3 research outputs found

    Leveraging Multimodal Fusion for Enhanced Diagnosis of Multiple Retinal Diseases in Ultra-wide OCTA

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    Ultra-wide optical coherence tomography angiography (UW-OCTA) is an emerging imaging technique that offers significant advantages over traditional OCTA by providing an exceptionally wide scanning range of up to 24 x 20 mm2mm^{2}, covering both the anterior and posterior regions of the retina. However, the currently accessible UW-OCTA datasets suffer from limited comprehensive hierarchical information and corresponding disease annotations. To address this limitation, we have curated the pioneering M3OCTA dataset, which is the first multimodal (i.e., multilayer), multi-disease, and widest field-of-view UW-OCTA dataset. Furthermore, the effective utilization of multi-layer ultra-wide ocular vasculature information from UW-OCTA remains underdeveloped. To tackle this challenge, we propose the first cross-modal fusion framework that leverages multi-modal information for diagnosing multiple diseases. Through extensive experiments conducted on our openly available M3OCTA dataset, we demonstrate the effectiveness and superior performance of our method, both in fixed and varying modalities settings. The construction of the M3OCTA dataset, the first multimodal OCTA dataset encompassing multiple diseases, aims to advance research in the ophthalmic image analysis community

    Generalist Vision Foundation Models for Medical Imaging: A Case Study of Segment Anything Model on Zero-Shot Medical Segmentation

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    In this paper, we examine the recent Segment Anything Model (SAM) on medical images, and report both quantitative and qualitative zero-shot segmentation results on nine medical image segmentation benchmarks, covering various imaging modalities, such as optical coherence tomography (OCT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and computed tomography (CT), as well as different applications including dermatology, ophthalmology, and radiology. Those benchmarks are representative and commonly used in model development. Our experimental results indicate that while SAM presents remarkable segmentation performance on images from the general domain, its zero-shot segmentation ability remains restricted for out-of-distribution images, e.g., medical images. In addition, SAM exhibits inconsistent zero-shot segmentation performance across different unseen medical domains. For certain structured targets, e.g., blood vessels, the zero-shot segmentation of SAM completely failed. In contrast, a simple fine-tuning of it with a small amount of data could lead to remarkable improvement of the segmentation quality, showing the great potential and feasibility of using fine-tuned SAM to achieve accurate medical image segmentation for a precision diagnostics. Our study indicates the versatility of generalist vision foundation models on medical imaging, and their great potential to achieve desired performance through fine-turning and eventually address the challenges associated with accessing large and diverse medical datasets in support of clinical diagnostics.Comment: Published in Diagnostic

    Large AI Models in Health Informatics: Applications, Challenges, and the Future

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    Large AI models, or foundation models, are models recently emerging with massive scales both parameter-wise and data-wise, the magnitudes of which can reach beyond billions. Once pretrained, large AI models demonstrate impressive performance in various downstream tasks. A prime example is ChatGPT, whose capability has compelled people's imagination about the far-reaching influence that large AI models can have and their potential to transform different domains of our lives. In health informatics, the advent of large AI models has brought new paradigms for the design of methodologies. The scale of multi-modal data in the biomedical and health domain has been ever-expanding especially since the community embraced the era of deep learning, which provides the ground to develop, validate, and advance large AI models for breakthroughs in health-related areas. This article presents a comprehensive review of large AI models, from background to their applications. We identify seven key sectors in which large AI models are applicable and might have substantial influence, including 1) bioinformatics; 2) medical diagnosis; 3) medical imaging; 4) medical informatics; 5) medical education; 6) public health; and 7) medical robotics. We examine their challenges, followed by a critical discussion about potential future directions and pitfalls of large AI models in transforming the field of health informatics.Comment: This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatic