3 research outputs found

    Interactive Annotation of 3D Object Geometry using 2D Scribbles

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    Inferring detailed 3D geometry of the scene is crucial for robotics applications, simulation, and 3D content creation. However, such information is hard to obtain, and thus very few datasets support it. In this paper, we propose an interactive framework for annotating 3D object geometry from both point cloud data and RGB imagery. The key idea behind our approach is to exploit strong priors that humans have about the 3D world in order to interactively annotate complete 3D shapes. Our framework targets naive users without artistic or graphics expertise. We introduce two simple-to-use interaction modules. First, we make an automatic guess of the 3D shape and allow the user to provide feedback about large errors by drawing scribbles in desired 2D views. Next, we aim to correct minor errors, in which users drag and drop mesh vertices, assisted by a neural interactive module implemented as a Graph Convolutional Network. Experimentally, we show that only a few user interactions are needed to produce good quality 3D shapes on popular benchmarks such as ShapeNet, Pix3D and ScanNet. We implement our framework as a web service and conduct a user study, where we show that user annotated data using our method effectively facilitates real-world learning tasks. Web service: http://www.cs.toronto.edu/~shenti11/scribble3d.Comment: Accepted to ECCV 202

    Extracting Triangular 3D Models, Materials, and Lighting From Images

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    We present an efficient method for joint optimization of topology, materials and lighting from multi-view image observations. Unlike recent multi-view reconstruction approaches, which typically produce entangled 3D representations encoded in neural networks, we output triangle meshes with spatially-varying materials and environment lighting that can be deployed in any traditional graphics engine unmodified. We leverage recent work in differentiable rendering, coordinate-based networks to compactly represent volumetric texturing, alongside differentiable marching tetrahedrons to enable gradient-based optimization directly on the surface mesh. Finally, we introduce a differentiable formulation of the split sum approximation of environment lighting to efficiently recover all-frequency lighting. Experiments show our extracted models used in advanced scene editing, material decomposition, and high quality view interpolation, all running at interactive rates in triangle-based renderers (rasterizers and path tracers). Project website: https://nvlabs.github.io/nvdiffrec/ .Comment: Project website: https://nvlabs.github.io/nvdiffrec

    Zeus: A System Description of the Two-Time Winner of the Collegiate SAE AutoDrive Competition

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    The SAE AutoDrive Challenge is a three-year collegiate competition to develop a self-driving car by 2020. The second year of the competition was held in June 2019 at MCity, a mock town built for self-driving car testing at the University of Michigan. Teams were required to autonomously navigate a series of intersections while handling pedestrians, traffic lights, and traffic signs. Zeus is aUToronto's winning entry in the AutoDrive Challenge. This article describes the system design and development of Zeus as well as many of the lessons learned along the way. This includes details on the team's organizational structure, sensor suite, software components, and performance at the Year 2 competition. With a team of mostly undergraduates and minimal resources, aUToronto has made progress towards a functioning self-driving vehicle, in just two years. This article may prove valuable to researchers looking to develop their own self-driving platform.Comment: Submitted to the Journal of Field Robotic