52 research outputs found

    Detection of Potential Problematic Cytb Gene Sequences of Fishes in GenBank

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    Fishes are, by far, the most diverse group of vertebrates. Their classification relies heavily on morphology. In practice, the correct morphological identification of species often depends on personal experience because many species vary in their body shape, color and other external characters. Thus, the identification of a species may be prone to errors. Due to the rapid development of molecular biology, the number of sequences of fishes deposited in GenBank has grown explosively. These published data likely contain errors owing to invalid or incorrectly identified species. The erroneous data can lead to downstream problems. Thus, it is critical that such errors get identified and corrected. A strategy based on DNA barcoding can detect potentially erroneous data, especially when intraspecific K2P variation exceeds interspecific K2P divergence. Analyses of the most used DNA marker for fishes (mitochondrial Cytb) discovers that intraspecific differences of fishes are generally less than 1%, while interspecific differences are generally higher than 10%. Based on this ruler, our analyses identify 1,303 potential problematic Cytb sequences of fishes in GenBank and point to taxonomic problems, errors in identification, genetic introgression and other concerns. Care must be taken to avoid the perpetuation of errors when using these available data

    Decomposition Analysis of Factors Affecting Changes in Industrial Wastewater Emission Intensity in China: Based on a SSBM-GMI Approach

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    This paper investigated the factors driving the changes in industrial wastewater emission intensity (IWEI) across provinces in China. To do this, we proposed a Super-efficiency Slacks-based Measure-Global Malmquist Index (SSBM-GMI) to decompose the change in IWEI into the effects from efficiency change (ECE), technological change (TCE), capital⁻wastewater substitution (KWE) and labor⁻wastewater substitution (LWE). The method was applied to conduct an empirical study using Chinese provincial data from 2003⁻2015. The main findings include the following: firstly, TCE was the dominant driving force behind the reduction in IWEI with an average annual contribution of −6.4% at the national level, followed by KWE (−5.3%), LWE (−1.8%) and ECE (1.2%). Secondly, significant differences exist in the driving factors behind the reduction in IWEI across regions. The reduction in IWEIs in the Northeast area and the Great Northwest area was mainly driven by productivity growth, while the reduction in IWEIs in the other areas was mainly driven by factor substitution. Thirdly, the shortage of KWE and LWE has impeded IWEI reduction in the Great Northwest area, the Middle Reaches of the Yellow River, the Northeast area and the North area. Finally, some particular policy implications were also recommended for reducing industrial wastewater emission in China

    Translation and validation of the Chinese version of Palliative Care Self-Efficacy Scale

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    Objectives. Accurately assessing the self-efficacy levels of palliative care professionals’ is crucial, as low levels of self-efficacy may contribute to the suboptimal provision of palliative care. However, there is currently lacking a reliable and valid instrument for evaluating the self-efficacy of palliative care practitioners in China. Therefore, this study aimed to translate, adapt, and validate the Palliative Care Self-Efficacy Scale (PCSS) among Chinese palliative care professionals