99 research outputs found

    Psychology of Mobbing as a Form of Conflict in the Workplace: Finding and Testing Project-Based Learning in Students’ Education

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    Project-based learning has long been used in universities when preparing students. However, project-based technologies are currently being increasingly used in work with students. The authors found various options for the application of these technologies in teaching psychological and pedagogical disciplines. The research aims to determine the practice of implementing project-based learning to provide a deeper practice-oriented understanding of academic disciplines. The authors use a set of methods of theoretical analysis and practical psychological techniques. The authors present the research results in the form of several generalizations. The first one concerns the fact that mobbing has recently become a stable trend in teams; a conflict often manifests itself in the form of mobbing. The study of various organizational cultures and their models shows that the optimal and morally oriented model of organizational culture is the barrier preventing the development of mobbing in the company. The practical application of the developed theory provides methodological support for training a successful specialist

    Sorption Detoxification as an Addition to Conventional Therapy of Acute Radiation Sickness and Iatrogenic Leukopenia

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    Leukopenia is an essential part of the clinical course of acute radiation sickness and is a side effect of anti-cancer treatment. In both situations, the main factors which determine the survival are the degree of bone marrow suppression and gastrointestinal tract damage due to the presence of a large pool of fast-dividing cells. Leuko- and neutropenia are main limiting factors which may contribute to chemotherapy failure. Hematopoietic cytokines the part of conventional therapy in this field, but their effects require boosting. That is why the use of means and methods of adsorption therapy is considered promising. Sorption therapy creates a basis for sorption detoxification, a doctrine of curative measures directed to the removal of toxic endogenous or exogenous compounds from body fluids. The most widely used types are the purification of blood or its components (hemosorption), oral administration of sorption materials (enterosorption) and application-sorption therapy of wounds and burns. In this chapter, the results of early and recent research and prospects for the use of carbon adsorption therapy for the treatment of acute radiation sickness and cytostatic myelosuppression are discussed

    Dielectric and electrical properties of nematic liquid crystals 6CB doped with iron oxide nanoparticles. The combined effect of nanodopant concentration and cell thickness

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    Dispersing nanomaterials in liquid crystals has emerged as a very promising non-synthetic way to produce advanced multifunctional and tunable materials. As a rule, dielectric and electrical characterization of such materials is performed using cells of single thickness. As a result, the published reports vary even for similar systems. Confusion still exists as to the effects of nanodopants and cell thickness on the dielectric and electrical properties of liquid crystals. This factor hinders a widespread use of liquid crystals – nanoparticles systems in modern tech products. In this paper, we report systematic experimental studies of the combined effect of the cell thickness and iron oxide nanoparticle concentration on the electrical and dielectric properties of nematic liquid crystals 6CB. The measured dielectric spectra can be divided into three distinct regions corresponding to a low frequency (<10 Hz) dispersion, dispersion free range (102 - 104 Hz (electrical conductivity) and 102 - 105 (dielectric permittivity)), and high frequency dispersion (104 - 106 Hz (electrical conductivity) and 105 - 106 Hz (dielectric permittivity)). The real part of the dielectric permittivity is not affected by the cell thickness and its value can be tuned by changing the concentration of nanoparticles. At the same time, the electrical conductivity depends on both cell thickness and nanoparticle concentration. At intermediate frequencies (102 - 104 Hz) the electrical conductivity obeys the Jonscher power law and is dependent on the cell thickness because of ion-releasing and ioncapturing effects caused by nanoparticles and substrates of the cell. In addition, its value is affected by the electronic conductivity due to iron oxide nanoparticles and their nanoclusters. At higher frequencies (104 - 106 Hz) the electrical conductivity follows a super linear power law and is nearly independent of the cell thickness and nanoparticle concentration

