19 research outputs found

    Clinical markers of immune disorders in the pathogenesis of Escherichia coli enteritis

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    Background. Escherichia coli enteritis is one of the most common causes of diarrhea in developed countries and is caused usually by pathogenic strains of Escherichia coli. Objectives. To investigate the role of reactive response of polymorphonuclear neutrophilic granulocytes (NG) of peripheral blood in the systemic inflammatory response mechanisms of acute Escherichia enterocolitis (AEC), depending on genes polymorphism of heat shock proteins (HSP) family 70-2 (HSP70-2, 1267A®G) and interleukin 10 (IL-10, C-592A). Material and methods. The genes polymorphism was analysed by PCR based method in 95 patients with AEC and 30 healthy individuals. Clinical markers of immune disorders were evaluated after hematological indices, based upon an extended general clinical blood analysis, using verified formulas. Results. The endogenous intoxication severity did not depend reliably on genotypes of IL-10 gene (rs1800872), however it was significantly 23.68% (р=0.043) higher in GG-genotype carriers of HSP70-2 gene (rs1061581). The reduction of cellular reactivity by 14.71-19.08% (р<0.01) did not depend on the analyzed genes genotypes. But general non-specific immune reactivity decreases 3.49-4.24 times (р<0.001) was deeper in GG-genotype carriers of HSP70-2 gene and AA-genotype carriers of IL-10 gene by 17.78% (р=0.009) and 12.37% (р=0.023) respectively. The immunologic resistance index was lower by 18.75% (р=0.024) in GG-genotype carriers than in patients with А allele. Conclusions. Hematological indices, based upon an extended general clinical blood analysis, are indicative and reliable non-specific clinical markers of immune disorders in case of AEC

    Evaluation of remote results of surgical treatment of nodular endemic goiter with autoimmune thyroiditis

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    Introduction. Autoimmune thyroiditis is one of the most important problems of modern endocrinology, with inadequately studied etiological and pathogenic mechanisms of development. It is characterized by the lack of objective and reliable diagnostic methods, effective treatment methods, uncertain therapy or indications for the choice of treatment methods. The aim of the study. Determination of markers for prediction of clinical course and choice of surgery’ volume in patients with nodular goiter and autoimmune thyroiditis, taking into account the oxidative, autoimmune and apoptotic processes. Material and methods. A total of 95 patients who were operated for a nodular endemic goiter on the background of autoimmune thyroiditis were examined. The status of pro- and antioxidant systems, the activity of proinflammatory cytokines, hormonal function of thyroid gland, the level of antibodies to thyroperoxidase, thyroglobulin antibodies and ultrasound structural changes in the thyroid gland have been evaluated in all patients, before and after surgery. Results. In patients with nodular endemic goiter and autoimmune thyroiditis, in the remote period after surgical treatment, there is a significant increase in the peroxide oxidation index and a decrease in the activity of antioxidant defense systems, against the suppression of apoptotic processes and the activation of pro-inflammatory cytokines. These processes lead to functional failure, hyperplasia and the progression of structural thyroid abnormalities, with progression of the functional incapacity of the thyroid gland and inadequate long-term outcome of treatment. Conclusions. The study allowed to clarify the indications and contraindications of different methods of treatment in patients with NGAIT, taking into account the parameters of severity of peroxide oxidation processes, the activity of apoptosis and functional capacity of the gland

    Agropopulations of

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    The agropopulations of Trifolium hybridum L. were studied in the agricultural phytocenoses established on the levelled coal mining spoils in the Kuzbas mining region (West Siberia, Russia). The clover was found to last in such agrophytocenoses for more than 20 years, whereas in agricultural phytocenoses on the zonal soils it lasted usually for 5-8 years. All studied communities were dominated by virginal and young generative plants. The optimal conditions for the clover growth and development in the disturbed areas were observed in the mixed (legumes and grasses) agrophytocenosis on the hydraulic dump. For the first time T. hybridum was found to be a species perspective for restoring vegetation cover in areas disturbed by open coal mining

    Peculiarities of successional processes taking place in artificial phytocenoses on the Kuzbass coal mining dumps

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    The article presents results of the long-term studies of the structure and production of agrophytocenoses, established on the coal mining dumps in the Kuznetsk basin forest steppe zone. Agrophytocenoses were established on the leveled dumps by seeding grasses and legumes. Another set of control agrophytocenoses was established by the same technic on zonal soil. Seeds were provided by the laboratories of the Central Siberian Botanical Garden SB RAS, Novosibirsk. After 30 yrs of observations it was found that agrophytocenoses on the coal mining dumps did not have initial stage, as well as stage of spontaneous species invasion. Elimination of Trifolium pratense and Arrhenatherum elatius from coal mining dumps phytocenoses took place 3-4 yrs later than from agrophytocenoses on zonal soils. Species did not eliminate totally, but remained in communities with increased or decreased relative abundances. Significant number of species displayed fluctuation, rather than succession in course of 30 yrs development on the coal mining dumps. These phytocenoses It was also found that agrophytocenoses on the coal mining dumps have high long-term production potential

