14 research outputs found

    First indication of the coherent unipolar diffraction radiation generated by relativistic electrons

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    As is generally known, the integral of the electric field strength over all time for usual (bipolar) radiation is zero. The first demonstration of the possibility of unipolar radiation generation has been considered theoretically by Bessonov in 1981 [E.G. Bessonov, Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 80 (1981) 852]. According to this work, the unipolar radiation (or strange electromagnetic waves) is radiation for which the integral of the electric field strength over the entire duration of a pulse differs significantly from zero. Later, several theoretical papers devoted to this phenomenon have appeared in the literature, where authors investigated mainly synchrotron radiation. However, despite the critical interest, the experimental investigations ignored this effect. In this paper we present results of the first experimental investigation of the unipolar radiation generated by a relativistic electron beam. To detect the unipolar radiation the detector that is sensitive to the selected direction of the electric field strength has been elaborated and tested. We used a designed detector to observe the coherent backward diffraction radiation appearing when a bunched electron beam travels in the vicinity of a flat conductive target. The asymmetry of the electric field strength of the coherent backward diffraction radiation has been demonstrated

    Coherent forward and backward diffraction radiation of relativistic electrons in a dielectric targets

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    During the interaction of the relativistic electrons field with a dielectric target various types of electromagnetic radiation, such as Cerenkov radiation, diffraction radiation, transition radiation can be generated. In this report we present the results of experimental studies of the diffraction radiation generated by relativistic electrons in a dielectric target at the interface vacuum-insulator and insulator-conductor in the millimeter wavelength range. The experimental results show that the component of the diffraction radiation of relativistic electrons at the interface insulator-conductor, for any significant refractive index of insulator, is suppressed. The analysis of the results from different points of view was done

    On X-ray Source for Dual Wave Absorptiometry

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    A new method for the formation of a dual X-ray source spectrum for the method of analyzing multiphase fluid flow based on wave dispersive X-ray absorptiometry using crystalline monochromators is proposed. The experimental results of testing the proposed method of forming the optimal Xray spectrum are presented. A comparison with the results of numerical simulation is given