    Еволюційна морфологія спинномозкових вузлів пойкілотермних хребетних тварин

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    An important issue of modern neuromorphology of animals is the study of spinal cord nodes, which play an important role as primary centers on the way to transmit sensory information from receptors to the central nervous system, providing appropriate reactions to the action of certain factors. The scientific article uses material that is a fragment of the research work of the department of normal and pathological morphology, hygiene and expertise “Development, morphology and histochemistry of animal organs in normal and pathological conditions”, state registration number – 0120U100796. Using anatomical, morphological, neurohistological and statistical methods of research, the histomorphology of spinal cord nodes in a comparative anatomical series of vertebrates: bony fish, amphibians, reptiles, which differ in motor activity and their place of existence in a certain environment, was clarified in the work. It has been established that in the process of phylogenesis, a certain structural and morphofunctional reorganization of the spinal nodes occurs. They differ in shape and size. Adaptation to various living conditions of animals was formed on the basis of changes in the density and size of neurons, their morphological structures, an increase in the total number of gliocytes and glial cells, and polymorphism in the degree of chromatophilia. Thus, according to neurohistological studies, it has been noted that the neurons of the spinal cord nodes of cold-blooded animals (pond frog, pond lizard) are characterized by a functional degree of relative polymorphism – chromatophilia. With the total impregnation of the spinal cord nodes with silver nitrate according to the Bolshovsky-Gross method, different intensity of staining of nerve cells is found in all the studied animals: light, light-dark and dark. It was found that the neurocytes of all groups of vertebrates differ in the volume of the perikaryon, the nucleus and the nuclear-cytoplasmic ratio, which is related to the peculiarities of species and age-related neuromorphology, the morpho-functional state of the nervous system and the type of higher nervous activity. Nissl staining of histopreparations of spinal nodes of poikilothermic animals showed that the neuroplasm of nerve cells of spinal nodes contains deep basophilic substances in the form of small grains of varying density. In carp neurons, the basophilic substance is concentrated on the periphery of the dust-like neuroplasm. Nuclear chromatin is more pronounced in the pond frog than in the carp, the depths of which are much larger. It should be noted that the highest degree of development of the protein-synthesizing apparatus is characteristic of the neurocytes of the spinal nodes of the swift lizard, compared to the previously studied vertebrates. The obtained research results have not only important general biological significance, which complements and expands modern scientific ideas about certain regularities of morpho-functional rearrangements of spinal cord nodes in a comparative anatomical series, but also serve to develop new material and substantiate the morpho-functional assessment of species morphological differences of the nervous system of poikilothermic vertebrates, adapted to different conditions of existence in the environment.Важливим питанням сучасної нейроморфології тварин є дослідження спинномозкових вузлів, які виконують важливу роль первинних центрів на шляху передачі сенсорної інформації від рецепторів до центральної нервової системи, забезпечуючи відповідні реакції на дію певних чинників. У науковій статті використано матеріал, який є фрагментом науково-дослідної роботи кафедри нормальної і патологічної морфології, гігієни та експертизи “Розвиток, морфологія та гістохімія органів тварин у нормі та при патології”, номер державної реєстрації – 0120U100796. У роботі за допомогою анатомічних, морфологічних, нейрогістологічних та статистичних методів досліджень з’ясовано гістоморфологію спинномозкових вузлів пойкілотермних хребетних тварин у порівняльному аспекті: кісткових риб, амфібій, рептилій, які відрізняються руховою активністю, місцем існування їх у певному середовищі. Встановлено, що у процесі філогенезу відбувається певна структурна та морфофункціональна перебудова спинномозкових вузлів. Вони відрізняються за формою і розмірами. Адаптація до різноманітних умов існування тварин сформувалася на основі змін щільності та розмірів нейронів, їх морфологічних структур, збільшення загальної кількості гліоцитів і клітин глії, поліморфізму за ступенем хроматофілії. Так, за нейрогістологічними дослідженнями встановлено, що нейронам спинномозкових вузлів холоднокровних тварин (ставкова жаба, ящірка прудка) притаманний функціонуючий ступінь поліморфізму щодо хроматофілії. При тотальній імпрегнації спинномозкових вузлів азотнокислим сріблом за методом Більшовський-Грос у всіх досліджуваних тварин виявляється різна інтенсивність забарвлення нервових клітин: світлі, світло-темні і темні. З’ясовано, що нейроцити всіх груп хребетних тварин відрізняються об’ємом перикаріона, ядра і ядерно-цитоплазматичним відношенням, що пов’язано з особливостями видової та вікової нейроморфології, морфофункціональним станом нервової системи і типом вищої нервової діяльності. Фарбування гістопрепаратів за Нісслем спинномозкових вузлів пойкілотермних тварин показало, що нейроплазма нервових клітин спинномозкових вузлів містить глибки базофільної речовини у вигляді дрібних зерен різної щільності. У нейронах коропа базофільна речовина зосереджена на периферії нейроплазми пилеподібного вигляду. Ядерний хроматин більш виражений у ставкової жаби, ніж у коропа, глибки якого значно крупніші. Варто зазначити, що, найвищий ступінь розвитку білоксинтезуючого апарату характерний для нейроцитів спинномозкових вузлів прудкої ящірки, порівняно з попередніми досліджуваними хребетними тваринами. Отримані результати дослідження мають не тільки важливе загальнобіологічне значення, яке доповнює та розширює сучасні наукові уявлення про певні закономірності морфофункціональних перебудов спинномозкових вузлів у порівняльно-анатомічному ряді, а й слугують для розробки нового матеріалу і обґрунтування морфофункціональної оцінки видових морфологічних відмінностей нервової системи пойкілотермних хребетних тварин, адаптованих до різних умов існування у довкіллі

