845 research outputs found

    Adaptive low rank and sparse decomposition of video using compressive sensing

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    We address the problem of reconstructing and analyzing surveillance videos using compressive sensing. We develop a new method that performs video reconstruction by low rank and sparse decomposition adaptively. Background subtraction becomes part of the reconstruction. In our method, a background model is used in which the background is learned adaptively as the compressive measurements are processed. The adaptive method has low latency, and is more robust than previous methods. We will present experimental results to demonstrate the advantages of the proposed method.Comment: Accepted ICIP 201

    Tidal Stripping of a White Dwarf by an Intermediate-Mass Black Hole

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    During the inspiralling of a white dwarf (WD) into an intermediate-mass black hole (~ 10^{2-5} M_sun), both gravitational waves (GWs) and electromagnetic (EM) radiation are emitted. Once the eccentric orbit's pericenter radius approaches the tidal radius, the WD would be tidally stripped upon each pericenter passage. The accretion of these stripped mass would produce EM radiation. It is suspected that the recently discovered new types of transients, namely the quasi-periodic eruptions and the fast ultraluminous X-ray bursts, might originate from such systems. Modeling these flares requires a prediction of the amount of stripped mass from the WD and the details of the mass supply to the accretion disk. We run hydrodynamical simulations to study the orbital parameter dependence of the stripped mass. We find that our results match the analytical estimate that the stripped mass is proportional to z^{5/2}, where z is the excess depth by which the WD overfills its instantaneous Roche lobe at the pericenter. The corresponding fallback rate of the stripped mass is calculated, which may be useful in interpreting the individual flaring light curve in candidate EM sources. We further calculate the long-term mass-loss evolution of a WD during its inspiral and the detectability of the GW and EM signals. The EM signal from the mass-loss stage can be easily detected: the limiting distance is ~ 320(M_h/10^4 M_sun) Mpc for Einstein Probe. The GW signal, for the space-borne detectors such as Laser Interferometer Space Antenna or TianQin, can be detected only within the Local Supercluster (~ 33 Mpc).Comment: 18 pages, 13 figures, Accepted for publication in Ap

    1-{(1Z)-1-[6-(4-Chloro­phen­oxy)hex­y­l­oxy]-1-(2,4-difluoro­phen­yl)prop-1-en-2-yl}-1H-1,2,4-triazol-4-ium nitrate

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    In the title compound, C23H25ClF2N3O2 +·NO3 −, the triazole ring makes dihedral angles of 60.9 (4) and 25.0 (3)° with the 6-chloro­phenyl and 2,4-difluoro­phenyl rings, respectively. The mol­ecule adopts a Z configuration about the C=C double bond. In the crystal, the cations and anions are linked by N—H⋯O hydrogen bonds and weak C—H⋯O inter­actions

    Reconsideration of Second Harmonic Generation from neat Air/Water Interface: Broken of Kleinman Symmetry from Dipolar Contribution

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    It has been generally accepted that there are significant quadrupolar and bulk contributions to the second harmonic generation (SHG) reflected from the neat air/water interface, as well as common liquid interfaces. Because there has been no general methodology to determine the quadrupolar and bulk contributions to the SHG signal from a liquid interface, this conclusion was reached based on the following two experimental phenomena. Namely, the broken of the macroscopic Kleinman symmetry, and the significant temperature dependence of the SHG signal from the neat air/water interface. However, because sum frequency generation vibrational spectroscopy (SFG-VS) measurement of the neat air/water interface observed no apparent temperature dependence, the temperature dependence in the SHG measurement has been reexamined and proven to be an experimental artifact. Here we present a complete microscopic analysis of the susceptibility tensors of the air/water interface, and show that dipolar contribution alone can be used to address the issue of broken of the macroscopic Kleinman symmetry at the neat air/water interface. Using this analysis, the orientation of the water molecules at the interface can be obtained, and it is consistent with the measurement from SFG-VS. Therefore, the key rationales to conclude significantly quadrupolar and bulk contributions to the SHG signal of the neat air/water interface can no longer be considered as valid as before. This new understanding of the air/water interface can shed light on our understanding of the nonlinear optical responses from other molecular interfaces as well

    Shadow-Aware Dynamic Convolution for Shadow Removal

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    With a wide range of shadows in many collected images, shadow removal has aroused increasing attention since uncontaminated images are of vital importance for many downstream multimedia tasks. Current methods consider the same convolution operations for both shadow and non-shadow regions while ignoring the large gap between the color mappings for the shadow region and the non-shadow region, leading to poor quality of reconstructed images and a heavy computation burden. To solve this problem, this paper introduces a novel plug-and-play Shadow-Aware Dynamic Convolution (SADC) module to decouple the interdependence between the shadow region and the non-shadow region. Inspired by the fact that the color mapping of the non-shadow region is easier to learn, our SADC processes the non-shadow region with a lightweight convolution module in a computationally cheap manner and recovers the shadow region with a more complicated convolution module to ensure the quality of image reconstruction. Given that the non-shadow region often contains more background color information, we further develop a novel intra-convolution distillation loss to strengthen the information flow from the non-shadow region to the shadow region. Extensive experiments on the ISTD and SRD datasets show our method achieves better performance in shadow removal over many state-of-the-arts. Our code is available at https://github.com/xuyimin0926/SADC