416 research outputs found

    Interactive Virtual Reality Reading Experience

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    The project is an interactive virtual reality reading experience. The user is able to read a book or story in VR. When certain achievements are reached, such as finishing a chapter, the user is given the opportunity to transport to the environment that they are reading about. This gives the user a great opportunity to interact and learn hands-on with the material they are reading about. For example, if the user is reading about World War I, they will be given the opportunity to transport to the battlefields/trenches in Europe

    Guarding the Map Room: Understanding Theft and Increasing Security in Archives

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    In 1963, after decades of increased thefts and security failures in libraries and archives nationwide, the American Library Association published a report on the protection of libraries and their resources. Though a long time coming, the highly anticipated report “failed to give much attention to the actual concerns regarding theft.” Librarians, archivists, and others in the field were left to fend for themselves. Finally, in 1987, the Security Committee of the ACRL RBMS (Association of College and Research Libraries—Rare Book and Manuscripts Section) began collecting information on all reported thefts within libraries, archives, museums, and special collections. The report, which began as a single page, quickly grew over the next decade. The results of the Committee’s work helped bring much-needed attention to the issue of library and archival security. This attention has resulted in the development of detailed security guidelines that have been openly supported by the Society of American Archivists. The ACRL/RBMS Guidelines Regarding Security and Theft in Special Collections, formally approved by SAA in 1993, and Gregor Trinkaus-Randall’s Protecting Your Collections: A Manual of Archival Security, published by SAA in 1995, provide recommendations and establish security standards for institutions to follow. They both call for detailed security plans, a greater awareness of vulnerabilities, and active engagement in stolen item recovery

    Balangao Phonemes

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    Key Address on Space-Age Industry Requirements

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    Site selection decisions certainly must be classified among the most common decisions made. Every time a family selects· a new home another site selection decision has been made.and the process used closely parallels that used in selecting an industrial site with one major difference. The wife (I\u27ll speak for myself) dictates the criteria based on intuition and many other nonscientific factors and a home site is selected which satisfies these criteria. The development of criteria for industrial sites is normally more of a team effort and hopefully more scientific. Not all the credit for upgrading the site selection process can be given the large industrial organizations or the consulting firms. The heart of American business, the commercial segment of our economy, has done an outstanding job developing scientific approaches to site selections. The motivation to do an outstanding job of site selection is obvious, profit or lack of profit will have an earlier and more profound impact on small business

    Servant Leadership: The Change Needed in Law Enforcement

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    Servant leadership is a moral-based form of leadership in which leaders place the well-being of followers before their own (Canavesi & Minelli, 2022). It is a theory that has gained increased notoriety over the past several decades. Despite this, there remains a limited amount of empirical research on it and its potential benefits. However, several professions have adopted it, and their results have been positive. Leadership change is needed in many professions, and law enforcement is no exception. The policing profession faces many challenges, such as recruiting quality candidates and retaining existing personnel. Furthermore, the challenges plaguing policing also exert a tremendous influence on the level of job satisfaction experienced by existing employees. This study addresses servant leadership, including its origin, characteristics, and potential benefits to law enforcement. It also examines how servant leadership is currently employed in police agencies by utilizing a self-report survey administered to graduates of a nationally recognized police training program. Adopting servant leadership in law enforcement organizations offers an avenue by which identified challenges may be addressed positively

    Immigration restriction and the closing of the frontier: A conjunction of fears 1882-1897

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