    Залози внутрішньої секреції та обмін речовин

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    Посібник побудовано як курс лекцій з урахуванням завдань навчальної дисципліни "Залози внутрішньої секреції та обмін речовин", передбачених програмою вищих навчальних закладів. У посібнику на основі сучасних долсягнень науки викладено головні поняття з ендокринології, розглянуто механізми гормонального контролю у процесах адаптації, обміну речовин та енергії.Посібник рекомендовано для студентів,аспірантів природничого профілю, які цікавляться нейроендокринними процесами у живому організмі

    Флотационное обогащение калийных руд

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    The studies on the development of flotation enrichment technology for potash ores (sylvinite, kainit-halite, carnallite-kainit-halite) were conducted. Optimal flotation conditions: salt composition, density and pH of the dispersion medium, collector of the useful component, auxiliary reagents-frothers, hydrophobisators, depressors for obtaining highly enriched potassium-containing concentrate have been developed for each ore. On the example of sylvinite ore enriched by direct flotation in ore-saturated solutions with a density of 1235 kg/m3, it was shown that the use of a combination of frothers (pine oil, polyethylene glycol) and apolar reagents (liquid paraffins, industrial oil) as part of a complex collector based on higher aliphatic amines (C16 –C18) provides an increase in the extraction of potassium chloride to the concentrate with high quality of the latter. For kainite-halite ore enriched by direct flotation in the saturated aqueous solution of magnesium chloride with a density of 1284 kg/m3 and pH 6–7, lower aliphatic amines (C10 –C12) in combination with amyl alcohol or caprylic acid are effective as a collector of kainite. Carnallite-kainite-halite ore is enriched by reverse flotation in aqueous solutions of magnesium chloride with a density of 1285–1295 kg/m 3 and pH 3–4 using the halite collector of the hydrochloric acid salt of alkylmorpholine.Проведены исследования по разработке технологий флотационного обогащения калийных руд: сильвинитовой, каинит-галитовой, карналлит-каинит-галитовой. Для каждой руды разработаны оптимальные условия флотации: солевой состав, плотность и рН дисперсионной среды, собиратель полезного компонента, вспомогательные реагенты – вспениватели, гидрофобизаторы, депрессоры, для получения высокообогащенного калийсодержащего концентрата. На сильвинитовой руде, обогащаемой методом прямой флотации в насыщенных по руде растворах с плотностью 1235 кг/м3, показано, что использование комбинации вспенивателей (сосновое масло, полиэтиленгликоль) и аполярных реагентов (жидкие парафины, индустриальное масло) в составе комплексного собирателя на основе высших алифатических аминов (С16 –С18) обеспечивает повышение извлечения хлорида калия в концентрат при высоком его качестве. Каинит-галитовая руда обогащается методом прямой флотации в водном насыщенном растворе хлорида магния с плотностью 1284 кг/м3 и рН 6–7 с использованием в качестве собирателя каинита алифатических аминов С10 –С12 в сочетании с амииловым спиртом или каприловой кислотой. При обогащении карналлит-каинит-галитовой руды обогащение проводится методом обратной флотации в водных растворах хлорида магния с плотностью 1285–1295 кг/м3 и рН 3–4 с использованием солянокислой соли алкилморфолина в качестве собирателя галита

    Scanning ion conductance microscopy: a convergent high-resolution technology for multi-parametric analysis of living cardiovascular cells

