9 research outputs found

    Distinguishing the provenance of fine-grained eolian dust over the Chinese Loess Plateau from a modelling perspective

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    The provenance of fine-grained eolian dust over East Asia is distinguished using a regional climate model. Five major source regions within China and Mongolia are considered: sandy lands in the northeastern China, deserts in the northern China, the Gobi deserts, the Taklimakan deserts in western China and deserts on the Tibet an Plateau. The contribution of each dust source is evaluated for the downwind eolian sediments in the Chinese Loess Plateau (CLP) and Japan Sea (JS). The results show that the adjoining northern and Gobi deserts dominate the dust depositions over CLP and over eastern China, although Taklimakan deserts are actually the largest emission source. On the marine deposits in JS, Taklimakan deserts exert a more significant role since the particles from Taklimakan tend to be raised into upper atmosphere and delivered for a longer distance. The agent for dust delivery also differs among different sources. Dust from northern deserts is dominantly carried by the local northwesterly winds in spring associated with the East Asian winter monsoon system and restricted in the low-level atmosphere, while the westerly winds in the mid- to high-level troposphere become of great importance and more likely to be responsible for the transport of Taklimakan dust.</p

    Anti-phased response of northern and southern East Asian summer precipitation to ENSO modulation of orbital forcing

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    The timing of orbital-scale Asian monsoon changes, as a direct response of northern summer insolation or remarkably lagged by southern insolation, is still unclear. In particular, various monsoon records obtained in the East Asian monsoon region show distinct phase relationships, indicating additional forcing/feedback mechanisms. Here, monsoon proxies covering the past several precession cycles, either from cave stalagmites or from land/ocean deposits, are first reviewed to present the nearly inverse precipitation responses to the precession forcing between southern and northern East Asia. Modern meteorological observations show that, different modes of tropical Pacific sea surface temperature (SST) could lead to an out-of-phase interannual change in the East Asian summer precipitation. This ENSO influence is also found in the precession scale monsoon variability from the long-term transient modeling, which can explain the phase differences among monsoon proxies. At precession maxima, the East Asian summer monsoon strengthens, causing more precipitation in the north and less precipitation in the south. The SST-precipitation teleconnection is closely associated with a high pressure anomaly due to surface cooling over northwestern Pacific. Therefore, the timing of Asian paleo-monsoon might be significantly influenced by the &quot;internal&quot; ocean feedbacks and one can not expect all the monsoon proxies are consistently responded to the &quot;external&quot; insolation forcing.</p

    Simulated variations of eolian dust from inner Asian deserts at the mid-Pliocene, last glacial maximum, and present day: contributions from the regional tectonic uplift and global climate change

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    Northern Tibetan Plateau uplift and global climate change are regarded as two important factors responsible for a remarkable increase in dust concentration originating from inner Asian deserts during the Pliocene-Pleistocene period. Dust cycles during the mid-Pliocene, last glacial maximum (LGM), and present day are simulated with a global climate model, based on reconstructed dust source scenarios, to evaluate the relative contributions of the two factors to the increment of dust sedimentation fluxes. In the focused downwind regions of the Chinese Loess Plateau/North Pacific, the model generally produces a light eolian dust mass accumulation rate (MAR) of 7.1/0.28 g/cm(2)/kyr during the mid-Pliocene, a heavier MAR of 11.6/0.87 g/cm(2)/kyr at present, and the heaviest MAR of 24.5/1.15 g/cm(2)/kyr during the LGM. Our results are in good agreement with marine and terrestrial observations. These MAR increases can be attributed to both regional tectonic uplift and global climate change. Comparatively, the climatic factors, including the ice sheet and sea surface temperature changes, have modulated the regional surface wind field and controlled the intensity of sedimentation flux over the Loess Plateau. The impact of the Tibetan Plateau uplift, which increased the areas of inland deserts, is more important over the North Pacific. The dust MAR has been widely used in previous studies as an indicator of inland Asian aridity; however, based on the present results, the interpretation needs to be considered with greater caution that the MAR is actually not only controlled by the source areas but the surface wind velocity

    Radiative feedbacks of dust in snow over eastern Asia inCAM4-BAM

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    Dust in snow on the Tibetan Plateau (TP) could reduce the visible snow albedo by changing surface optical properties and removing the snow cover through increased snowmelt, which leads to a significant positive radiative forcing and remarkably alters the regional energy balance and the eastern Asian climate system. This study extends our previous investigation in dust–radiation interactions to investigate the dust-in-snow radiative forcing (SRF) and its feedbacks on the regional climate and the dust cycle over eastern Asia through the use of the Community Atmosphere Model version 4 with a Bulk Aerosol Model parameterizations of the dust size distribution (CAM4-BAM). Our results show that SRF increases the eastern Asian dust emissions significantly by 13.7 % in the spring, countering a 7.6 % decrease in the regional emissions by the dust direct radiative forcing (DRF). SRF also remarkably affects the whole dust cycle, including transport and deposition of dust aerosols over eastern Asia. The simulations indicate an increase in dust emissions of 5.1 %, due to the combined effect of DRF and SRF. Further analysis reveals that these results are mainly due to the regional climatic feedbacks induced by SRF over eastern Asia. By reducing the snow albedo over the TP, the dust in snow mainly warms the TP and influences its thermal effects by increasing the surface sensible and latent heat flux, which in turn increases the aridity and westerly winds over northwestern China and affects the regional dust cycle. Additionally, the dust in snow also accelerates the snow-melting process, reduces the snow cover and then expands the eastern Asian dust source region, which results in increasing the regional dust emissions. Hence, a significant feature of SRF on the TP is the creation of a positive feedback loop that affects the dust cycle over eastern Asia