    Agricultural populations of

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    The study of meadow fescue agropopulations was conducted in the agricultural phytocoenoses, established on the leveled coal mining spoils in the forest-steppe zone of the Kuznetsk Basin mining region in Russia. In agrophytocoenoses the fescue is not a dominant species, as in the natural meadows of herbs and fescue, which occupied the area prior to spoiling. However, the presence of the meadow fescue in the newly established plant communities resulted in increasing their biological diversity and improving the forage quality. The species was shown to sustain in agricultural communities on the coal mining spoils for more than 25 years, whereas when sown on the zonal soils it maintains it presence for 4-6 years. The ontogenetic groups of the plant in all communities were found to be dominated by virginile, young and mid-aged generative specimen. By the 25th year of agricultural phytocoenoses development the vitality of the agropopulations decreased on the coal mining spoils, composed of both Quaternary and Permian sediments. The study showed for the first time that meadow fescue is a species with good potential to restore vegetation cover in the areas disturbed by the open coal mining

    Biogeocenosis development during initial revegetation of a coal combustion ash dump

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    The initial stage of biogeocenoses development on the coal ash dump produced by the thermal power staton in Novosibirsk (55.000, 83.068), Russia, were studied after 9 years of spontaneous revegetation. Soil properties, soil cover and plant communities were examined in detail. The predominating types of embryozems and transition from open to succession plant communities were described. Soil substrate moisture content was found to determine changes in plant species composition, projective cover and abundance, altogether causing asynchronicity of soil formation in different sites

    Biogeocenosis development during initial revegetation of a coal combustion ash dump

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    The initial stage of biogeocenoses development on the coal ash dump produced by the thermal power staton in Novosibirsk (55.000, 83.068), Russia, were studied after 9 years of spontaneous revegetation. Soil properties, soil cover and plant communities were examined in detail. The predominating types of embryozems and transition from open to succession plant communities were described. Soil substrate moisture content was found to determine changes in plant species composition, projective cover and abundance, altogether causing asynchronicity of soil formation in different sites

    Species composition dynamics in successive plant assemblages on the northern slopes of the coal mining spoils in the arid areas of Khakassia

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    The results of the study of the species composition dynamics in successive plant communities developing on the northern slopes of the coal mining spoils dating back to the 70s, 80s, 90s and 2000s years in the arid areas of Khakassia, are presented for the first time. During the first 10-15 years of revegetation there was an increase in taxonomic diversity in the successive plant assemblages. Endemic species of the Fabaceae family, common for the bunch grasses steppes and stony steppes of Khakassia, were not found on the northern spoil slopes. Mesoxerophytes were the most abundant ecological group. Drastic increase in the complexity of the successive plant assemblages in the arid areas of Khakassia was found to take place after 25-30 years of revegetation

    Species composition dynamics in successive plant assemblages on the northern slopes of the coal mining spoils in the arid areas of Khakassia

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    The results of the study of the species composition dynamics in successive plant communities developing on the northern slopes of the coal mining spoils dating back to the 70s, 80s, 90s and 2000s years in the arid areas of Khakassia, are presented for the first time. During the first 10-15 years of revegetation there was an increase in taxonomic diversity in the successive plant assemblages. Endemic species of the Fabaceae family, common for the bunch grasses steppes and stony steppes of Khakassia, were not found on the northern spoil slopes. Mesoxerophytes were the most abundant ecological group. Drastic increase in the complexity of the successive plant assemblages in the arid areas of Khakassia was found to take place after 25-30 years of revegetation


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    Introduction. Primary hyperaldosteronism as a cause of secondary arterial hypertension ranges from 4.6 to 13.0%, and among patients with refractory hypertension to medication therapy is about 20%. Meanwhile, its detectability among patients with arterial hypertension in centers of primary health care is from 6 to 13%, and in secondary care centers – from 23 to 30%. The high frequency of life-threatening cardiovascular complications dictates the need for early and timely diagnosis of primary hyperaldosteronism in the stages of the primary and secondary units of medical care. In addition, studies conducted in German and Italian hospitals among general practitioners showed a low level of knowledge about primary hyperaldosteronism. Objective. To promote the knowledge of general practitioners about clinical symptoms and clinical features of primary hyperaldosteronism. Results. Therefore, the main task of the work is the systematization and dissemination of knowledge for general practitioners about the symptoms and peculiarities of the clinical course of primary hyperaldosteronism. Such signs as an inadequate response to hypotensive therapy of a combination of three drugs, a manifestation of arterial hypertension under the age of 30, a rapid increase in blood pressure even in the elderly and/or the loss of efficacy of antihypertensive therapy, apnea in dream are distinguished in its non-specific clinical picture, without indicating priority. In the literature, there are recommendations to separate classical and secondary clinical manifestations. Classical include arterial hypertension, hypokalemia, hypervolemia, metabolic alkalosis, and minor ones such as headache, retinopathy, neuromuscular symptoms (paresthesia’s, convulsions, general weakness), carbohydrate metabolism disorders, arrhythmias, early onset of hypertrophy and fibrosis of the heart muscle and smooth muscle vessels, hypokalemia and moderate hypernatremia. Conclusions. In the clinical course of the disease, the cardiovascular, neuromuscular, renal and metabolic syndromes are distinguished, or in combination of several of them, in each particular case, the primary hyperaldosteronism may appeared (or manifested)