Our method can achieve good performance on images rendered with different transfer functions and rendering parameters in several categories. We apply our model to recover the viewpoints of the rendered images in publications, and show how experts look at volumes. We also introduce a CNN feature-based image similarity measure for similarity voting based viewpoint selection, which can suggest semantically meaningful optimal viewpoints for different volumes and transfer functions

    A coupled discrete unified gas-kinetic scheme for Boussinesq flows

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    Recently, the discrete unified gas-kinetic scheme (DUGKS) [Z. L. Guo \emph{et al}., Phys. Rev. E 88{\bf 88}, 033305 (2013)] based on the Boltzmann equation is developed as a new multiscale kinetic method for isothermal flows. In this paper, a thermal and coupled discrete unified gas-kinetic scheme is derived for the Boussinesq flows, where the velocity and temperature fields are described independently. Kinetic boundary conditions for both velocity and temperature fields are also proposed. The proposed model is validated by simulating several canonical test cases, including the porous plate problem, the Rayleigh-b\'{e}nard convection, and the natural convection with Rayleigh number up to 101010^{10} in a square cavity. The results show that the coupled DUGKS is of second order accuracy in space and can well describe the convection phenomena from laminar to turbulent flows. Particularly, it is found that this new scheme has better numerical stability in simulating high Rayleigh number flows compared with the previous kinetic models

    Transfer Learning by Ranking for Weakly Supervised Object Annotation

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    Most existing approaches to training object detectors rely on fully supervised learning, which requires the tedious manual annotation of object location in a training set. Recently there has been an increasing interest in developing weakly supervised approach to detector training where the object location is not manually annotated but automatically determined based on binary (weak) labels indicating if a training image contains the object. This is a challenging problem because each image can contain many candidate object locations which partially overlaps the object of interest. Existing approaches focus on how to best utilise the binary labels for object location annotation. In this paper we propose to solve this problem from a very different perspective by casting it as a transfer learning problem. Specifically, we formulate a novel transfer learning based on learning to rank, which effectively transfers a model for automatic annotation of object location from an auxiliary dataset to a target dataset with completely unrelated object categories. We show that our approach outperforms existing state-of-the-art weakly supervised approach to annotating objects in the challenging VOC dataset.Comment: BMVC 201

    A Maximum-Principle-Satisfying High-order Finite Volume Compact WENO Scheme for Scalar Conservation Laws

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    In this paper, a maximum-principle-satisfying finite volume compact scheme is proposed for solving scalar hyperbolic conservation laws. The scheme combines WENO schemes (Weighted Essentially Non-Oscillatory) with a class of compact schemes under a finite volume framework, in which the nonlinear WENO weights are coupled with lower order compact stencils. The maximum-principle-satisfying polynomial rescaling limiter in [Zhang and Shu, JCP, 2010] is adopted to construct the present schemes at each stage of an explicit Runge-Kutta method, without destroying high order accuracy and conservativity. Numerical examples for one and two dimensional problems including incompressible flows are presented to assess the good performance, maximum principle preserving, essentially non-oscillatory and highly accurate resolution of the proposed method

    A Positivity-preserving High Order Finite Volume Compact-WENO Scheme for Compressible Euler Equations

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    In this paper, a positivity-preserving fifth-order finite volume compact-WENO scheme is proposed for solving compressible Euler equations. As we know conservative compact finite volume schemes have high resolution properties while WENO (Weighted Essentially Non-Oscillatory) schemes are essentially non-oscillatory near flow discontinuities. We extend the main idea of WENO schemes to some classical compact finite volume schemes [32], where lower order compact stencils are combined with WENO nonlinear weights to get a higher order finite volume compact-WENO scheme. The newly developed positivity-preserving limiter [46,44] is used to preserve positive density and internal energy for compressible Euler equations of fluid dynamics. The HLLC (Harten, Lax, and van Leer with Contact) approximate Riemann solver [39,2] is used to get the numerical flux at the cell interfaces. Numerical tests are presented to demonstrate the high-order accuracy, positivity-preserving, high-resolution and robustness of the proposed scheme

    Charmonium dissociation in collision with phi meson in hadronic matter

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    The phi-charmonium dissociation reactions in hadronic matter are studied. Unpolarised cross sections for 12 reactions are calculated in the Born approximation, in the quark-interchange mechanism and with a temperature-dependent quark potential. The potential leads to remarkable temperature dependence of the cross sections. With the cross sections and the phi distribution function we calculate the dissociation rates of the charmonia in the interactions with the phi meson in hadronic matter. The dependence of the rates on temperature and charmonium momentum is meaningful to the influence of phi mesons on charmonium suppression.Comment: 21 pages, 12 figure

    Bayesian Joint Topic Modelling for Weakly Supervised Object Localisation

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    We address the problem of localisation of objects as bounding boxes in images with weak labels. This weakly supervised object localisation problem has been tackled in the past using discriminative models where each object class is localised independently from other classes. We propose a novel framework based on Bayesian joint topic modelling. Our framework has three distinctive advantages over previous works: (1) All object classes and image backgrounds are modelled jointly together in a single generative model so that "explaining away" inference can resolve ambiguity and lead to better learning and localisation. (2) The Bayesian formulation of the model enables easy integration of prior knowledge about object appearance to compensate for limited supervision. (3) Our model can be learned with a mixture of weakly labelled and unlabelled data, allowing the large volume of unlabelled images on the Internet to be exploited for learning. Extensive experiments on the challenging VOC dataset demonstrate that our approach outperforms the state-of-the-art competitors.Comment: iccv 201

    Variational Study of Fermionic and Bosonic Systems with Non-Gaussian States: Theory and Applications

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    We present a new variational method for investigating the ground state and out of equilibrium dynamics of quantum many-body bosonic and fermionic systems. Our approach is based on constructing variational wavefunctions which extend Gaussian states by including generalized canonical transformations between the fields. The key advantage of such states compared to simple Gaussian states is presence of non-factorizable correlations and the possibility of describing states with strong entanglement between particles. In contrast to the commonly used canonical transformations, such as the polaron or Lang-Firsov transformations, we allow parameters of the transformations to be time dependent, which extends their regions of applicability. We derive equations of motion for the parameters characterizing the states both in real and imaginary time using the differential structure of the variational manifold. The ground state can be found by following the imaginary time evolution until it converges to a steady state. Collective excitations in the system can be obtained by linearizing the real-time equations of motion in the vicinity of the imaginary time steady-state solution. Our formalism allows us not only to determine the energy spectrum of quasiparticles and their lifetime, but to obtain the complete spectral functions and to explore far out of equilibrium dynamics such as coherent evolution following a quantum quench. We illustrate and benchmark this framework with several examples: a single polaron in the Holstein and Su-Schrieer-Heeger models, non-equilibrium dynamics in the spin-boson and Kondo models, the superconducting to charge density wave phase transitions in the Holstein model.Comment: 45 pages, 14 figure
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