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    Cardiovascular diseases are complex pathologies that include alterations of various cell functions at the levels of intact tissue, single cells and subcellular signalling compartments. Conventional techniques to study these processes are extremely divergent and rely on a combination of individual methods, which usually provide spatially and temporally limited information on single parameters of interest. This review describes scanning ion conductance microscopy (SICM) as a novel versatile technique capable of simultaneously reporting various structural and functional parameters at nanometre resolution in living cardiovascular cells at the level of the whole tissue, single cells and at the subcellular level, to investigate the mechanisms of cardiovascular disease. SICM is a multimodal imaging technology that allows concurrent and dynamic analysis of membrane morphology and various functional parameters (cell volume, membrane potentials, cellular contraction, single ion-channel currents and some parameters of intracellular signalling) in intact living cardiovascular cells and tissues with nanometre resolution at different levels of organization (tissue, cellular and subcellular levels). Using this technique, we showed that at the tissue level, cell orientation in the inner and outer aortic arch distinguishes atheroprone and atheroprotected regions. At the cellular level, heart failure leads to a pronounced loss of T-tubules in cardiac myocytes accompanied by a reduction in Z-groove ratio. We also demonstrated the capability of SICM to measure the entire cell volume as an index of cellular hypertrophy. This method can be further combined with fluorescence to simultaneously measure cardiomyocyte contraction and intracellular calcium transients or to map subcellular localization of membrane receptors coupled to cyclic adenosine monophosphate production. The SICM pipette can be used for patch-clamp recordings of membrane potential and single channel currents. In conclusion, SICM provides a highly informative multimodal imaging platform for functional analysis of the mechanisms of cardiovascular diseases, which should facilitate identification of novel therapeutic strategies

    Electroosmotic flow reversal outside glass nanopores.

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    We report observations of a striking reversal in the direction of electroosmotic flow (EOF) outside a conical glass nanopore as a function of salt concentration. At high ionic strengths (>100 mM), we observe EOF in the expected direction as predicted by classical electrokinetic theory, while at low salt concentrations (<1 mM) the direction of the flow is reversed. The critical crossover salt concentration depends on the pore diameter. Finite-element simulations indicate a competition between the EOF generated from the inner and outer walls of the pore, which drives flows in opposite directions. We have developed a simple analytical model which reveals that, as the salt concentration is reduced, the flow rates inside the pore are geometrically constrained, whereas there is no such limit for flows outside the pore. This model captures all of the essential physics of the system and explains the observed data, highlighting the key role the external environment plays in determining the overall electroosmotic behavior

    Compartmental Genomics in Living Cells Revealed by Single-Cell Nanobiopsy

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    The ability to study the molecular biology of living single cells in heterogeneous cell populations is essential for next generation analysis of cellular circuitry and function. Here, we developed a single-cell nanobiopsy platform based on scanning ion conductance microscopy (SICM) for continuous sampling of intracellular content from individual cells. The nanobiopsy platform uses electrowetting within a nanopipette to extract cellular material from living cells with minimal disruption of the cellular milieu. We demonstrate the subcellular resolution of the nanobiopsy platform by isolating small subpopulations of mitochondria from single living cells, and quantify mutant mitochondrial genomes in those single cells with high throughput sequencing technology. These findings may provide the foundation for dynamic subcellular genomic analysis

    Combined X-ray diffraction and absorption tomography using a conical shell beam

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    We combine diffraction and absorption tomography by raster scanning samples through a hollow cone of pseudo monochromatic X-rays with a mean energy of 58.4 keV. A single image intensifier takes 90x90 (x,y) snapshots during the scan. We demonstrate a proof-of-principle of our technique using a heterogeneous three-dimensional (x,y,z) phantom (90x90x170 mm3) comprised of different material phases, i.e., copper and sodium chlorate. Each snapshot enables the simultaneous measurement of absorption contrast and diffracted flux. The axial resolution was ~1 mm along the (x,y) orthogonal scan directions and ~7 mm along the z-axis. The tomosynthesis of diffracted flux measurements enable the calculation of d-spacing values with ~0.1 Å full width at half maximum (FWHM) at ~2 Å. Thus the identified materials may be color-coded in the absorption optical sections. Characterization of specific material phases is of particular interest in security screening for the identification of narcotics and a wide range of homemade explosives concealed within complex "everyday objects." Other potential application areas include process control and biological imaging