    Astronomical and glacial forcing of East Asian summer monsoonvariability

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    The dynamics of glacialeinterglacial monsoon variability can be attributed to orbitally induced changes in summer insolation and internal boundary conditions. However, the relative impacts of astronomical and internal factors on East Asian summer monsoon variability remain controversial. Here we combine proxy data and model results to evaluate the response of East Asian summer monsoon change to these forcings. d13C of loess carbonate, a sensitive summer monsoon proxy from the western Chinese Loess Plateau, demonstrates coexistence of distinct 100-, 41- and 23-ka periods, in contrast to precession-dominated speleothem d18O records in South China. Model results indicate that insolation, ice and CO2 have distinct impacts on summer precipitation changes in East Asia, whereas their relative impacts are spatially different, with a relatively stronger insolation effect in south China and a more dominant ice/CO2 influence in north China. Combined proxy data and model results indicate that East Asian summer monsoon variability was induced by integrated effects of summer insolation and changing boundary conditions (e.g., ice sheets and CO2 concentration). Our proxy-model comparison further suggests that gradual weakening of the summer monsoon related to slowly decreasing summer insolation at astronomical timescales will be likely overwhelmed by the projected ongoing anthropogenic CO2 emissions.</p

    Recent 121-year variability of western boundary upwelling in the northern South China Sea

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    Coastal upwelling is typically related to the eastern boundary upwelling system, whereas the powerful southwest Asian summer monsoon can also generate significant cold, nutrient-rich deep water in western coastal zones. Here we present a sea surface temperature record (A.D. 1876-1996) derived from coral Porites Sr/Ca for an upwelling zone in the northern South China Sea. The upwelling-induced sea surface temperature anomaly record reveals prominent multidecadal variability driven by Asian summer monsoon dynamics with an abrupt transition from warmer to colder conditions in 1930, and a return to warmer conditions after 1960. Previous studies suggest the expected increase in atmospheric CO2 for the coming decades may result in intensification in the eastern boundary upwelling system, which could enhance upwelling of CO2-rich deep water thus exacerbating the impact of acidification in these productive zones. In contrast, the weakening trend since 1961 in the upwelling time series from the northern South China Sea suggests moderate regional ocean acidification from upwelling thus a stress relief for marine life in this region.</p

    Global Monsoon Dynamicsand Climate Change

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    This article provides a comprehensive review of the global monsoon that encompasses findings from studies of both modern monsoons and paleomonsoons. We introduce a definition for the global monsoon that incorporates its three-dimensional distribution and ultimate causes, emphasizing the direct drive of seasonal pressure system changes on monsoon circulation and depicting the intensity in terms of both circulation and precipitation. We explore the global monsoon climate changes across a wide range of timescales from tectonic to intraseasonal. Common features of the global monsoon are global homogeneity, regional diversity, seasonality, quasi-periodicity, irregularity, instability, and asynchroneity. We emphasize the importance of solar insolation, Earth orbital parameters, underlying surface properties, and land-air-sea interactions for global monsoon dynamics. We discuss the primary driving force of monsoon variability on each timescale and the relationships among dynamics on multiple timescales. Natural processes and anthropogenic impacts are of great significance to the understanding of future global monsoon behavior.</p

    Interplay between the Westerlies and Asian monsoon recorded in Lake Qinghai sediments since 32 ka

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    Two atmospheric circulation systems, the mid-latitude Westerlies and the Asian summer monsoon (ASM), play key roles in northern-hemisphere climatic changes. However, the variability of the Westerlies in Asia and their relationship to the ASM remain unclear. Here, we present the longest and highest-resolution drill core from Lake Qinghai on the northeastern Tibetan Plateau (TP), which uniquely records the variability of both the Westerlies and the ASM since 32 ka, reflecting the interplay of these two systems. These records document the anti-phase relationship of the Westerlies and the ASM for both glacial-interglacial and glacial millennial timescales. During the last glaciation, the influence of the Westerlies dominated; prominent dust-rich intervals, correlated with Heinrich events, reflect intensified Westerlies linked to northern high-latitude climate. During the Holocene, the dominant ASM circulation, punctuated by weak events, indicates linkages of the ASM to orbital forcing, North Atlantic abrupt events, and perhaps solar activity changes.</p

    Obliquity pacing of the western Pacific IntertropicalConvergence Zone over the past 282,000 years

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    The Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) encompasses the heaviest rain belt on the Earth. Few direct long-term records, especially in the Pacific, limit our understanding of long-term natural variability for predicting future ITCZ migration. Here we present a tropical precipitation record from the Southern Hemisphere covering the past 282,000 years, inferred from a marine sedimentary sequence collected off the eastern coast of Papua New Guinea. Unlike the precession paradigm expressed in its East Asian counterpart, our record shows that the western Pacific ITCZ migration was influenced by combined precession and obliquity changes. The obliquity forcing could be primarily delivered by a cross-hemispherical thermal/ pressure contrast, resulting from the asymmetric continental configuration between Asia and Australia in a coupled East Asian–Australian circulation system. Our finding suggests that the obliquity forcing may play a more important role in global hydroclimate cycles than previously thought