38 research outputs found

    Modulation of Respiratory System by Limb Muscle Afferents in Intact and Injured Spinal Cord

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    Breathing constantly adapts to environmental, metabolic or behavioral changes by responding to different sensory information, including afferent feedback from muscles. Importantly, not just respiratory muscle feedback influences respiratory activity. Afferent sensory information from rhythmically moving limbs has also been shown to play an essential role in the breathing. The present review will discuss the neuronal mechanisms of respiratory modulation by activation of peripheral muscles that usually occurs during locomotion or exercise. An understanding of these mechanisms and finding the most effective approaches to regulate respiratory motor output by stimulation of limb muscles could be extremely beneficial for people with respiratory dysfunctions. Specific attention in the present review is given to the muscle stimulation to treat respiratory deficits following cervical spinal cord injury

    Activity-Dependent Changes in Extracellular Ca2+ and K+ Reveal Pacemakers in the Spinal Locomotor-Related Network

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    SummaryChanges in the extracellular ionic concentrations occur as a natural consequence of firing activity in large populations of neurons. The extent to which these changes alter the properties of individual neurons and the operation of neuronal networks remains unknown. Here, we show that the locomotor-like activity in the isolated neonatal rodent spinal cord reduces the extracellular calcium ([Ca2+]o) to 0.9 mM and increases the extracellular potassium ([K+]o) to 6 mM. Such changes in [Ca2+]o and [K+]o trigger pacemaker activities in interneurons considered to be part of the locomotor network. Experimental data and a modeling study show that the emergence of pacemaker properties critically involves a [Ca2+]o-dependent activation of the persistent sodium current (INaP). These results support a concept for locomotor rhythm generation in which INaP-dependent pacemaker properties in spinal interneurons are switched on and tuned by activity-dependent changes in [Ca2+]o and [K+]o

    An integrated neuromechanical model of the mouse to study neural control of locomotion

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    The 11th International Symposium on Adaptive Motion of Animals and Machines. Kobe University, Japan. 2023-06-06/09. Adaptive Motion of Animals and Machines Organizing Committee.Poster Session P7

    Comparative investigation of control mechanisms for turning during quadrupedal robot locomotion

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    The 11th International Symposium on Adaptive Motion of Animals and Machines. Kobe University, Japan. 2023-06-06/09. Adaptive Motion of Animals and Machines Organizing Committee.Poster Session P

    Computational Modeling of Spinal Locomotor Circuitry in the Age of Molecular Genetics

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    Neuronal circuits in the spinal cord are essential for the control of locomotion. They integrate supraspinal commands and afferent feedback signals to produce coordinated rhythmic muscle activations necessary for stable locomotion. For several decades, computational modeling has complemented experimental studies by providing a mechanistic rationale for experimental observations and by deriving experimentally testable predictions. This symbiotic relationship between experimental and computational approaches has resulted in numerous fundamental insights. With recent advances in molecular and genetic methods, it has become possible to manipulate specific constituent elements of the spinal circuitry and relate them to locomotor behavior. This has led to computational modeling studies investigating mechanisms at the level of genetically defined neuronal populations and their interactions. We review literature on the spinal locomotor circuitry from a computational perspective. By reviewing examples leading up to and in the age of molecular genetics, we demonstrate the importance of computational modeling and its interactions with experiments. Moving forward, neuromechanical models with neuronal circuitry modeled at the level of genetically defined neuronal populations will be required to further unravel the mechanisms by which neuronal interactions lead to locomotor behavior


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    The paper discusses the concept of «smart», the concept of smart education, its basic elements such as smart learning, smart university smart course. The analysis of the factors affecting the formation and development of the concept of smart education. There are three aspects of Smart Education: organizational, technological, and pedagogical

    Elsevier The model of a neural network visual preprocessor

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    Rybak, I.A., N.A. Shevtsova and V.M. Sandier, The model of a neural network visual preprocessor, Neurocomputing 4 (1992) 93-102. The model of a neural network visual preprocessor and a system architecture for visual information processing are proposed. The model of the preprocessor is based on the raodel of a visual cortex iso-orientation domain which is considered as a neural network with retinotopically organized afferent inputs and anisotropic lateral inhibition formed by feedback connections via inhibitory interneurons. The high-level system uses the preprocessor to process image fragments with different resolutions and to represent the image as a set of contour segments of different sizes

    Multiple Rhythmic States in a Model of the Respiratory Central Pattern Generator

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    The three-phase respiratory pattern observed during normal breathing changes with alterations in metabolic or physiological conditions. A recent study using in situ perfused rat brain preparations demonstrated a reorganization of the respiratory pattern with sequential reduction of the brain stem respiratory network. Specifically, with removal of the pons, the normal three-phase pattern transformed to a two-phase inspiratory–expiratory pattern and, with more caudal transections, to one-phase, intrinsically generated inspiratory oscillations. A minimal neural network proposed to reproduce these transformations includes 1) a ringlike mutually inhibitory network composed of the postinspiratory, augmenting expiratory, and early-inspiratory neurons and 2) an excitatory preinspiratory neuron, with persistent sodium current (INaP)-dependent intrinsic bursting properties, that dynamically participates in the expiratory–inspiratory phase transition and inspiratory phase generation. We used activity-based single-neuron models and applied numerical simulations, bifurcation methods, and fast–slow decomposition to describe the behavior of this network in the functional states corresponding to the three-, two-, and one-phase oscillatory regimes, as well as to analyze the transitions between states and between respiratory phases within each state. We demonstrate that, although INaP is not necessary for the generation of three- and two-phase oscillations, it contributes to control of the oscillation period in each state. We also show that the transitions between states can be produced by progressive changes of drives to particular neurons and proceed through intermediate regimes, featuring high-amplitude late-expiratory and biphasic-expiratory activities or ectopic burst generation. Our results provide important insights for understanding the state-dependent mechanisms for respiratory rhythm generation and control